Songs of Praise and Prayer : for the Sunday School and Social Meeting

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
198Sweet the moments, rich in blessingSICILYPage Scan
199Since Jesus is my FriendVIGILPage Scan
200Saviour, happy should I beTRUSTPage Scan
201Gentle Shepherd, grant Thy blessingGENTLE SHEPHERDPage Scan
202Was there ever kindest ShepherdWAS THERE EVER KINDEST SHEPHERDPage Scan
203Sometimes a light surprisesBENTLEYPage Scan
204Love Divine, all love excellingLOVE DIVINEPage Scan
205There is a name I love to hearTHERE IS A NAME I LOVE TO HEREPage Scan
206There is no love like the love of JesusTHE LOVE OF JESUSPage Scan
207O, sometimes the shadows are deepTHE ROCK THAT IS HIGHERPage Scan
208I love to tell the storyI LOVE TO TELL THE STORYPage Scan
209Tell me the old, old storyPage Scan
210There is a land of pure delightPage Scan
211My faith looks up to TheePage Scan
212Thro' the love of God our SaviourALL'S WELLPage Scan
213In heavenly love abidingMACDONALDPage Scan
214How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordPage Scan
215Rock of Ages, cleft for mePage Scan
216O for a faith that will not shrinkBELMONTPage Scan
217In the shadow of the RockTHE SHADOW OF THE ROCKPage Scan
218Since thy Father's arm sustains theeTRUST HIM STILLPage Scan
219Children of the heavenly KingPLEYEL'S HYMNPage Scan
220"As thy day, thy strength shall be!"HALLEPage Scan
221Wait, my soul, upon the LordWAITINGPage Scan
222O for a heart to praise my God!EVANPage Scan
223Lord, Thou hast taught our hearts to glowST. LEONARDPage Scan
224I want to be more like JesusMORE LIKE JESUSPage Scan
225Christians, up! the day is breakingSMYRNAPage Scan
226I would live like JesusTHE SOUL'S DESIREPage Scan
227Saviour, blessed Saviour, Listen whilst we singTAINTORPage Scan
228Reapers! O reapers! the harvest is whiteTHE HARVEST IS WHITEPage Scan
229Is the cruse of comfort failing?CARITASPage Scan
230Tempted and tried! there is One at thy sideTEMPTED AND TRIEDPage Scan
231To the rescue! to the rescue!TO THE RESCUEPage Scan
232Friends of the tempted! Christ is callingARISE! FOR CHRIST ARISEPage Scan
233We will not faint or falter nowMAN'S WRONGS, WE WILL RIGHT THEMPage Scan
234Christian, dost thou see themST. ANDREWPage Scan
235Christian, seek not yet reposePARACLETEPage Scan
236Soldiers of the cross, ariseLUDWIGPage Scan
237Hark! the voice of Jesus callingHARK! THE VOICE OF JESUS CALLINGPage Scan
238Launch thy bark! launch thy bark on the swelling tideTHE VOYAGE OF LIFEPage Scan
239We march, we march to victory!GREATHEARTPage Scan
240Onward, Christian soldiersST. GERTRUDEPage Scan
241Brethren, while we sojourn hereBRETHREN, WHILE WE SOJOURN HEREPage Scan
242Let our choir new anthems raiseLA CROSSEPage Scan
243Am I a soldier of the crossCHRISTMASPage Scan
244Christ for the world we singITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
245Uplift the banner! Let it floatUPLIFT THE BANNERPage Scan
246Stand up, stand up for JesusWEBBPage Scan
247Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty LordVICTORIAPage Scan
248Ye Christian heralds! go proclaimMISSIONARY CHANTPage Scan
249Work, for the night is comingPage Scan
250From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
251The morning light is breakingPage Scan
252O'er the gloomy hills of darknessPage Scan
253Cast thy bread upon the watersPage Scan
254The harvest dawn is nearPage Scan
255Soon may the last glad song arisePage Scan
256Christian sister o'er the seaCHRISTIAN SISTER O'ER THE SEAPage Scan
257Hark, the Macedonian cryHARK, THE MACEDODIAN CRYPage Scan
258Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadnessDAUGHTER OF ZION, AWAKE!Page Scan
259Lead me, lead me, Lead me, precious SaviourLEAD ME, PRECIOUS SAVIOURPage Scan
260Yield not to temptation, For weakness is sinLOOKING TO JESUSPage Scan
261I love to hear the story Which angel voices tellI LOVE TO HEAR THE STORYPage Scan
262God, who hath made the daisiesGOD WHO HATH MADE THE DAISIESPage Scan
263Beautiful the little handsBEAUTIFUL THE LITTLE HANDSPage Scan
264Jesus, from Thy throne on highHEAR US, HOLY JESUSPage Scan
265May we prize the Christian nameMAY WE PRIZE THE CHRISTIAN NAMEPage Scan
266Youthful days are passing o'er usYOUTHFUL DAYSPage Scan
267Everywhere, everywhere, God our King is everywhereGOD IS EVERYWHEREPage Scan
268Come to the Saviour, make no delayCOME TO THE SAVIORPage Scan
269I think, when I read that sweet story of oldTHAT SWEET STORY OF OLDPage Scan
270Hush'd was the evening hymnHUSHED WAS THE EVENING HYMNPage Scan
271Wherever you may be, Whatever you may seeTHE KING'S HIGHWAYPage Scan
272Saviour, teach me, day by dayPOSENPage Scan
273Jesus Christ our Saviour, Once for us a childOUR LEADERPage Scan
274Jesus is our Shepherd, Wiping every tearJESUS IS OUR SHEPHERDPage Scan
275O hearken, dear Saviour, O hearkenLAMBS OF THE FOLDPage Scan
276Jesus, holy, undefiledFERRIERPage Scan
277In the vineyard of our FatherYOUNG GLEANERSPage Scan
278Gracious Saviour, gentle ShepherdGENTLE SHEPHERDPage Scan
279Christ, who once amongst usPASTOR BONUSPage Scan
280We are but little children weakWE ARE BUT LITTLE CHILDREN WEAKPage Scan
281There's a Friend for little childrenA FRIEND FOR LITTLE CHILDRENPage Scan
282O come, dear child, along with meO COME, DEAR CHILDPage Scan
283There is a mother's voice of loveINVITATIONPage Scan
284God bless the home, tho' humbleGOD BLESS THE HOMEPage Scan
285'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roamHOMEPage Scan
286'Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaintsHOMEPage Scan
287Brightly gleams our bannerBRIGHTLY GLEAMS OUR BANNERPage Scan
288O happy band of pilgrimsST. HILDAPage Scan
289Thro' the night of doubt and sorrowWESTONPage Scan
290A few more years shall rollCHALVEYPage Scan
291They're gathering homeward from ev'ry landGATHERING HOMEPage Scan
292There is a happy land, Far, far awayTHERE IS A HAPPY LANDPage Scan
293Forward! be our watchwordST. BONIFACEPage Scan
294Far o'er yon horizonFORWARD INTO LIGHTPage Scan
295Though faint, yet pursuing, we go on our wayGOSHENPage Scan
296Star of morn and evenSTAR OF MORN AND EVENPage Scan
297Hark! hark! my soul! angelic songs are swellingHARK! HARK! MY SOULPage Scan

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