Templi Carmina

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d201Salvation is forever nigh
d202Salvation, O the joyful sound
d203Savior, [Say], who thy flock are [art] feeding
d204Savior, source of every blessing, tune my heart to grateful lays
d205Sing, my soul, his wondrous love
d206Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name
d207Sing to the Lord, ye [you] distant lands
d208Sing we the song of those who stand
d209Sister, thou wast [wert] mild and lovely
d210So fades the lovely, blooming flower [flowers]
d211Softly now the light of day
d212Sovereign Ruler, Lord of all
d213Sovereign Ruler of the skies
d214Stand up, and bless the Lord, ye people
d215Stretch, O my soul, thine [thy] ardent wing
d216Sweet is the memory of thy grace
d217Sweet is the work, my [O] [our] God, [and] [my] [our] King
d218That man is blest who stands in awe
d219The day is past and gone, the evening shades appear
d220The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous
d221The flowery spring at God's command
d222The gloomy night of sadness
d223The God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthroned
d224The God of glory sends his summons forth
d225The heavens declare the glory of God
d226The heavens declare thy glory, Lord, in every star
d227The hill of Zion yields a thousand sacred sweets
d228The Lord himself, the mighty Lord
d229The Lord in Zion ever reigns
d230The Lord is merciful and gracious
d231The Lord Jehovah reigns, And [His] royal state maintains
d232The Lord my pasture shall prepare, and feed me with a shepherd's care
d233The Lord my Shepherd is
d234The Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well supplied
d235The morning flowers display their sweets
d236The race that long in darkness pined
d237The sacrifices of God
d238The spacious firmament on high
d239The Spirit breathes upon the Word
d240The Spirit in our hearts is whispering sinner come
d241The wilderness and the solitary place
d242Thee we adore, eternal name, And humbly
d243There is a calm for those that weep
d244There is a glorious world of light
d245There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign
d246There is a stream whose gentle flow
d247There is an hour of peaceful rest
d248Thine earthly Sabbath [Sabbaths], Lord we love
d249This is the day the Lord hath [has] made, He calls
d250This life's a dream, an empty show
d251Thou art my hiding place, O Lord
d252Thou art the Way, to thee alone
d253Thou, gracious God, art my defence
d254Thou great Instructor, lest I stray
d255Thou Lord, by strictest search hast known
d256Thou soft [sweet] flowing [gliding] Kedron [Cedron], by thy silver [limpid] stream
d257Though I should seek to wash me clean
d258Thus saith the Lord unto them
d259Thy goodness, Lord, doth crown the year
d260Thy mercies, Lord, shall be my song
d261Thy presence, Lord, hath me supplied
d262Thy will be done, In devious way
d263To bless thy chosen race, in mercy, Lord, incline
d264To celebrate thy praise, O Lord, I will my heart prepare
d265To God, in whom I trust, I lift my heart and voice
d266To God the only wise, our Savior and our King
d267To thee, great God, I [we] make my [our] prayer
d268To thy temple I repair
d269To Zion's hill I lift my [mine] eyes
d270Unvail [Unveil] thy bosom, faithful tomb
d271Up to the field [fields] where angels lie [sing]
d272We lift our hearts to thee, O [Our] [Thou] Day-Star
d273Welcome, sweet day of rest
d274What happy men, or angels, these
d275What sinners value, I resign
d276When I can read my title clear
d277When I survey the wondrous cross
d278When on Sinai's top I see
d279When overwhelmed with grief
d280Where are the dead, in heaven or hell
d281While my Redeemer's near
d282While shepherds watch [watched] their flocks by night
d283Who are these [those] in bright [fair] array
d284Who shall ascend thy heavenly [holy] place
d285Why do we [ye] [you] mourn departing [departed] [for dying] friends
d286With all my [our] [the] power [powers] of heart and tongue
d287With glory clad, with strength arrayed
d288Within these walls be peace
d289Ye Christian heroes [heralds], go proclaim
d290Ye hearts with youthful vigor warm
d291Ye tribes of Adam join, with heaven and earth and seas
d292Ye [You] servants of God [Christ] your Master proclaim
d293Your harps, ye [you] trembling [mourning] [tearful], saints

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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