Together in Song: Australian hymn book II

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
489We know that Christ is raised and dies no moreENGELBERG
490Lord Jesus, once a childFRANCONIA
491Little children, come to meKRISTIN
492Take this water and please bless it, LordCELEBRATE
493Wash, O God, our sons and daughtersBEACH SPRING
494In water we growPADERBORNText
495Father, we thank thee, who hast plantedSPIRITUS VITAE
496Strengthen for service, Lord, the handsACH GOTT UND HERRText
497Let all mortal flesh keep silencePICARDYText
498Draw near and take the body of our LordTOULONText
499Lord Jesus, joy of loving heartsHEREFORDText
500Here we adore you, hidden Saviour, LordADORE TEText
501Sing, my tongue, the Saviour’s gloryHOLYWOODText
502Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breastANIMA CHRISTIText
503Robe yourself, my soul, in gladnessSCHMÜCKE DICH
504O Jesus, blessèd Lord, to youBROCKHAMText
505Jesus invites his saintsNARENZAText
506Author of life divineRHOSYMEDREText
507Come, Spirit blest, your influence shedERINText
508Jesus, we thus obeyST AUGUSTINEText
509Come, now, everlasting SpiritSHARONText
510My God, your table now is spreadBROMLEYText
511Let us break bread together with the Lord!LET US BREAK BREADText
512Bread of the world in mercy brokenRENDEZ A DIEUText
513Bread of heav'n, on you we feedBREAD OF HEAVENText
514Be known to us in breaking breadBELMONTText
515aAccording to thy gracious wordBALLERMAText
515bAccording to thy gracious wordBANGORText
516Here, gracious Lord, we see you face to faceST AGNESText
517Hallelujah! sing to JesusHYFRYDOLText
518For the bread and for the wineEVELYNText
519And now, O Father, mindful of the loveUNDE ET MEMORESText
520Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendourST HELENText
521Lord Christ, at your first eucharist you prayedSONG 1Text
522Christ is the heavenly food that givesSOLL'S SEINText
523Here, Lord, we take the broken breadST COLUMBA
524Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guestSONG 24Text
525You we praise, high priest and victimLAUS DEO
526Lord Jesus Christ LIVING LORD
527See us, Lord, about your altarDRAKE'S BROUGHTON
528The Son of God proclaimVINEYARD HAVEN
529At your hands, Lord, we are fedTRAVALLI
530Now let us from this table riseNIAGARA
531Sent forth by God’s blessing, our true faith confessingTHE ASH GROVE
532For the bread that we have eatenROBINText
533I come with joy to meet my LordBRAMWELL
534Love is his word, love is his wayCRESSWELL
535I am the bread of lifeBREAD OF LIFE
536An upper room did our Lord prepareO WALY WALY (1)
537Let us talents and tongues employLINSTEAD MARKET
538Feed us now, Bread of lifeKRAEHE
539As when the shepherd calls his sheepFINEST WHEAT
540Christians, lift your hearts and voicesTRIUMPH
541Christ the Lord to us saidHALELUYA! PELO TSO RONA
542Far beyond our mind’s grasp and our tongue's declaringCATUROG NA NONOY
543God’s Paschal Lamb is sacrificed for usENGELBERGText
544Since the world was youngGOD'S TABLE
545Shout for joy! the Lord has let us feastLANSDOWNE
546Lord Jesus, think on meSOUTHWELLText
547Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heartSLANE (1)
548Eternal light, shine in my heartJACOBText
549God be in my headGOD BE IN MY HEADText
550Our Father, God in heaven aboveVATER UNSER
551O stay with us, Lord JesusCHRISTUS DER IST MEIN LEBENText
552Come, my way, my truth, my lifeTHE CALLText
553In all my ways, in every taskTRAVELLERText
554If we will trust in God to guide usNEUMARK
555Put all your trust in GodICH HALTE TREULICH STILLText
556All depends on our possessingALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGENText
557Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMNText
558All praise to thee, my God, this nightTALLIS' CANONText
559A new heart, Lord, create in meO JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHTText
560aAll my hope on God is foundedMICHAEL
560bAll my hope on God is foundedMEINE HOFFNUNGText
561Who would true valour seeMONK'S GATEText
562I’m not ashamed to own my LordJACKSON Text
563Let him to whom we now belongJACKSONText
564O God of Bethel, by whose handSALZBURGText
565Author of faith, eternal wordWARRINGTONText
566Lord Jesus, if the same you areSURREYText
567God of all power, and truth, and graceOMBERSLEYText
568O for a heart to praise my GodLLOYD Text
569Guide me, O thou great RedeemerCWM RHONDDAText
570Soldiers of Christ, ariseFROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH Text
571Forth in your name, O Lord, I goSONG 34Text
572aO thou who camest from aboveWILTON Text
572bO thou who camest from aboveHEREFORDText
573A charge to keep I haveCAMBRIDGEText
574Captain of Israel’s host, and GuideFARMBOROUGHText
575O Jesus, Saviour, grow in meCAITHNESSText
576O for a closer walk with GodCAITHNESSText
577Come, let us to the Lord our GodKILMARNOCKText
578How firm a foundation, you people of GodFOUNDATION Text
579The blind man sat by the road and he criedTHE BLIND MANText
580Lead us, heavenly Father, lead usMANNHEIMText
581Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord JesusWELWYN
582Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloomSANDONText
583'Take up thy cross,' the Saviour saidO JESU CHRIST, MEINS LEBENS LICHTText
584aJust as I am, without one pleaSAFFRON WALDENText
584bJust as I am, without one pleaWOODWORTHText

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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