The Sabbath School Melodist

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d1Arise, arise, no more delay
d2Be the matter what it may
d3Behold how the Lord hath girt
d4Blessed is the people that know
d5Breathe Holy Spirit from above
d6Brother, rest from sin and sorrow
d7Christmas bells are gaily ringing o'er the land triumphantly
d8Come, schoolmates, don't grow [be] weary
d9Dare to be [do] right, dare to be true
d10Dear Savior, ever at my side, How loving Thou must be
d11Down from the skies bending low
d12Every bird can build her nest
d13Fade, fade, each [all] earthly joy
d14Far, far away in the better land
d15Far from mortal cares retreating
d16Father, to thee, the children's Friend
d17For God sent not his Son
d18Gather them in from the broad highway
d19Give thanks to the Lord, For he is gracious
d20God is love, the heavens tell it
d21God of our life [lives], thy various praise
d22Great Shepherd of the sheep
d23Hark, the morning bells are ringing Children, haste without delay
d24Hear us, Shepherd, heavenly King
d25Heaven awakes the gentle strain
d26Hosanna be our cheerful song
d27How small are the dewdrops
d28If you would find salvation
d29I'll awake at dawn on the Sabbath day
d30I'm but a stranger [traveler] here, heaven is my home
d31In life's early springtime
d32In paths of duty let me tread
d33In the quarries should you toil
d34In the rosy light of the morning bright
d35In thy temple, Lord, incline
d36Invited by a Savior's love
d37Jesus, how can I but love thee
d38Jesus is our Shepherd, On his faithful breast
d39Jesus loves me, this I know, For the Bible
d40Join our glad voices
d41Joyfully, joyfully, onward I [we] move
d42Let every heart rejoice and sing, Let choral anthems
d43Let us with a joyful mind
d44Little raindrops feed the rill
d45Little schoolmates can you tell
d46Live for something be not idle
d47Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
d48Morn of Zion's glory
d49Music in the valley, music on the hill
d50Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
d51My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d52Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d53Now be the gospel banner
d54Now to heaven our prayer [prayers] [cry] ascending
d55O gladly on this Sabbath day
d56O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
d57O look not on the tempting cup
d58O send forth the Bible
d59O, what a lovely sight
d60O what a world this might be
d61O what can little hands, little hands do
d62On every sunny mountain
d63Once more with hallowed feeling
d64Praise to the Lord, all ye children sing praises
d65Ring the bells, the golden hours
d66Savior, [Say], who thy flock are [art] feeding
d67Shout the tidings of salvation
d68Sister, thou wast [wert] mild and lovely
d69Songs of praise the angels sang
d70Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross
d71Sweet is the time of spring
d72The day is fast approaching
d73The Lord has come, our help
d74The Lord of glory is my Light, And my
d75The seraphs bright are hovering
d76The Sunday school that blessed place
d77The temperance cause forever
d78The wild flower drinks the morning dew and greets the breezes free
d79There is a promise, O how sweet
d80There is a world above us
d81There'll be something in heaven for children to do
d82Though fondly we cherish the flag
d83To do to others as I would that they should do to me
d84To the Sabbath school we come
d85'Twas God who gave this pleasant
d86We are but young, yet we may sing
d87We are floating along
d88We are little flower buds
d89We come, we come, with loud acclaim
d90We joyfully gather, our Father and Friend
d91We see them there, we see them
d92We won't [we'll not] give up the Bible, God's holy book of truth
d93Welcome to our concert meeting
d94What are these [those] soul reviving strains
d95What do you do at the Sunday school
d96What though the arm of conquering death
d97When our toil is almost over
d98When the joyous day is dawning
d99When we hear the music ringing in [through] the bright
d100Whene'er a duty waits for thee

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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