Service and Hymns for Sunday Schools

Publisher: Lutheran Publication Society, Philadelphia, Penn., 1883
Denomination: United Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the South
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
63From all that dwell below the skiesOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
64Praise, my soul, the King of heavenBENEDIC ANIMAPage Scan
65Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise TheeADORATIONPage Scan
66All hail the power of Jesus' Name!CORONATIONPage Scan
67Fairest Lord JesusCURSADERS' HYMNPage Scan
68Angel voices, ever singingANGEL VOICESPage Scan
69aSongs of praise the angels sangMONTGOMERYPage Scan
69bHumble praises, holy Jesus[Humble praises, holy Jesus]Page Scan
70Above the clear blue skyCHILDREN'S VOICESPage Scan
71Through all the changing scenes of lifeST. OSWINPage Scan
72Oh, what praises shall we renderHOLY VOICESPage Scan
73aCome, magnify the Saviour's loveCANONBURGPage Scan
73bPraise ye the Lord[Praise ye the Lord]Page Scan
74Hosanna to the living Lord!HOSANNAPage Scan
75Praise the Lord! ye heavens adore HimFABENPage Scan
76When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINIPage Scan
77O day of rest and gladnessTHE DAY OF RESTPage Scan
78Alleluia! Fairest morning!GRANGEPage Scan
79aThis is the day of lightSWABIAPage Scan
79bBlest day of God, most calm, most brightREDHEAD. 29Page Scan
80Light of light enlighten meBACHPage Scan
81aWelcome, sweet day of restSILVER STREETPage Scan
81bFather, who the light this day[Father, who the light this day]Page Scan
82Shepherd of tender youthSTOBELPage Scan
83Pleasant are Thy courts aboveMAIDSTONEPage Scan
84Open now thy gates of beautyNEANDERPage Scan
85Love divine, all love excellingCHISOLMPage Scan
86aCome, my soul, thy suit prepareTHEODORAPage Scan
86bAlmighty God, in humble pray'rST. FULBERTPage Scan
87Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingSICILIAN MARINERS' HYMNPage Scan
88Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raiseELLERSPage Scan
89aAbide with us, our SaviourABIDE WITH USPage Scan
89bFor a season called to partSOLITUDEPage Scan
90aLord Jesus Christ, with us abideBRESLAUPage Scan
90bThe Lord be with us as we bendABENDLIEDPage Scan
91The morning bright[The morning bright]Page Scan
92Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMNPage Scan
93God, that madest earth and heaven[God, that madest earth and heaven]Page Scan
94Glory to Thee, my God, this nightTALLIS' CANONPage Scan
95Abide with me! fast falls the eventideEVENTIDEPage Scan
96aSun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearHURSLEYPage Scan
96bJesus, tender Shepherd, hear meEVENSONGPage Scan
97Now the day is overNIGHFALLPage Scan
98God, that madest earth and heavenNUTFIELDPage Scan
99Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we goSTELLAPage Scan
100Fading, still fading, the last beam is shiningTHE LAST BEAMPage Scan
101The Advent of our GodST. HELENAPage Scan
102Come, Thou long-expected JesusST. HILARYPage Scan
103Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comesCHOPINPage Scan
104Hail to the Lord's AnointedAURELIAPage Scan
105Dear children, evermore[Dear children, evermore]Page Scan
106Joy to the world! the Lord is comeANTIOCHPage Scan
107Come hither, ye faithful; triumphantly singPORTUGUESE HYMNPage Scan
108Now we bring our Christmas treasuresSAXTONPage Scan
109A Babe is born in Bethlehem, BethlehemPUER NATUS IN BETHLEHEMPage Scan
110Angels from the realms of gloryREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
111Hark! what mean those holy voicesBETHANYPage Scan
112Joy fills our inmost hearts today![Joy fills our inmost hearts today!]Page Scan
113While shepherds watched their flocks by nightGABRIELPage Scan
114Hark! the herald angels singMENDELSSOHNPage Scan
115Once in royal David's cityIRBYPage Scan
116Zion, the marvelous story be tellingAVISONPage Scan
118I love to hear the story[I love to hear the story]Page Scan
119See amid the winter's snow[See amid the winter's snow]Page Scan
120A few more years shall rollCHALVEYPage Scan
121I will take the path that Jesus showethPILGRIM SONGPage Scan
122Christian children must be holy[Christian children must be holy]Page Scan
123How sweet the name of Jesus soundsST. PETERPage Scan
124There is no name so sweet on earthRISEHOLMEPage Scan
125As with gladness men of oldDIXPage Scan
126Brightest and best of the sons of the morningHARVEYPage Scan
127Saw you never, in the twilightTHE ADORATIONPage Scan
128aJesus shall reign where'er the sunAYLWARDPage Scan
128bJesus shall reign where'er the sunMENDONPage Scan
129O Thou, who by a star didst guideSOUTHWELLPage Scan
130From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
131Just as I am, without one pleaJUST AS I AMPage Scan
132Jesus, Lover of my soulREFUGEPage Scan
133Rock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADYPage Scan
134aO Lamb of God most lowlyAGNUS DEIPage Scan
134bThou who on that wondrous journeyINVITATIONPage Scan
135Art thou weary, art thou languidSTEPHANOSPage Scan
136My faith looks up to TheePEACEPage Scan
137Saviour, when in dust to TheeLITANYPage Scan
138Glory and praise and honor[Glory and praise and honor]Page Scan
139When, His salvation bringingPALM-SUNDAYPage Scan
140When I survey the wondrous crossHAMBURGPage Scan
141aO thou, who thro' this holy weekDUNDEEPage Scan
141bO thou, who thro' this holy weekTRIASPage Scan
142Christ the Lord is ris'n todayHOLY VOICESPage Scan
143The day of resurrectionTOURSPage Scan
144aGlory to God upon His throne[Glory to God upon His throne]Page Scan
144bCome, ye faithful, raise the strainEASTERPage Scan
145I know that my Redeemer livesDUKE STREETPage Scan
146O Jesus! King most wonderfulWINCHESTERPage Scan
147Golden harps are soundingHERMASPage Scan
148Hark, ten thousand harps and voicesST. JOHN'SPage Scan
150Golden harps are soundingST. THERESAPage Scan
151Hail the day that sees Him riseINNOCENTSPage Scan
152Come, Holy Spirit, comeST. AUGUSTINEPage Scan

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