The Zion Songster: a Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Generally Sung at Camp and Prayer Meetings, and in Revivals or Religion (95th ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201Great Redeemer, friend of sinnersPage Scan
202Prest my soul with future prospectPage Scan
203The final trump we soon shall hearPage Scan
204My soul is full of glory, inspiring my tonguePage Scan
205Day of Judgment, day of wonders!Page Scan
206See th'eternal Judge descendingPage Scan
207Yonder see the Lord descending!Page Scan
208Christian soldiers, shout while praisingPage Scan
209Lo! we see the sign appearingPage Scan
210One night, as I lay musingPage Scan
211Why shrinks my weak nature? ah! what can it mean?Page Scan
212Oh Jesus, the donor of all we enjoyPage Scan
213Before Elisha's gatePage Scan
214The trumpet of God is sounding abroadPage Scan
215Farewell, dear friends, I must be gonePage Scan
216Lord, dismiss us with thy blessingPage Scan
217Jesus, grant us all a blessingPage Scan
218Farewell, my dear brethren, belov'd of the LordPage Scan
219Farewell, my brethren in the LordPage Scan
220Heralds of the King of kingsPage Scan
221My brethren, from my heart belovedPage Scan
222I'm on my way to CanaanPage Scan
223Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly DovePage Scan
224Thou sweet gliding Cedron, by thy silver streamPage Scan
225Jesus, at thy commandPage Scan
226Ye saints, attend the Saviour's voicePage Scan
227With joy let each afflicted saintPage Scan
228In God let all his saints rejoicePage Scan
229Jesus! my pattern and my guidePage Scan
230Come, O my heart, and let us takePage Scan
231Behold a stranger at the doorPage Scan
232Oh! give me, Lord, my sins to mournPage Scan
233Prayer is the soul's sincere desirePage Scan
234O God, my heart with love inflamePage Scan
235Come listening angels attend while I singPage Scan
236Come brethren and sisters that love our dear LordPage Scan
237O Zion, afflicted with wave upon wavePage Scan
238Rejoice, my friends, the Lord is KingPage Scan
239The people called Christians, how many things they tellPage Scan
240Sweet to rejoice in lively hopePage Scan
241O may I worthy prove to seePage Scan
242'Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaintsPage Scan
243The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll in firePage Scan
244When Israel out of Egypt camePage Scan
245In time of tribulationPage Scan
246When weeping Mary came to seekPage Scan
247When toss'd on errour's stormy tidePage Scan
248When pulse beats low and cheeks grow palePage Scan
249When by sin overwhelm'd, shame covers our facePage Scan
250O my Lord! I've often musedPage Scan
251When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streamingPage Scan
252When shall I see the dayPage Scan
253Come and taste along with mePage Scan
254I know that my Redeemer livesPage Scan
255Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)Page Scan
256Enlisted into the cause of sinPage Scan
257Oh how I have long'd for the coming of God!Page Scan
258Oh Jesus, my Saviour! to thee I submitPage Scan
259O Jesus, my Saviour! I know thou art minePage Scan
260Salvation to Jesus, he's Zion's bright King!Page Scan
261I love thee, I love thee, I love thee my LovePage Scan
262The Lord is the fountain of goodness and lovePage Scan
263Awake my soul, in joyful laysPage Scan
264Now in a song of grateful praisePage Scan
265Jesus! and shall it ever bePage Scan
266Glorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
267Hark! don't you hear the Turtle DovePage Scan
268Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimPage Scan
269Oh who will come and go with me?Page Scan
270Let us love, and sing, and wonderPage Scan
271Come friends and relations, let's join heart and handPage Scan
272Come, all who have mercy through Jesus obtain'dPage Scan
273Hail! sov'reign love, that first beganPage Scan
274The voice of free gracePage Scan
275All hail the power of Jesus's namePage Scan
276Jesus came into the worldPage Scan
277My soul doth in Jesus rejoicePage Scan
278Hark! the heralds of salvationPage Scan
279Lo! he cometh! countless trumpetsPage Scan
280Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
281What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul!Page Scan
282Hark! the song of jubileePage Scan
283Saviour, when in dust, to theePage Scan
284Oh, thou, by long experience triedPage Scan
285"I love the Lord," is still the strainPage Scan
286God and his law are my delightPage Scan
287The Lord my Shepherd isPage Scan
288Children of God, renounce your fearsPage Scan
289In what confusion earth appears!Page Scan
290The billows swell, the winds are highPage Scan
291They who trust in Christ the SaviourPage Scan
292Jesus, I love thy charming namePage Scan
293To keep the lamp alivePage Scan
294Oft as the leper's case I readPage Scan
295From the regions of lovePage Scan
296When marshall'd on the nightly plainPage Scan
297Who is this that comes from Edom?Page Scan
298From gloomy dejection my thoughts mount the skyPage Scan
299Go forth into the wildernessPage Scan
300Almighty love inspirePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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