The Wesleyan Methodist Hymnal: Designed for Use in the Wesleyan Methodist Connection (or Church) of America

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
298I long to behold him arrayedWARNERPage Scan
299We would see Jesus—for the shadows lengthenRAYNOLDSPage Scan
300Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mineENON'S ISLEPage Scan
301What now is my object and aim?VERNONPage Scan
302My days are gliding swiftly bySHINING SHOREPage Scan
303Take time to be holyTAKE TIME TO BE HOLYPage Scan
304Walk in the light! so shalt thou knowOAKSVILLEPage Scan
305Leader of faithful souls, and GuideRAKEMPage Scan
306aGuide me, O thou great JehovahSEGURPage Scan
306bGuide me, O thou great JehovahZIONPage Scan
307O Sun of Righteousness, ariseWINGATEPage Scan
308I thank thee, uncreated SunMONMOUTHPage Scan
309Jesus, I my cross have takenAUTUMNPage Scan
310Lord, I am thine, entirely thineSESSIONSPage Scan
311Jesus, our best beloved FriendPEARCEPage Scan
312O love, thy sov'reign aid impartEVENTIDEPage Scan
313And did my Lord on earth endureSIMSPage Scan
314More love to thee, O ChristMORE LOVE TO THEEPage Scan
315Lord, in the strength of graceMARSHALLPage Scan
316O Jesus, delight of my soul!DELIGHTPage Scan
317I gave My life for theeBLISSPage Scan
318Jesus, my strength, my hopePASTOR BONUSPage Scan
319Father, Son, and Holy GhostNUREMBERGPage Scan
320Let worldly minds the world pursueWOODLANDPage Scan
321How vain are all things here belowCOVENTRYPage Scan
322Let him to whom we now belongMOUNT AUBURNPage Scan
323My gracious Lord, I own thy rightEBEYPage Scan
324Vain, delusive world, adieuSEPARATIONPage Scan
325O who'll stand up for JesusCONSECRATIONPage Scan
326All for Jesus, all for JesusALL FOR JESUSPage Scan
327Jesus, and shall it ever beFEDERAL STREETPage Scan
328Master, I own thy lawful claimYOAKLEYPage Scan
329O God, what off'ring shall I giveNEWCOURTPage Scan
330Take my life, and let it beHENDONPage Scan
331Lord, keep my inmost heartONLY FOR THEEPage Scan
332We may spread our couch with rosesROYAL WAYPage Scan
333He wills that I should holy beHAMBURGPage Scan
334O that my load of sin were goneINVITATION HYMNPage Scan
335O God, most merciful and trueGLEN ELLYNPage Scan
336What is our calling's glorious hopeDEANPage Scan
337O for a heart to praise my GodEXHORTATIONPage Scan
338If thou impart thyself to meCHELMSFORDPage Scan
339Jesus, thine all victorious loveAVONPage Scan
340Forever here my rest shall beAVONPage Scan
341Come, O thou Traveler unknownWRESTLING JACOBPage Scan
342Yield to me now, for I am weakWRESTLING JACOBPage Scan
343The Sun of Righteousness on meWRESTLING JACOBPage Scan
344Thou hidden love of God, whose heightST. CHRYSOSTOMPage Scan
345Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fireST. CHRYSOSTOMPage Scan
346O joyful sound of gospel grace!QUIETUDEPage Scan
347Ye ransomed sinners, hearCARMARTHENPage Scan
348Lord, I believe a rest remainsWOODLANDPage Scan
349Come, O my God, the promise sealREMSENPage Scan
350Jesus hath died that I might liveHOWARDPage Scan
351Jesus, the sinner's rest thou artEVANPage Scan
352Ye who know your sins forgivenPENTECOSTPage Scan
353O for a heart that is whiter than snow!WHITER THAN SNOWPage Scan
354O Jesus, full of truth and graceBROOKFIELDPage Scan
355All glory to Jesus be giv'nMIGHTY TO SAVEPage Scan
356O this uttermost salvationIT REACHES MEPage Scan
357Jesus, in whom the Godhead's raysROTHWELLPage Scan
358O thou, who hast at thy commandSHIRLEYPage Scan
359Come, Savior, Jesus, from aboveANDREPage Scan
360Humble, and teachable, and mildJEFFERSONPage Scan
361God of all pow'r and truth and graceAMESPage Scan
362All things are possible to himNASHVILLEPage Scan
363Holy and true and righteous LordDUKE STREETPage Scan
364O thou, to whose all searching sightHOLY CROSSPage Scan
365Thy loving Spirit, Lord, aloneMIGDOLPage Scan
366I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of GodSESSIONSPage Scan
367From the cross there flows a hallowed streamTHE CLEANSING BLOODPage Scan
368None is like Jeshurun's GodAMSTERDAMPage Scan
369Had I the gift of tonguesGREENWOODPage Scan
370The thing my God doth hateOWENPage Scan
371O come, and dwell in meGUARDIANPage Scan
372Jesus, my life, thyself applyLAMBETHPage Scan
373Lord of mercy, and of mightSEYMOURPage Scan
374Come, O thou universal goodHAYDNPage Scan
375Jesus, plant and root in meALBIONPage Scan
376O love divine, how sweet thou art!BREMENPage Scan
377Savior of the sin-sick soulHORTONPage Scan
378O glorious hope of perfect love!GLORIOUS HOPEPage Scan
379I would be thine; O take my heartEVANPage Scan
380Jesus comes with all his graceFERRIERPage Scan
381I know that my Redeemer livesBRADFORDPage Scan
382O Sun of Righteousness, ariseCHIMESPage Scan
383Love divine, all loves excellingLOVE DIVINEPage Scan
384I am dwelling on the mountainREQUAPage Scan
385Though eighteen hundred years are pastDESIREPage Scan
386When, my Savior, shall I beHOLLYPage Scan
387Truehearted, wholehearted, faithful and loyalTRUE-HEARTED, WHOLE-HEARTEDPage Scan
388Blow ye the trumpet, blowLENOXPage Scan
389Lab'rers of Christ, ariseLEIGHTONPage Scan
390Work, for the night is comingWORK SONGPage Scan
391Workman of God, O lose not heartHUMMELPage Scan
392O it is hard to work for GodROMBERGPage Scan
393Awake my soul, stretch ev'ry nerveCHRISTMASPage Scan
394Behold, I come with joy to doWILLOW-DALEPage Scan
395Lord, speak to me that I may speakSNYDERPage Scan
396Go forward, is the great commandFORWARDPage Scan

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