AGO Founders bio info for Person Pages

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I recently send the following email to "info@" the American Guild of Organists' head office:

I'm not sure to whom to address this inquiry, but here goes:

I am an editor of the database, and an admirer of the AGO Founders Hymnal. The other day I was researching the works of Edward Morris Bowman, 1848-1913, who turns out to have been a Founder of the AGO, and I noticed that the Hymnal has a much more in-depth bio of Bowman than the Hymnary database has. This is, I think, true of many of the Founders. And it occurred to me that it would be a wonderful gift to their memories, as well as incidentally to the users of the database, if the biographical information collected in the back section of the AGO Founders Hymnal were made available on their individual "Person Pages" at Hymnary. So I'm requesting permission to copy these informative paragraphs, with attribution, into the appropriate places in the Hymnary database.

and I received the following from Phylicia Ross at the AGO:

Hi Leland, 

We would be happy to give permission to copy our biographic information in the back of the AGO Founders Hymnal. We require that the footnotes for each biographical sketch be included with each entry, as well as the phrase "From the AGO Founders Hymnal" and "Copyright 2009 by the American Guild of Organists. Reprinted by permission." Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Phylicia Ross


Phylicia Ross
Member Engagement and Chapter Support Manager

Unless there is an objection from on high (or a volunteer to devote full time to it), I will (gradually) do this. I will leave whatever is already there intact, unless it is completely identical to or derivative from the AGO Founders Hymnal's information.

Leland aka Haruo