The Signal Triumph

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d1A great feast is ready, and you are called
d2All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d3All my hopes are yonder stayed
d4All the days are harvest days
d5Although our lives be filled with bliss
d6Am I a soldier of the cross
d7And I, if I be lifted upon the tree
d8Angels guide my wayward footsteps here below
d9Are you now on the road leading home to God
d10Awake and sing thy song of praise
d11Beautiful lines of life, before me
d12Bow down thine ear, O Lord, to me, my feeble
d13Brother, thou hast gone before us, to the land
d14By and by, our ship will anchor
d15Come to Christ repenting
d16Dear sinner friend, why wander on
d17Empty handed shall I meet him
d18Endless joys await us yonder
d19Far beyond life's boundless sea
d20For the blessings God hath given
d21Give to me the glorious favor
d22Go, bury thy [your] sorrow, The world hath [has] its share
d23Go out on the highways, and by ways of sin
d24Go, show to the lost, the gospel light
d25Happy little children's voices
d26Have you heard the wondrous story Of salvation
d27He, all the day long is my joy and my song
d28Here our hearts oft are full of sorrow
d29Hoping will not be in vain That, a crown of life we'll gain
d30How precious is the fountain
d31How sorry it would make me
d32I am coming to Jesus for rest
d33I am in my Savior's care
d34I am looking on by faith, to that world
d35I am nearing the port
d36I am now within the kingdom
d37I can hear my [the] Savior calling
d38I have come, O, Lord forgive me
d39I know that death awaits me, and I account must
d40I love thy kingdom, Lord
d41I love to read and think of Jesus
d42I want to be near him
d43I want to work for Jesus with willing heart
d44I was lost in sin when the Savior said
d45I will fear no more the billows
d46In the scene of Calvary
d47In the shadow of the rock Let me rest
d48In the sunlight of his presence
d49In the vineyard, in the vineyard working daily
d50In thy hands, my loving Savior
d51Is there heavy weight of care
d52Is thy path dreary and is thy heart
d53I've often heard the story told
d54Jesus and did [didst] thou leave the sky
d55Jesus is calling my spirit away
d56Jesus is coming, a glorified King
d57Jesus is my Pilot, He has said to me
d58Jesus planned for your redemption
d59Jesus the Lamb for sinners slain
d60Just beyond the rolling river, lies a bright
d61Let me go to my home in the mansions of rest
d62Let thy Spirit, heavenly Father, guide me
d63Lift your voice that all may hear
d64Long years ago great multitudes
d65Look away from the cross
d66Lowly in spirit, humble and contrite
d67Marching on with Jesus, to the front we go
d68Mid so many sorrows and so much of sighing
d69My Christian friends in bonds of love, whose hopes are
d70My soul, thou hast this promise sweet
d71Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d72O sinner, the Savior is passing
d73O there is a time when the message will come
d74O 'tis sweet to sing this story
d75O what joy twill be up yonder
d76O when my soul was dead in sin
d77O when shall I dwell in that city fair
d78O would you be numbered as one of His fold
d79On Jesus my Savior my burdens I'll roll
d80Once more the message you have heard
d81Out on the glad hills of God's glory
d82Over yonder in that city
d83Peace, my weary spirit sings
d84Peace will be complete, when we there shall meet
d85Pressing are the needs of the harvest time
d86Put thy trust in Jesus ever He will guide thee
d87Rally to our standard, those who love the right
d88Reaper, reaper, see the fields are white
d89Redeemed ones are singing a glorious song
d90Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
d91Salvation eternal promised to all
d92Shall we meet by and by, in that home
d93Since Jesus did my sins forgive
d94Somebody is needing thy love today
d95Songs to his honor, gather we now to sing
d96Soul astray, in sorrow or despairing, heed today
d97Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness
d98Step into line for battle, soldiers be brave and true
d99Step out on the promise, the promise divine
d100Taken up from deathly sleeping

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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