The United Methodist Hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
122God of the sparrowROEDERAudio
123El Shaddai, El ShaddaiEL SHADDAIAudio
124Seek the Lord who now is presentGENEVATextAudio
125Your face, Lord, do I seek[Your face, Lord, do I seek]Audio
126Sing praise to God who reigns aboveMIT FREUDEN ZARTTextPage ScanAudio
127Guide me, O thou great JehovahCWM RHONDDATextPage ScanAudio
128He leadeth me; O blessed thoughtHE LEADETH METextPage ScanAudio
129Give to the winds thy fearsFESTAL SONGTextPage ScanAudio
130Be not dismayed whate'er betideMARTINTextPage ScanAudio
131We gather together to ask the Lord's blessingKREMSERTextPage ScanAudio
132All my hope is firmly groundedMICHAELTextAudio
133What a fellowship, what a joy divineSHOWALTERTextPage ScanAudio
134One of these mornings bright and fairO MARYTextAudio
135Be exalted, Lord, in your strength[Be exalted, Lord, in your strength]Audio
136The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not wantCRIMONDTextAudio
137My shepherd is the Lord[My shepherd is the Lord]Audio
137bThe Good Shepherd comes[The Good Shepherd comes that we may have life]
138The King of love my shepherd isST. COLUMBATextPage ScanAudio
139Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creationLOBE DEN HERRENAudio
140Great is thy faithfulness, O God my FatherFAITHFULNESSTextPage ScanAudio
141Children of the heavenly FatherTRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARATextPage ScanAudio
142If thou but suffer God to guide theeWER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTTTextPage ScanAudio
143And God will raise you up on eagle's wingsON EAGLE'S WINGSAudio
144This is my Father's worldTERRA BEATATextPage ScanAudio
145Morning has brokenBUNESSANAudio
146Hail the day on which a child ...,was born
146bLet us pray.
147Each little flower that opensROYAL OAKTextAudio
148Many and great, O God, are thy thingsLACQUIPARLETextAudio
149Cantemos al Señor (Let's sing unto the Lord)ROSASAudio
150God, who stretched the spangled heavensHOLY MANNAAudio
150bGod, who stretched the spangled heavensAUSTRIAText
151God created heaven and earthTOA-SIAAudio
152I sing the almighty power of GodFOREST GREENTextPage ScanAudio
153Thou hidden source of calm reposeST. PETERSBURGTextPage ScanAudio
154All hail the power of Jesus' nameCORONATIONTextPage ScanAudio
155All hail the power of Jesus' nameDIADEMTextPage ScanAudio
156I love to tell the storyHANKEYTextPage ScanAudio
157Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREETTextPage ScanAudio
158Come, Christians, join to singSPANISH HYMNTextAudio
159Come, Christians follow this triumphant signCRUCIFERTextPage ScanAudio
160Rejoice, ye pure in heartMARIONTextPage ScanAudio
161Rejoice, ye pure in heartVINEYARD HAVENTextAudio
162Jesus is Lord of all the earthALLELUIA NO. 1Audio
163Ask ye what great thing I knowHENDONTextPage ScanAudio
164Come, my Way, my Truth, my LifeTHE CALLTextPage ScanAudio
165Man of Sorrows! what a nameHALLELUJAH! WHAT A SAVIORTextPage ScanAudio
166All praise to thee, for thou O King divineSINE NOMINEAudio
166bAll praise to thee, for thou O King divineENGELBERG
167Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus[Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus]Audio
167bAt the name of Jesus every knee shall bow[At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow]Text
168At the name of Jesus every knee shall bowKING'S WESTONTextAudio
169In thee is gladnessIN DIR IST FREUDETextPage ScanAudio
170There is a name I love to hearO HOW I LOVE JESUSTextPage ScanAudio
171Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! There's just something about that nameTHAT NAMEAudio
172My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mineGORDONTextPage ScanAudio
173Christ, whose glory fills the skiesRATISBONTextPage ScanAudio
174His name is wonderfulHIS NAME IS WONDERFULAudio
175Jesus, the very thought of theeST. AGNESTextAudio
176Majesty, worship his majestyMAJESTYAudio
177He is Lord, he is Lord!HE IS LORDTextAudio
178Hope of the world, thou Christ of great compassionVICARTextAudio
179O sing a song of BethlehemKINGSFOLDTextPage ScanAudio
180Jesús es mi Rey soberano (O Jesus, my King and my Sovereign)MI REY Y MI AMIGOAudio
181Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimHANOVERTextPage ScanAudio
182Word of God, come down on earthLIEBSTER JESUAudio
183Jesu, thy boundless love to meTextPage Scan
183bJesu, thy boundless love to meST. CATHERINEText
184Of the Father's love begottenDIVINUM MYSTERIUMTextAudio
185When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINITextAudio
187Rise, shine, you people! Christ the Lord has enteredWOJTKIEWIECZAudio
187bRise, shine, you people! Christ the Lord has enteredCHRISTE SANCTORUM
188Christ is the world's light, Christ and none otherCHRISTE SANCTORUMTextAudio
189Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of all natureST. ELIZABETHTextAudio
190Who is he in yonder stallWHO IS HETextAudio
191Jesus loves me! This I knowJESUS LOVES MEAudio
192There's a Spirit in the airORIENTIS PARTIBUSTextAudio
193Jesus! the name high over allGRÄFENBERGTextPage ScanAudio
194Morning glory, starlit skyMONKLANDAudio
195Send your Word, O Lord, like the rainMIKOTOBAAudio
196Come, thou long expected JesusHYFRYDOLTextPage ScanAudio
197Ye who claim the faith of JesusJULIONAudio
198My soul gives glory to my GodMORNING SONGAudio
199The glory of the Lord shall be revealed[The glory of the Lord shall be revealed]Audio
200Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the LordWOODLANDSTextAudio
201Merciful God, you sent your messengers the prophets
202People look east. The time is nearBESANÇONAudio
203Hail to the Lord's AnointedELLACOMBETextPage ScanAudio
204Emmanuel, Emmanuel, his name is called EmmanuelMCGEEAudio
205The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light[The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light]Audio
205bYou are the light of the world[You are the light of the world]
205cO come, let us adore him, Christ, the Lord[O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord]Text
206I want to walk as a child of the lightHOUSTONAudio
207Prepare the way of the LordPREPARE THE WAYTextAudio
208Hail to the Lord's Anointed, great David's greater Son[Hail to the Lord's Anointed]TextPage ScanAudio
209Blessed be the God of IsraelMERLE'S TUNETextPage ScanAudio
210All earth is waiting to see the Promised One (Toda la tierra espera al Salvador)TAULÈAudio
211O come, O come, EmmanuelVENI EMMANUELAudio
212Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Hosts[Holy, holy, holy lord God of Hosts]TextAudio

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