Songs of Praise with Tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Behold, where in a mortal formMANOAHPage Scan
102What grace, O Lord, and beauty shonePage Scan
103O Jesus, when I think of TheeELIZABETHTOWNPage Scan
104O Where is He that trod the seaVARINAPage Scan
105O Lord, when we the path retracePage Scan
106My dear Redeemer, and my LordHAMBURGPage Scan
107How beauteous were the marks divinePage Scan
108'Tis midnight; and on Olive's browOLIVE'S BROWPage Scan
109Go to dark GethsemaneGETHSEMANEPage Scan
110Zion's daughter, weep no mrePage Scan
111Alas, and did my Savior bleed?AVONPage Scan
112O Jesus, sweet the tears I shedPage Scan
113Lord Jesus, when we stand afarASHWELLPage Scan
114When I survey the wondrous crossDONCASTERPage Scan
115Hark, the voice of love and mercyBRESTPage Scan
116Not all the blood of beastsSHAWMUTPage Scan
117O perfect life of love!ALDERSGATEPage Scan
118The strife is o'er, the battle doneMARCELLUSPage Scan
119I know that my Redeemer livesMIGDOLPage Scan
120He lives, the Great Redeemer livesPage Scan
121The head that once was crown'd with thornsBROWNPage Scan
122Come, let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
123Come, let us join in songs of praisePage Scan
124Behold the glories of the LambNATIVITYPage Scan
125Come, let us lift our joyful eyesHOWARDPage Scan
126Hail, thou once despised JesusAUTUMNPage Scan
127Worship, honor, power, and blessingPage Scan
128Christ, above all glory seatedPage Scan
129Always with us, always with usPage Scan
130Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingPage Scan
131Crown him with many crownsDIADEMATAPage Scan
132Glory to God on high, Let praises fill the skyDORTPage Scan
133At the name of Jesus every knee shall bowEDINAPage Scan
134Look ye saints the sight is gloriousVICTORYPage Scan
135Thu art the Way: To thee aloneHEBERPage Scan
136O mean may seem this house of clayPage Scan
137Majestic sweetness sits enthronedPage Scan
138Dearest of all the names abovePage Scan
139aAll hail the power of Jesus' nameCORONATIONPage Scan
139bAll hail the power of Jesus' nameMILES LANEPage Scan
140O Christ, our King, Creator, LordGROSTETEPage Scan
141Where high the heavenly temple standsPage Scan
142Come, let us sing the song of songsSAMSONPage Scan
143Now to the Lord, who makes us knowPage Scan
144Salvation! O the joyful sound!SALISBURYPage Scan
145Love divine, all love excellingWESLEYPage Scan
146Come Holy Ghost, in love, shed on usNEW HAVENPage Scan
147To Him who for our sins was slainALLELUIAPage Scan
148To Thee, O Comforter DivinePage Scan
149Why should the children of a KingELVETPage Scan
150Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly doveAZMONPage Scan
151O Holy Spirit, Fount of lovePage Scan
152My soul doth magnify the LordBOARDMANPage Scan
153Spirit Divine, attend our prayersPage Scan
154Great Father of each perfect giftPage Scan
155Let songs of praises fill the skyPage Scan
156Gracious Spirit, Dove divineMERCYPage Scan
157Holy Ghost, with light divinePage Scan
158Granted is the Savior's prayerPage Scan
159Holy Ghost, the InfinitePENTECOSTPage Scan
160Come, Holy Spirit, comeHAYDNPage Scan
161Lord God, the Holy Ghost! In this acceptedOLMUTZPage Scan
162O Lord, Thy work revivePage Scan
163Blest Comforter divinePage Scan
164Come, O Creator Spirit blestERNANPage Scan
165Come, Sacred Spirit, from abovePage Scan
166Come, blessed Spirit, source of lightWAREHAMPage Scan
167Come Holy Spirit, heavenly dovePage Scan
168Come, Holy Spirit, calm my mindPage Scan
169Eternal Spirit, we confessPage Scan
170O Thou that hearest pray'rZEBULONPage Scan
171Father of mercies, in thy wordCHESTERFIELDPage Scan
172A glory gilds the sacred pageBARNBYPage Scan
173How precious is the book divinePage Scan
174Laden with guilt, and full of fearsMARLOWPage Scan
175Holy Bible, book divineDALLASPage Scan
176God, in the gospel of His SonUXBRIDGEPage Scan
177Let everlasting glories crownPage Scan
178I am coming to the cross, I am poorTRUSTINGPage Scan
179The Saviour calls, let ev'ry earABRIDGEPage Scan
180Let every mortal ear attendPage Scan
181Not all the outward forms on earthPage Scan
182O Jesus, Thou art standingANGEL TOWERPage Scan
183Come unto me ye wearyCOME UNTO MEPage Scan
184The King of glory standeth BesideBONARPage Scan
185Art thou weary, art thou languidSTEPHANOSPage Scan
186There's a wideness in God's mercyERIEPage Scan
187What a Friend we have in JesusPage Scan
188Come ye sinners, poor and wretchedOLIPHANTPage Scan
189Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishCOME, YE DISCONSOLATEPage Scan
190From the cross uplifted highROSEFIELDPage Scan
191The Spirit, in our heartsGORTONPage Scan
192O cease, my wandering soulPage Scan
193Tomorrow, Lord, is ThinePage Scan
194Now is the accepted timeOLNEYPage Scan
195Return, O wanderer, returnBERAPage Scan
196While life prolongs its precious lightPage Scan
197Behold, a Stranger at the doorZEPHYRPage Scan
198Life is the time to serve the LordWELLSPage Scan
199Haste, traveller, haste, the night comes onTROYLANDPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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