School and Parish Hymnal: with tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
100Now to the lamb that once was slainAGNUS DEIPage Scan
101Father, again in Jesus' Name we meetLANGRANPage Scan
102Hosanna! loud hosanna!ABERDOURPage Scan
103Hosanna we sing, like the children dear[Hosanna we sing, like the children dear]Page Scan
104When, His salvation bringingTOURSPage Scan
105Behold the Lamb of God!ST. JOHNPage Scan
106Hail! Thou once despised Jesus!SUPPLICATIONPage Scan
107O Thou who through this holy weekCONFIDENCEPage Scan
108O sacred Head, now woundedHERZLICH THUT MICH VERLANGENPage Scan
109O come and mourn with me awhileST. CROSSPage Scan
110Lord Jesus, who, our souls to saveFEDERAL STREETPage Scan
111"Welcome, happy morning!" age to age shall say["Welcome, happy morning!" age to age shall say]Page Scan
112Jesus Christ is risen todayRESURRECTION HYMNPage Scan
113The day of Resurrection!ST. CROIXPage Scan
114Christ, the Lord, is risen todayCHRIST IST ERSTANDENPage Scan
115Welcome, Thou Victor in the strifeDIE HELLE SONN IST NUN DAHINPage Scan
116The happy morn is comeWATERSTOCKPage Scan
117Who is this that comes from EdomKENSINGTONPage Scan
118Christ, the Lord is risen todayVICTIMAE PASCHALIPage Scan
119Come, ye faithful, raise the strain[Come, ye faithful, raise the strain]Page Scan
120Christ is risen! Hallelujah![Christ is risen! Hallelujah!]Page Scan
121Angels, roll the rock away[Angels, roll the rock away]Page Scan
122Come see the place where Jesus lay[Come see the place where Jesus lay]Page Scan
123Christ is risen! Christ is risen![Christ is risen! Christ is risen!]Page Scan
124Now all the bells are ringing[Now all the bells are ringing]Page Scan
125The strife is o'er, the battle done[The strife is o'er, the battle done]Page Scan
126Easter day hath dawn'd again[Easter day hath dawn'd again]Page Scan
127Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hearts to heav'n and voices raise[Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hearts to heav'n and voices raise]Page Scan
128Easter flow'rs are blooming bright[Easter flow'rs are blooming bright]Page Scan
129Hail the day that sees Him riseASCENSIONPage Scan
130A hymn of glory let us singMAINZERPage Scan
131See, the Conqueror mounts in triumph see the King in royal stateREX GLORIAEPage Scan
132The Lord ascendeth up on highHERR JESU CHRIST, DU HOECHSTES GUTPage Scan
133Look ye saints the sight is glorious!CORONAEPage Scan
134Hark, ten thousand harps and voicesANGLICAN HYMN BOOK, TUNE 130Page Scan
135Rejoice, the Lord is King!GOPSALLPage Scan
136Alleluia! sing to Jesus!EUCHARISTICAPage Scan
137Crown Him with many crownsDIADEMATAPage Scan
138I know that my Redeemer lives!FAITHPage Scan
139When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINIPage Scan
140To the Name of our salvationTRIUMPHPage Scan
141To Him who for our sins was slainALLELUIAPage Scan
142Jesus, our risen KingWORSHIPPage Scan
143O Saviour, precious SaviourNORWICHPage Scan
144Come, let us sing of JesusLAUSANNEPage Scan
145One there is above all othersTHEOPHILUSPage Scan
146Beautiful Saviour! King of Creation!CRUSADER'S HYMNPage Scan
147All hail the power of Jesus' Name!LAUDPage Scan
148Come, let us join our cheerful songsNUN DANKET ALL' UND BRINGET EHRPage Scan
149Come, magnify the Saviour's loveCANONBURYPage Scan
150Lord God, the Holy Ghost!DURHAM (DOVER)Page Scan
151O enter, Lord, Thy templeHYMNS ANCIENT AND MODERN, TUNE 621Page Scan
152Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!ROCKINGHAMPage Scan
153Come Holy Ghost, our souls inspirePage Scan
154Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathedST. CUTHBERTPage Scan
155Blest Spirit, one with God aboveWAREHAMPage Scan
156Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly DoveWAREHAMPage Scan
157Come, O come, Thou quick'ning SpiritKOMM, O KOMM, DU GEIST DES LEBENSPage Scan
158To Thee, O Comforter divineSUNDRIDGEPage Scan
159Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!NICAEAPage Scan
160Thrice Holy God, of wondrous mightST. SERFPage Scan
161Reverently we worship TheeTRINITYPage Scan
162Glory be to God the Father!ST. RAPHAELPage Scan
163We give immortal praiseST. PETER'S, MANCHESTERPage Scan
164Round the Lord in glory seatedURBS BEATAPage Scan
165Lead us, Heav'nly Father, lead usFLORAPage Scan
166Hark, the sound of holy voicesSANCTUARYPage Scan
167For all Thy saints, O LordBARNBY'S HYMNARY, TUNE 525Page Scan
168From all Thy saints in warfareALL SAINTSPage Scan
169Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORDPage Scan
170Around the throne of God a bandBARNBY'S HYMNARY, TUNE 28Page Scan
171The Church's one FoundationAURELIAPage Scan
172We hail Thee, Lord, Thy Church's RockALLEIN AUF GOTTES WORT WILL ICHPage Scan
173Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimMONTGOMERYPage Scan
174One sole baptismal signDERWENTPage Scan
175May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfillMERIBAHPage Scan
176Lord of the Church, we humbly prayMERIBAHPage Scan
177Glorious things of thee are spokenST. ASAPHPage Scan
178Lord, not to us,—we claim it notELLACOMBEPage Scan
179A mighty Fortress is our GodEIN FESTE BURG IST UNSER GOTTPage Scan
180Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy wordERHALT UNS, HERR, BEI DEINEM WORTPage Scan
181O Word of God IncarnateHOLY CHURCHPage Scan
182Father of mercies, in Thy WordST. AGNESPage Scan
183How shall the young secure their heartsST. STEPHENPage Scan
184A glory gilds the sacred pageST. STEPHENPage Scan
185Hushed was the evening hymnST. MAURAPage Scan
186Saviour, who Thy flock art feedingWESTONPage Scan
187Father, Son, and Holy SpiritLUSATIAPage Scan
188Blessed Saviour, who hast taught meST. WERBURGHPage Scan
189Baptized into Thy NameST. GODRICPage Scan
190Lamb of God, for sinners lainEVERMOREPage Scan
191Thine for ever! God of loveEVERMOREPage Scan
192Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts!LEIGHPage Scan
193O Bread to pilgrims givenDIES DOMINICAPage Scan
194Jesus, at Thine invitationALLENTHALBEN, WO ICH GEHEPage Scan
195Bread of heaven, on thee we feedUNIVERSITY COLLEGEPage Scan
196Lo, upon the altar liesUNIVERSITY COLLEGEPage Scan
197Rock of Ages, cleft for meREDHEAD (76)Page Scan
198I lay my sins on JesusMOSCOWPage Scan
199Jesus, Thy blood and RighteousnessDUKE STREETPage Scan

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