Worship and Rejoice

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
301"Man of Sorrows" what a nameHALLELUJAH! WHAT A SAVIORTextScorePage ScanAudio
302I serve a risen Savior, he's in the world todayACKLEY
303In the Lord Rejoicing! (Jubilate Deo)[In the Lord rejoicing]Page Scan
304Shout for joy, loud and longPERSONENT HODIETextPage Scan
305He is Lord, he is Lord![He is Lord, he is Lord]TextPage Scan
306Alleluia! Jesus is risen!EARTH AND ALL STARSPage Scan
307Good Christians all, rejoice and sing!GELOBT SEI GOTTTextScorePage ScanAudio
308This joyful EastertideVRUECHTENTextScorePage ScanAudio
309Christ the Lord is risen!GARUTextScorePage ScanAudio
310Thine is the gloryJUDAS MACCABEUSTextScorePage ScanAudio
311Now the green blade rises from the buried grainNOËL NOUVELETPage Scan
312Christ is alive! Let Christians singTRUROTextScorePage ScanAudio
313O sons and daughters, let us sing!O FILII ET FILIAETextScorePage ScanAudio
314Hear the bells ringing, they're singing[Hear the bells ringing, they're singing]
315Worthy is Christ, the Lamb who was slainFESTIVAL CANTICLEPage Scan
316Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, AlleluiaALLELUIAPage Scan
317Crown him with many crownsDIADEMATATextScorePage ScanAudio
318Jesus comes with clouds descendingREGENT SQUARETextScorePage ScanAudio
319Lord, the light of your love is shining[Lord, the light of your love is shining]
320Alleluia, sing to Jesus!HYFRYDOLTextScorePage ScanAudio
321At the name of JesusKING'S WESTONTextPage Scan
322A hymn of glory let us sing!LASST UNS ERFREUENPage Scan
323Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia!LLANFAIRTextScorePage ScanAudio
324Christ high-ascended, now in glory seatedCHRISTE SANCTORUMTextScorePage ScanAudio
325Come, Holy Spirit, our souls inspireVENI CREATOR SPIRITUSText
326You moved on the waters[Spirit, spirit of gentleness]Page Scan
327Like the murmur of the dove's songBRIDEGROOMTextScorePage ScanAudio
328O Breath of Life, come sweeping through usSPIRITUS VITAETextScorePage ScanAudio
329Come, O Spirit, dwell among usJUBILEETextScorePage ScanAudio
330Come down, O Love divineDOWN AMPNEYTextScorePage ScanAudio
331Filled with the Spirit's power, with one accordSHELDONIANTextScorePage ScanAudio
332Let every Christian prayLAUDES DOMINITextScorePage ScanAudio
333Wind who makes all winds that blowABERYSTWYTHPage Scan
334On Pentecost they gatheredMUNICHPage Scan
335Christ the eternal LordDIADEMATATextScorePage ScanAudio
336Christ triumphant, ever reigningGUITING POWERTextScorePage ScanAudio
337We will glorify the King of kings[We will glorify the King of kings]
338King of kings and Lord of lords, glory, hallelujah![King of kings and Lord of Lords]
339The head that once was crowned with thornsST. MAGNUSTextScorePage ScanAudio
340Crown Him King of kings[Crown Him King of kings]
341Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREETTextScorePage ScanAudio
342Rejoice, the Lord is King!DARWALL'S 148thTextScorePage ScanAudio
343Take me, mold me, use me[Take me, mold me, use me]
344I have decided to follow JesusASSAMTextScorePage ScanAudio
345Jesus calls us o'er the tumultGALILEETextScorePage ScanAudio
346O come to me, the Master saidKINGSFOLDTextScorePage ScanAudio
347Lord, you have come to the lakeshore (Tú has venido a la orilla)PESCADOR DE HOMBRES
348Softly and tenderly Jesus is callingTHOMPSONTextScorePage ScanAudio
349Seek ye first the kingdom of God[Seek ye first the Kingdom of God]
350Will you come and follow meKELVINGROVE
351"Take up your cross," the Savior saidDISTRESSTextScorePage ScanAudio
352O let the son of God enfold you[O let the Son of God enfold you]
353Marvelous grace of our loving LordMOODYTextScorePage ScanAudio
354Just as I am, without one pleaWOODWORTHTextScorePage ScanAudio
355This is a day of new beginningsBEGINNINGSTextScorePage ScanAudio
356I will sing of my RedeemerHYFRYDOLTextScorePage ScanAudio
357All I once held dear, built my life upon[All I once held dear, built my life upon]
358Love divine, all loves excellingBEECHERTextScorePage ScanAudio
359Give thanks with a grateful heart[Give thanks with a grateful heart]
360Let the weak say "I am strong"[Let the weak say "I am strong"]
361Jesus, your name is power[Jesus, your Name is power]
362Wonderful grace of JesusWONDERFUL GRACETextScorePage ScanAudio
363How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me?[How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me]
364Woman in the nightNEW DISCIPLESTextPage Scan
365Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord[Thank you, Lord]TextScorePage ScanAudio
366And can in tbe that I should gainSAGINATextScorePage ScanAudio
367Now let us learn of ChristPARKSTONETextScorePage ScanAudio
368O happy day that fixed my choiceHAPPY DAYTextScorePage ScanAudio
369Christ is God's never changing 'Yes!'LINSTEADTextScorePage ScanAudio
370Merciful God and Father[Merciful God and Father]
371Our Father, we have wanderedPASSION CHORALE
372I then shall live as one who's been forgivenFINLANDIA
373Change my heart, O God[Change my heart, O God]
374Purify my heart, let me be as gold and precious silver[Purify my heart]
375Lord, have mercy[Lord have mercy]
376How long, O Lord, will you forget[How long, O Lord, will you forget]Text
377Kyrie eleison (O Lord, have mercy) (Oré poriajú verekó)[Kyrie eleison]
378Create in me a clean heart, O GodSARADAYTextScorePage ScanAudio
379Kyrie eleison (Lord, have mercy)[Lord have mercy]TextPage Scan
380Cast thy burden upon the Lord[Cast thy burden upon the Lord]TextScorePage ScanAudio
381Restore in us, O GodST. MICHAELTextScorePage ScanAudio
382"Forgive our sins as we forgive"DETROITPage Scan
383If my people's hearts are humbledPLEADING SAVIOR
384Rock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADYTextScorePage ScanAudio
385Search me, O God, and know my heart todayELLERSTextScorePage ScanAudio
386Lord Jesus, think on meSOUTHWELLTextScorePage ScanAudio
387The Lord is in his holy templeQUAM DILECTATextScorePage ScanAudio
388O God in whom all life beginsNOELTextScorePage ScanAudio
389Put peace into each other's handsST. COLUMBATextScorePage ScanAudio
390Come, we that love the LordMARCHING TO ZIONTextScorePage ScanAudio
391Will you let me be your servant[Will you let me be your servant]
392The fig tree is budding, the vine bearing fruitCLAYPage Scan
393Blest be the tie that bindsDENNISTextScorePage ScanAudio
394God of all time, all seasons of our livingSTRENGTH AND STAYTextScorePage ScanAudio
395We are one in the bond of love[We are one in the bond of Christ]Page Scan
396Where the Spirit of the Lord is[Where the Spirit of the Lord is]Page Scan
397Though I may speak with bravest fireGIFT OF LOVETextScorePage ScanAudio
398O the deep, deep love of JesusEBENEZERTextScorePage ScanAudio
399Ubi caritas et amor (Where true charity and love abide)[Where true charity and love abide]Page Scan
400Not for tongues of heaven's angelsBRIDEGROOMTextScorePage ScanAudio

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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