A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association (4th ed.)

Editor: Samuel Jones, D. D., Burgiss Allison, A. M.
Publisher: Theophilus Harris (Joseph Rakestraw, printer), Philadelphia, 1819
Denomination: Philadelphia Baptist Association
Language: English
Notes: Hymns in the Appendix are numbered separately.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
200The presence of thy grace impartPage Scan
201Let thy devoted servant goPage Scan
202With all thy power, O Lord, defendPage Scan
203How beauteous are their feetPage Scan
204Father of mercies, bow thine earPage Scan
205Before thy throne, eternal King!Page Scan
206Well met, dear friends, in Jesu's namePage Scan
207Encourag'd by thy holy wordPage Scan
208To thine Almighty arm we owePage Scan
209While o'er our guilty land, O Lord!Page Scan
210Lord, how shall wretched sinners darePage Scan
211Praise to the Lord, who bows his earPage Scan
212Great Ruler of the earth and skiesPage Scan
213To thee who reign'st supreme abovePage Scan
214When Abra'm, full of sacred awePage Scan
215See, gracious God, before thy thronePage Scan
216Lord, look on all assembled herePage Scan
217The Lord my shepherd and my guidePage Scan
218When all thy mercies, O my God Page Scan
219To praise the ever beauteous LordPage Scan
220When blooming youth is snatch'd awayPage Scan
221Thee we adore, eternal Name!Page Scan
222Vain man, thy fond pursuits forbearPage Scan
223What scenes of horror and of dread Page Scan
224My soul, come meditate the dayPage Scan
225Hark! from the tombs a doleful soundPage Scan
226Why should we start and fear to die?Page Scan
227Remember, Lord, our mortal statePage Scan
228And must this body diePage Scan
229Lord, what a feeble piecePage Scan
230Why do we mourn departed friendsPage Scan
231Why should our mourning thoughts delightPage Scan
232My God! my God! and must I diePage Scan
233Death, as a sleep or gentle dozePage Scan
234We needs must die who banish'd liePage Scan
235Dread Sovereign, let my evening songPage Scan
236Today God bids the faithful restPage Scan
237Behold! the morning sunPage Scan
238Lord, thou wilt hear me when I prayPage Scan
239Lord hast thou suffered me to seePage Scan
240Now, Lord, another of thy daysPage Scan
241See how the mounting sunPage Scan
242Now from the altar of my our heartsPage Scan
243All praise to thee, my God, this nightPage Scan
244Awake, my soul, and with the sunPage Scan
245When, O dear Jesus, when shall I Page Scan
246My God, how endless is thy love!Page Scan
247Once more, my soul, the rising dayPage Scan
248Hosanna with a cheerful soundPage Scan
249Hail, Alpha and Omega, hail!Page Scan
250The Lord! how fearful is his name!Page Scan
251Lord, what a wretched land is thisPage Scan
252Often I seek my Lord by nightPage Scan
253We sing to thee, whose wisdom form'dPage Scan
254Awake, my soul, awake mine eyesPage Scan
255Sleep, downy sleep, come, close mine eyesPage Scan
256Not all the nobles of the earth Page Scan
257Lord, I am vile, conceiv'd in sinPage Scan
258My God, my life, my lovePage Scan
259And is it yet, dear Lord, a doubtPage Scan
260O Come let us join, Together combinePage Scan
261All ye that pass byPage Scan
262O Jesus, our LordPage Scan
263Come, thou Almighty KingPage Scan
264The God of Abr'am praisePage Scan
265The Lord of earth and skyPage Scan
266The Church a garden isPage Scan
267Rejoice, the Lord is KingPage Scan
268Israel in ancient daysPage Scan
269Upward I lift mine eyesPage Scan
270Give thanks to God most highPage Scan
271Ye tribes of Adam, joinPage Scan
272With cheerful voice I singPage Scan
273In sweet exalted strainsPage Scan
274Repent and be baptiz'dPage Scan
275Blow ye the trumpet, blowPage Scan
276Awake our drowsy soulsPage Scan
277God of my salvation, hearPage Scan
278Jesu, friend of sinners hearPage Scan
279Jesus, let thy pitying eyePage Scan
280Hear me, O Redeemer, hearPage Scan
281My Lord, how great's the favorPage Scan
282Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
283Lord, we come before thee nowPage Scan
284Hark! my soul, it is the LordPage Scan
285'Tis a point I long to knowPage Scan
286What good news the angels bringPage Scan
287Children of the heavenly KingPage Scan
288Gracious Lord, incline thine earPage Scan
289Now begin the heav'nly themePage Scan
290Brethren, let us join to blessPage Scan
291While, with ceaseless course, the sunPage Scan
292Glory be to God on high! Hallelujah!Page Scan
293Thou hidden love of God, whose heightPage Scan
294Save me, O thou bleeding LambPage Scan
295'Tis finish'd, the Redeemer saidPage Scan
296Most righteous God, my doom I bearPage Scan
297aThou God of glorious majesty!Page Scan
297bWhen, my mind divinely pressedPage Scan
298I'm tir'd with visits, modes and formsPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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