Song Life for Sunday Schools

Editor: P. Phillips
Publisher: Harper & Bros., New York, N.Y., 1872
Notes: Page scans:
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d1Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
d2After the joys of the earth
d3Alas, and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die?
d4All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d5Almost persuaded now to believe, Almost
d6And are we yet alive
d7Another year has passed away, time swiftly speeds along
d8Arise, my soul, arise, shake off
d9Around the throne of God in heaven, thousands
d10Art thou weary, art thou languid
d11As at the wicket gate
d12As I wandered round the homestead
d13Awake, my soul, in [to] joyful [joyous] lays
d14Be present at our table, Lord
d15Beyond the smiling and the weeping
d16Blessed, bright and shining [guiding] star
d17Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love
d18Blest is the place where trees
d19Bondage and death the cup contains
d20Bright crowns there are laid
d21Brightest and best of the sons [stars] of the morning
d22Brother, you may work for Jesus
d23Children, children, hearken to me
d24Christ, the Lord is risen again
d25Come, children, and join in our festival song
d26Come, come to Jesus, He waits to pardon [welcome] thee
d27Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There's mercy
d28Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly
d29Come, O come with sacred lays
d30Come, strike the highest note with me
d31Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now
d32Come, ye [you] disconsolate, where'er ye [you] languish
d33Courage, brother, do not stumble
d34Dark was the hour, Gethsemane
d35Dear Savior, we gather, our tribute to bring
d36Delight in the Lord, With sweetest accord
d37Fair city, when shall I behold
d38Finish thy work, the time is short
d39Firmly, brethren, firmly stand
d40For I hear the Savior say
d41From every stormy wind [sense] that blows
d42Full salvation, full salvation, lo, the fountain
d43Give me the wings of faith to rise
d44God bless our Christian Union
d45God bless our native land, Firm may she
d46God's temple is here, and the sky is its dome
d47Great God, whose hand outpours [pours out] the rills
d48Hail the day that sees him rise
d49Hark, the herald angels say
d50Hark, the voice of Jesus crying Who will go and work today
d51Hark, what mellow notes on high
d52Haste [Hasten], [O] sinner [sinners] [now] to be wise
d53Have ye heard of those who journeyed
d54He hath given me a gem
d55He hath gone into his garden
d56He leads us by paths we did [do] not know
d57Here we meet to part again
d58Holy day of peaceful rest
d59How dearly God must love us
d60How happy [happy's] every child of grace, who [that] feels [knows] his sins forgiven
d61How lost was [is] my [our] condition
d62How sweet, how [and] heavenly is the sight
d63How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
d64How welcome was the call
d65I am a little soldier
d66I am coming to the cross, I am poor
d67I am now a child of God, For I'm washed
d68I am waiting by the river, and
d69I bring my sins to thee
d70I gave my life for [to] thee
d71I hear it singing, singing sweetly
d72I heard the voice of Jesus say, come unto me and rest
d73I ought to love my Savior
d74I stood outside the gate
d75I want to see the shining angels
d76I was a wandering sheep
d77I will sing for Jesus, With his blood
d78I will sing the story
d79I will sing you a song of that [a] [the] beautiful
d80If you cannot on the ocean sail among [amongst] the swiftest fleet
d81I'm a pilgrim, pilgrim on the road
d82I'm but a stranger [traveler] here, heaven is my home
d83I'm traveling to the grave
d84I'm trying to climb up Zion's hill
d85In his vineyard Christ the Lord
d86In some way or other, the Lord will provide
d87In the early springtime, when your leaves are fair
d88In the furrows of thy [my] life, scatter seed
d89Jesus calls me, I am going
d90Jesus died on Calvary's mountain, Long
d91Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d92Jesus loves me, this I know, For the Bible
d93Jesus, most holy One
d94Jesus now is calling, come
d95Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
d96Jesus still lead on
d97Jesus, tender shepherd, hear us
d98Jesus, when he left the sky
d99Joy to the world, the Lord is [has] come
d100Keep praying at the door

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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