The Worshiping Church

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
701God is here! As we his people meetBEECHERTextPage Scan
702I love thy kingdom, LordST. THOMASTextPage Scan
703How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hostsPage Scan
704As sons of the day and daughters of lightLAUDATE DOMINUMTextPage Scan
705Built on the Rock the Church doth standKIRKEN DEN ER ET
706How blest are the people possessing true peaceLOVE TO CHRISTTextPage Scan
707Holy Spirit, as in the past you united different men and women and made them one
708Blest be the tie that bindsDENNISText
709O Christ the great foundation on which your people stand
710We are called to be God's peopleAUSTRIAN HYMN
711Now concerning spiritual giftsPage Scan
712The kingdom of God is justice and joyHANOVER
713Therefore since we have confidence to enter the Most High Place
714We have a gospel to proclaimMENDON
715Lord, you give the great commissionABBOT'S LEIGHTextPage Scan
716"Let there be light!" thus spoke the LordSOUTH PASADENATextPage Scan
717Lord of the church, we pray for our renewingPage Scan
718Stir your church, O God, our FatherMADILL
719If my people's hearts are humbledBEECHER
720Christ, whose purpose is to kindleODE TO JOY
721Lord, the light of your love is shiningSHINE, JESUS, SHINE
722When the Church of JesusKING'S WESTONText
723We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy loveREVIVE US AGAINTextPage Scan
724For thus says the high and lofty onePage Scan
725Renew the church, her ministries restoreALL IS WELL
726Let the song go round the earthPage Scan
727Lord Jesus Christ, you stretched out your arms of lovePage Scan
728We have heard the joyful soundJESUS SAVESTextPage Scan
729(Jesus) said to them, "Go into all the world
730People need the LordPEOPLE NEED THE LORD
731O Christians, haste, your mission high fulfillingTIDINGSTextPage Scan
732So send I you -- by grace made strong to triumphTORONTO
733We've a story to tell to the nationsMESSAGETextPage Scan
734Christ high-ascended, now in glory seatedCHRISTE SANCTORUMTextPage Scan
735One is the race of mankind under sin's condemnationLOBE DEN HERRENTextPage Scan
736Rescue the perishing, care for the dyingRESCUETextPage Scan
737The vision of a dying worldALL SAINTS, NEW
738Through all the world let every nation singCONRADPage Scan
739It only takes a spark to get a fire goingPASS IT ON
740How shall they hear the word of GodAUCH JETZT MACHT GOTTText
741The battle is the Lord's!LEONI
742Tell all the world of JesusFAR OFF LANDSTextPage Scan
743Christ for the world! we singITALIAN HYMNTextPage Scan
744O God our Savior, who wills that all should be savedPage Scan
745Jesus shall reign where're the sunDUKE STREETTextPage ScanAudio
746Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORDTextPage Scan
747Lead on, O King EternalLANCASHIRETextPage Scan
748Onward, Christian soldiersST. GERTRUDETextPage Scan
749Rejoice in God's saints, today and all daysHANOVERTextPage Scan
750God is working his purpose outPURPOSEText
751For all the saints who from their labors restSINE NOMINETextPage Scan
752Share in suffering like a good soldier of Christ JesusPage Scan
753For I am already being poured out like a drink offeringPage Scan
754Jerusalem the goldenEWINGTextPage Scan
755Every eye shall see, every knee shall bowEVERY EYE
756Soldiers of Christ ariseDIADEMATATextPage Scan
757Now faith is being sure of what we hope forPage Scan
758Baptized in waterBUNESSANText
759Lord, we bring to you our childrenALL FOR JESUS
760Good Shepherd, take this little childAMY
761We bless the name of Christ the LordCANONBURYTextPage Scan
762The Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to mePage Scan
763People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch themPage Scan
764We give this child to youCARLISLE
765In the presence of God, the Author and Giver of life
766God the Father, name we treasureLAUDA ANIMA
767An upper room did our Lord prepareTextPage Scan
768I come with joy to meet my LordDOVE OF PEACETextPage Scan
769We have one Lord, one God, one SaviorPage Scan
770As we gather around the table of our LordNORTH PHOENIX
771Lift up your hearts unto the LordSING ALLELUIA
772For the bread which you have brokenFOR THE BREADTextPage Scan
773As your family, Lord meet us herePage Scan
774Bread of the world in mercy brokenWAYFARING STRANGERTextPage Scan
775On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened BreadPage Scan
776Let us break bread together on our kneesLET US BREAK BREADText
777The Lord is here! His promised wordCRIMONDText
778As he gathered at his tableSTUART
779Great God, your love has called us hereST. PETERSBURGTextPage Scan
780Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.Page Scan
781This is the threefold truth on which our faith dependsACCLAMATIONSTextPage Scan
782We gather here in Jesus' nameDIVERSION
783Here, O my Lord, I see you face to faceLANGRANTextAudio
784We come as guests invitedPENLANTextPage Scan
785The Lord be with you; and also with youPage Scan
786It is proper and right that we should laud youPage Scan
787For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to youPage Scan
788There's a quiet understandingQUIET UNDERSTANDINGTextPage Scan
789By Christ redeemed, in Christ restoredALMSGIVINGText
790O Christ, you have opened to us the scriptures
791God is in this place
792This is a time to remember the greatness of the LordDUDLEY
793Let us build a house of worshipST. MATTHEWSTextPage Scan
794What gift can we bring, what present, what tokenANNIVERSARY SONGTextPage Scan
795God of Glory, around whose eternal throne all the heavenly powers offer their ceaseless songs of praisePage Scan
796The Lord is in his holy templeQUAM DILECTATextPage ScanAudio
797Eternal God, today is a day of new beginnings.Page Scan
798Come, let us with our Lord ariseSUSSEX CAROLTextPage Scan
799God himself is with usARNSBERGTextPage Scan
800Out of need and out of customGATHERING

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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