The Virginia Selection of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs: from the most approved authors; adapted to the various occasions of public and social meetings (New Ed. Enl. and Imp.)

Editor: Andrew Broaddus
Publisher: Smith, Drinker & Morris, Richmond, Va., 1842
Denomination: Baptist
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
596Would you win a soul to GodPage Scan
597I the good fight have foughtPage Scan
598Up to thy throne, O God of lovePage Scan
599O help thy servant LordPage Scan
600Rise, gracious God, and shinePage Scan
601Great Sovereign of the earth and skyPage Scan
602Here, in thy name, eternal GodPage Scan
603Great King of glory, comePage Scan
604Great God, with heart and tonguePage Scan
605Bestow, O [dear] Lord, upon our youthPage Scan
606Ye hearts with youthful vigor warmPage Scan
607With humble heart and tongue, my GodPage Scan
608Great God, now condescendPage Scan
609O in the morn of lifePage Scan
610Blest is the man whose heart expandsPage Scan
611From earliest dawn of lifePage Scan
612Affliction is a stormy deepPage Scan
613My times of sorrow and of joy Great God, are inPage Scan
614Not from the dust affliction growsPage Scan
615Naked as from the earth we camePage Scan
616God of my life, look gently downPage Scan
617In thy rebuke, all gracious GodPage Scan
618O thou, before whose gracious thronePage Scan
619Saints at your heavenly Father's wordPage Scan
620How gracious and how wisePage Scan
621The spring great God at thy commandPage Scan
622O thou whose grace and justice reignPage Scan
623Sovereign of life, I [we] own thy handPage Scan
624I will extol thee, Lord, on highPage Scan
625'Tis by thy strength the mountains standPage Scan
626Sweet is the memory of thy gracePage Scan
627In thine own ways, O God of lovePage Scan
628Father of mercies, send thy gracePage Scan
629High on a [the] throne of light, O LordPage Scan
630Blest is the man, whose softening [generous] heartPage Scan
631O God, our Savior, let us wearPage Scan
632Bright source of everlasting lovePage Scan
633Great God, we sing that mighty handPage Scan
634Bless, O Lord, each [the] [this] opening yearPage Scan
635While with ceaseless [careless] course the sunPage Scan
636Sovereign of all the worlds abovePage Scan
637Shine, mighty God, on this our landPage Scan
638Come, let our souls adore the Lord, Whose judgments yet delayPage Scan
639Dread Jehovah, God of nationsPage Scan
640The gathering clouds with aspect darkPage Scan
641Now may the God of [grace and power] power and gracePage Scan
642Zion rejoice and Judah singPage Scan
643Great Ruler of the earth and skiesPage Scan
644Come, thou Desire of all thy saintsPage Scan
645How sweetly flowed the gospel's soundPage Scan
646Come sound his praise [name] abroad, And hymnsPage Scan
647Assist thy servant, LordPage Scan
648O happy is the man [child] who [that] hears instruction's [religion's] [Messiah's] warning voicePage Scan
649Let me but hear my [the] Savior sayPage Scan
650Jesus, thy blessings are not fewPage Scan
651Jesus, we look to theePage Scan
652Blest are the souls that [who] hear and knowPage Scan
653'Tis religion that can give sweetest pleasuresPage Scan
654Of him who did salvation bring I could for ever think and singPage Scan
655Again the Lord of life and lightPage Scan
656Jesus, to thy celestial lightPage Scan
657Lo God is here let us adorePage Scan
658From all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
659I'm not ashamed to own my [the] LordPage Scan
660Let us adore the grace that seeksPage Scan
661Hail, sacred truth, whose piercing raysPage Scan
662Grace, 'tis a sweet, a charming themePage Scan
663Come, ye sinners, come to Jesus; Think upon yourPage Scan
664Blow ye [you] the trumpet, blowPage Scan
665Help thy servant, gracious LordPage Scan
666Draw nigh to us, JehovahPage Scan
667Send thy blessing, Lord, we prayPage Scan
668Come let our voices join to raise a sacred song of solemn praisePage Scan
669The time is short--sinners, bewarePage Scan
670The swift declining dayPage Scan
671And let our bodies partPage Scan
672Blest be the [that] dear uniting lovePage Scan
673Farewell, dear friend [friends], a short farewellPage Scan
674Come Christian brethren ere we partPage Scan
675And now, dear brethren, I bid you farewellPage Scan
676Jesus grant us all a blessingPage Scan
677Prince of peace be ever near mePage Scan
678Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, HelpPage Scan
679Lord, dismiss us with thy blessingPage Scan
680aPraise God, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
680bTo God the Father--God the SonPage Scan
680cLet God the Father, and the SonPage Scan
680dTo Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
680eGive to the Father praisePage Scan
680fYe angels round the thronePage Scan
680gSing we to our God abovePage Scan
680hTo God, the Father's thronePage Scan
681We come, dear Jesus, to thy thronePage Scan
682Ye glittering toys of earth, adieuPage Scan
683Shall wisdom cry aloudPage Scan
684When the first parents of our racePage Scan
685Savior divine, we know Thy namePage Scan
686Blest be the everlasting [eternal] GodPage Scan
687Rise, glorious Sun, supremely brightPage Scan
688Come, Jesus, heavenly teacher, comePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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