Social Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: adapted to private and public worship, selected from various authors

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
304Jesus, our best beloved FriendPage Scan
305Had I the tongues of Greeks and JewsPage Scan
306What man shall be a welcome guestPage Scan
307Through Christ, when we together camePage Scan
308Sure this is heaven to mePage Scan
309Farewell, vain world, I bid adieuPage Scan
310I cannot bear thine absence, LordPage Scan
311A charge to keep I havePage Scan
312Behold the Saviour of mankindPage Scan
313Of Him who did salvation bringPage Scan
314Father, in whom we livePage Scan
315O for a thousand tongues to singPage Scan
316When I survey the wond'rous crossPage Scan
317Plunged in a gulf of dark despairPage Scan
318Shall we go on to sinPage Scan
319Thou dear Redeemer, dying LambPage Scan
320So let our lips and lives expressPage Scan
321Straight is the way, the door is straightPage Scan
322Saviour Divine! we know thy namePage Scan
323Bless'd Jesus! when thy cross I viewPage Scan
324Let worldly minds the world pursuePage Scan
325Rise, rise, my soul, and leave the groundPage Scan
326Maker and sovereign LordPage Scan
327My drowsy powers, why sleep ye so?Page Scan
328My heart, how dreadful hard it is!Page Scan
329Holy Lord God, I love thy truthPage Scan
330When the poor leper's case I readPage Scan
331Wherefore should man, frail child of clayPage Scan
332Let Pharisees of high esteemPage Scan
333Not all the nobles of the earthPage Scan
334O happy soul that lives on highPage Scan
335When gloomy thoughts and fearsPage Scan
336Where shall we sinners hide our heads?Page Scan
337While Sinai roars, and round the earthPage Scan
338Eternal Sun of RighteousnessPage Scan
339How good, how glorious 'tis to seePage Scan
340Behold, the lofty skyPage Scan
341Religion is the chief concernPage Scan
342Could I so false, so faithless provePage Scan
343Let every creature joinPage Scan
349As children young desire the breastPage Scan
350In this thy house, O Lord, todayPage Scan
351Far as thy name is knownPage Scan
352Come, let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
353There is a God who reigns abovePage Scan
354My soul's delight on earthPage Scan
355Come, let us join our friends abovePage Scan
356This is the day the Lord hath madePage Scan
357Welcome, sweet day of restPage Scan
358Awake, my heart! my soul, arise!Page Scan
359Lord, in the morning thou shalt hearPage Scan
360When, O dear Jesus, when shall IPage Scan
361Another six days' work is donePage Scan
362Frequent the day of God returnsPage Scan
363Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we lovePage Scan
364This is the day that God hath madePage Scan
365Today the Saviour rosePage Scan
366Zion's fair courts are my abodePage Scan
367'Twas the commission of our LordPage Scan
368Behold, what matchless tender lovePage Scan
369Come, Holy Ghost, descend from highPage Scan
370How great, how solemn is the workPage Scan
371Celestial Dove, descend from highPage Scan
372Attend, ye children of your GodPage Scan
373Repent, and be baptizedPage Scan
374Come, Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
375'Twas on that dark, that doleful nightPage Scan
376The King of heaven his table spreadsPage Scan
377Here at thy table, Lord, we meetPage Scan
378Jesus is gone above the skiesPage Scan
379Glory to God on high!Page Scan
380Ye wretched, hungry, starving poorPage Scan
381How pleasing is the sightPage Scan
382Jesus, we thus obeyPage Scan
383Come, Saviour, let thy tokens provePage Scan
384Infinite grief! amazing wo!Page Scan
385What wisdom, majesty and gracePage Scan
386Lord, at thy table I beholdPage Scan
387How condescending and how kindPage Scan
388That doleful night before his deathPage Scan
389See, gracious God, before thy thronePage Scan
390The gath'ring clouds, with aspect darkPage Scan
391Let Zion's watchmen all awakePage Scan
392Indulgent Sov'reign of the skiesPage Scan
393Shepherd of Israel, thou dost keepPage Scan
394"Go, preach my Gospel," saith the LordPage Scan
395Go forth, ye heralds, in my namePage Scan
396Comfort, ye ministers of gracePage Scan
397Lord of the harvest, hearPage Scan
398High on his everlasting thronePage Scan
399Draw near, O Son of God, draw nearPage Scan
400Saviour of men, thy searching eyePage Scan
401Jesus, my strength and righteousnessPage Scan
402My brethren, from my heart belovedPage Scan
403When Paul was parted from his friendsPage Scan
404How happy is the Christian's state!Page Scan
405Jesus, I love thy charming namePage Scan
406O let me run the Christian racePage Scan
407Jesus, my Saviour and my GodPage Scan
408While here on earth I'm called to stayPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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