A Selection of Hymns from Various Authors, Supplementary for the Use of Christians. 2nd ed.

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d1All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d2Almighty Maker, God, How wondrous is thy name
d3And is the gospel peace and love
d4And let this feeble body fail
d5And must I be to judgment brought
d6Arise, my soul, arise, shake off
d7As birds their infant brood protect
d8Ascend thy throne, almighty King
d9Awake, Jerusalem, awake
d10Awake, my zeal, awake my love
d11Awake, our souls, away our fears
d12Away from every mortal care
d13Be with me, Lord, where'er I go
d14Begin my tongue some heavenly theme
d15Behold the Savior of mankind
d16Bless, O my [each] soul, the living God
d17Blessed [Blest] are the sons of God
d18Burst, ye emerald [pearly] gates, and bring
d19By faith I live, by faith I see
d20Christ and his [the] cross is [are] all our [my] theme
d21Come, let us use the grace divine, And all with one accord
d22Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
d23Come, Savior, Jesus, from above
d24Come sound his praise [name] abroad, And hymns
d25Dismiss us from the house of prayer, With blessings such as mortals need
d26Earth has engrossed my love too long
d27Faith is the brightest evidence
d28Far as thy name is known
d29Far from my [our] thoughts, vain world, be gone
d30Father, is not thy promise pledged To thine exalted Son
d31Father of mercies, in thy [your] word
d32From all that's mortal, all that's vain
d33Give me the wings of faith to rise
d34Glorious things of thee are spoken
d35Great God indulge my humble claim
d36Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews
d37Happy is he, whose early years [days]
d38Happy the heart where graces reign
d39Hark, my soul, it is the Lord
d40Hark, the voice of love and mercy
d41Hasten, O Lord, the latter day
d42Heal us, Immanuel, here we are [stand]
d43Honor and happiness unite To make the Christian's name
d44How can I sink with such a prop
d45How did my heart rejoice to hear
d46How great, how solemn is the work
d47How lost was [is] my [our] condition
d48How sweet and awful [holy] [sacred] is the place
d49I hate the tempter and his charms
d50I know that my Redeemer lives, what comfort this
d51I send the joys of earth away
d52I waited patient for the Lord
d53If Paul in C'sar's court must stand
d54I'll praise my Maker with my [while I've] [whilst I've] breath
d55In boundless mercy, gracious Lord appear
d56In evil long I took delight
d57Isr'l in ancient days
d58Jerusalem, du Gottesstadt wie schoen bist du
d59Jerusalem, my happy home, O how I long for thee
d60Jesu, aufersatnd'ner Held, sonderbarer Koenig
d61Jesu baue deinen Leib
d62Jesu, du mein liebstes Leben, meiner Seelen
d63Jesu geh voran
d64Jesu, Jesu, Brunn des Lebens
d65Jesu, komm' doch selbst zu mir
d66Jesu Liebe ist ein Licht
d67Jesu, meiner Seelen Ruh
d68Jesu, schenk' mir Bruderliebe
d69Jesu, wahrers Gotteslamm
d70Jesum nur alleine lieben
d71Jesum ueber alles lieben uebertrifft
d72Jesus, and shall it ever be
d73Jesus grant us all a blessing
d74Jesus, I love thy charming name
d75Jesus, mighty King in [of] Zion
d76Jesus Nam, du hoechster Name
d77Jesus nimmt die Suender an, Saget doch
d78Jesus, our Lord, ascend thy throne
d79Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
d80Jesus, the all restoring [sustaining] Word
d81Jesus, thou everlasting king
d82Jetzt ist die schoene Gnaden-Zeit
d83Jetzt scheiden wir dem Leibe nach
d84Kann die Liebe des Geliebten
d85Kaum starb der Heiland, so hat er gelebet
d86Kinder, eilt euch zu bekehren
d87Kinder, lernt die Ordnung fassen
d88Komm Jung, komm Alt, zum Gnadenbrunn
d89Komm, o komm, du Geist des Lebens
d90Komm, Sterblicher, betrachte mich
d91Kommt, Brueder, [Schwestern] kommt, wir eilen fort
d92Kommt, ihr Armen und Elenden
d93Kommt, ihr Suender, arm und duerftig
d94Kommt, ihr ueberzeugte Herzen
d95Kommt, Kinder, lasst uns gehen
d96Kommt, lasst uns Jesum suchen bald
d97Kommt, und lasst euch Jesum lehren
d98Kurz war mein Leben hier auf Erden
d99Kurz war nur mein irdisch Leben
d100Let every tongue thy goodness speak

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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