Sunlight Songs

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101There's room up in heaven
d102This body is so prone to sin
d103Though dark clouds and tempests rise
d104Though often skies are drear
d105Thousands who know not
d106To him who gives me life
d107To the haven of rest
d108To the wonderful home
d109Travelers on time's ocean
d110We are on the stream of time
d111We are sailing, ever onward
d112We are sailing home
d113We are striving for a crown
d114We are valiant soldiers
d115We have launched
d116We shall meet beyond
d117We shall meet beyond the river
d118We're a happy pilgrim band
d119We're going home
d120What rapture fills my soul
d121When I can read my title clear
d122When I was wandering far, far from God
d123When Jesus' face I could not see
d124When Jesus laid aside his crown
d125When the saints behold the Lord
d126When the shades of death
d127When the sun is drooped in mourning
d128When the toils of life
d129When the trump of God shall sound
d130When thou art sorely filled
d131When thy soul is heavy laden
d132When we in the judgment morning
d133When we meet the loving Savior
d134When we're all gathered
d135Where spend eternity when earth is gone
d136While thee I [we] seek, protecting power
d137Why stand you in deep consternation
d138With heart and voice in glad
d139Wounded heart, despair

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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