The Welcome: a collection of songs, hymns, chants, anthems and choruses,for the Sabbath school and home sircle

Editor: J. M. Kieffer
Publisher: S. Brainard's Sons, Cleveland, Oh., 1873
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number. Letters are added to hymns that start on the same page.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
102The unseen land I long to seePage Scan
103Hark to the voice of the master abovePage Scan
104To toil and pray in heathen landsPage Scan
105God sets our feet in thorny pathsPage Scan
106the world above is not like thisPage Scan
107Beyond the dark river of deathPage Scan
108What glory is thine, O, thou city of GodPage Scan
109My Father and my God, O set this [my] spirit freePage Scan
110Jesus, lead the way, So we shall not strayPage Scan
111Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the crossPage Scan
112Today let your light shinePage Scan
113Jesus is calling me, Come unto mePage Scan
114Speak gently to the erringPage Scan
115Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] flyPage Scan
116There's a home far away from this worldPage Scan
117Must Jesus bear the cross alonePage Scan
119There is no little child too small To work for GodPage Scan
120Ho reapers of life's harvest why stand with rested bladePage Scan
121Youth is the most accepted timePage Scan
122Give yourself to Jesus whollyPage Scan
123So dark the way, I can not seePage Scan
124There is a place of sacred [waveless] rest, Far, far beyond the skiesPage Scan
125Since thy Father's arm sustains thee, peacefulPage Scan
126Beyond life's toils and caresPage Scan
127Jesus from the courts of gloryPage Scan
128And who is he that bids unfoldPage Scan
130The Lord is my Shepherd and I am his lambPage Scan
131Lord, we come before thee nowPage Scan
132Come to the deep, clear riverPage Scan
133Short our abiding herePage Scan
134They are gone to the land where no sorrowsPage Scan
135When I survey the wondrous crossPage Scan
136There's a beautiful home in the kingdom abovePage Scan
138When the mists have [mist has] rolled in splendorPage Scan
140When shall the voice of singing flowPage Scan
142Another week has passed awayPage Scan
144Go open wide the door, motherPage Scan
145Lord, O teach a little child In thy waysPage Scan
146Far away in the land of the pure and brightPage Scan
147If on a quiet seaPage Scan
148In woodland grove we meet todayPage Scan
149Come, let us lift our joyful eyes Up to the [To heavenly] courts abovePage Scan
150The sun may warm [raise] the grass to life [light]Page Scan
152Bless the Lord, Bless the Lord, O my soulPage Scan
156aCome sound his praise [name] abroad, And hymnsPage Scan
156bPrayer is the soul's [heart's] [saint's] sincere desirePage Scan
157My Shepherd is the gracious LordPage Scan
158aOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy namePage Scan
158bPraise God, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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