Voices United: The Hymn and Worship Book of The United Church of Canada

Committee Chair: Nancy E. Hardy, Leonard Lythgoe
Hymnary.org Indexer: Stephen Benner
Publisher: The United Church Publishing House, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada, 1996
Denomination: The United Church of Canada
Language: English; French; German
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201Come Holy Ghost, our souls inspireVENI CREATOR SPIRITUSText
202O Breath of life, come sweeping through usSPIRITUS VITAEText
203Viens, Créateur, emplis nos âmesSPIRITUS VITAE
204Come, Holy Spirit[Come, Holy Spirit, gracious heavenly dove]Text
205Like the murmur of the dove's songBRIDEGROOMTextPage Scan
206Your Spirit, God, works in our weaknessPage Scan
207Spirit of God, unleashed on earthTRURO
208Come, Holy Spirit, from heaven shine forthVENI SANCTE SPIRITUS
209Fire of God, undying flameNUN KOMM
210You, Lord, are both Lamb and ShepherdPARADOX
211Crown him with many crownsDIADEMATAText
212Eternal Christ, you ruleTHROCKMORTONText
213Rejoice, the Lord is King!DARWALLTextPage Scan
214Mighty and tender God, voice of the voicelessPage Scan
215Hope of the world, O Christ of great compasssionDONNE SECOURSTextPage Scan
216Sing praise to God, who reigns aboveMIT FREUDEN ZARTTextPage Scan
217All creatures of our God and King (Vous, créatures du Seigneur)LASST UNS ERFREUEN
218We praise You, O God, our Redeemer, CreatorKREMSERText
219When all your mercies, O my GodST STEPHENText
220Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, who rules all creation (Peuples, criez de joie et bondissez d'allégresse)LOBE DEN HERRENText
221Sing praise to God, who has shaped and sustains all creation!LOBE DEN HERREN
222Come, let us sing to the Lord our songFORNEY
223Eternal, Unchanging, we sing to your praiseST DENIO
224Sing a happy hallelujahSTANSFIELDTextPage Scan
225We praise you for the sunMOUNTPage Scan
226For the beauty of the earthLUCERNA LAUDONIAETextPage Scan
227For the fruit of all creationAR HYD Y NOSTextPage Scan
228Sing praises to God! Sing praise in the heightLAUDATE DOMINUMTextPage Scan
229God of the sparrowROEDER
230Heaven is singing for joyHEAVEN IS SINGING
231I sing the mighty power of GodHAYDNTextPage Scan
232Joyful, joyful, we adore youHYMN TO JOYText
233À mon Dieu, je me confieMONKLANDText
234Let us with a gladsome mindMONKLANDText
235O worship the King, all glorious aboveHANOVERTextPage Scan
236Now thank we all our God (Louons le Créateur)NUN DANKETTextPage Scan
237Let us praise the God of truth (Rendons grâce au Dieu saint) (Ba ni ngyeti Ba Yawe)BA NI NGYETI
238O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder (Dieu tout-puissant, quand mon coeur considère)O STORE GUD
239O Great Spirit, how I long to hear your nameO GREAT SPIRIT
240Praise, my soul, the God of heavenPRAISE, MY SOULText
241Oh, sing to our GodCANTAD AL SEÑOR
242Let all things now livingTHE ASH GROVE
243Praise to God, praise to GodSAKURA
244Sing your praise to God eternalARFON (major)
245Praise the Lord with the sound of trumpetPRAISE THE LORDTune Info
246Shout for God! (Shout for God!)VINK
247Jubilate Deo[Jubilate Deo]Text
248When long before time and the worlds were begunTHE SINGER AND THE SONG
249Rejoice in the Lord alwaysREJOICE IN THE LORDText
250O God of matchless gloryHASTINGS
251God created heaven and earthTOA-SIA
252We come before thee, O Great and HolyVICTORY HYMN
253Sing your joy, proclaim God's glory!SUMMIT HILL
254Songs of praise the angels sangCULBACHTextPage Scan
255The living God be praisedLEONITextPage Scan
256O God beyond all praising, we worship you todayTHAXTEDTextPage Scan
257Eternal God, light of the minds that know youPage Scan
258O world of God, so vast and strangeJERUSALEM
259You, O God, are mighty forever
260God, who gives to life its goodnessABBOT'S LEIGH
261C'est un rempart que notre DieuEIN' FESTE BURGText
262A mighty fortress is our GodEIN' FESTE BURGText
263Our God's a fortress firm and sureEIN' FESTE BURG
264Immortal, invisible, God only wiseST DENIOTextPage Scan
265Creating God, your fingers traceCREATIONTextPage Scan
266Amazing grace, how sweet the soundAMAZING GRACE (NEW BRITAIN)TextPage Scan
267Like a mighty river flowingQUEM PASTORES LAUDAVEREText
268Bring many names, beautiful and goodWESTCHASEText
269The care the eagle gives her youngCAMPMEETING
270Dear Mother God, your wings are warm around usHIGHWOODTextPage Scan
271There's a wideness in God's mercyGOTT WILL'S MACHENTextPage ScanAudio
272Open your ears, O faithful peopleYSIRAEL V'ORAITA
273The King of love my shepherd isST COLUMBAText
274Your hand, O God, has guidedTHORNBURYText
275It is not you who shape God
276O God who shaped creationSTOKESAY CASTLE
277God is unique and oneLITTLE CORNARDText
278In the quiet curve of eveningYOU ARE THERE
279You, God, are my firmamentFIRMAMENT
280Mother and God, to you we singMOTHER AND GOD
281Not far beyond the sea nor highCORNWALL
282Long before the night was born from darknessTHIS ANCIENT LOVE
283God is the One whom we seek togetherGODPOINT
284Joyful is the dark, holy, hidden GodCEDARSText
285Il faut qu'en Dieu l'on se confieNEUMARK
286If you will trust in God to guide youNEUMARK
287Wellspring of Wisdom, hear our cryWELLSPRING
288Great is thy faithfulness, God our CreatorFAITHFULNESSTextPage Scan
289It only takes a spark to get a fire goingPASS IT ON
290Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten (Nada te turbe, nada te espante)NADA TE TURBE
291Each little flower that opensROYAL OAKText
292Creating God, we give you thanksWAREHAMTextPage Scan
293Les cieux et la terre célèbrent en chœur (We praise you, Creator, in earth, sea, and skyLYONS
294Clap your hands together all ye people[Clap your hands together all ye people]Text
295The earth and all who breatheICH HALTE TREULICH STILL
296This is God's wondrous worldTERRA BEATATextPage Scan
297All praise to you, O God of all creationFINLANDIA
298When you walk from hereWHEN YOU WALK
299Teach me, God, to wonder, teach me, God, to see (Enseigne-moi, mon Dieu, à voir tes bienfaits)MCNAUGHT
300God, whose farm is all creationSHIPSTON

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