Hymnary.org strategic planning

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A strategic plan was prepared for Hymnary.org in 2013, intended to last until 2020. We tried most of the things in the plan; some succeeded, some failed. It’s time for a new plan, and the process is under way. 

What do you think Hymnary.org should be like in 2027? Should there be any changes or additions other than adding more of everything? Should there be any new directions? I hope to put occasional questions to you, Hymnary.org users, for your input and advice. 

The most fundamental part of the strategic plan is the mission statement. It articulates what we are trying to accomplish. This proposed mission statement is only a slight revision of the 2013 mission statement. Do you have any feedback or suggestions on this proposed mission? Things we ought to add or remove? This mission statement will drive everything we at Hymnary.org for the next several years, so it’s worth some careful thought. 

The mission of Hymnary.org is to provide comprehensive information on and resources for the use of hymns and hymnals for worship leaders, scholars, and others. It should support researchers with an index of hymnals that is as comprehensive as possible, scholarly information on hymns and hymnals, and search tools that enable them to find the information they need. It should support worship leaders with easy ways to select hymns for worship services, resources for use in worship, and technologies needed for using hymns and hymnals in and out of worship services. It should support other interested individuals with easy ways to find hymns, resources for their use, and interesting information about the hymns. Hymnary.org should have a financial model that ensures long-term viability as a non-profit project. 





Maybe you could create a dropdown menu where you can pick from various languages? Because it would be nice to one that categorizes an author's hymns based on language. The Default would be "All hymns" and then categories such as "English" and "Spanish".