Standard Hymns and Spiritual Songs

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
99Once more before we partDENNISPage Scan
100Blest are the sons of peaceDENNISPage Scan
101Here I can firmly restBRADENPage Scan
102What cheering words are theseBRADENPage Scan
103I bless the Christ of GodBRADENPage Scan
104How can a sinner knowBRADENPage Scan
105Arise, my soul, arise!LENOXPage Scan
106Ye saints, your music bringLENOXPage Scan
107Blow ye the trumpet, blowLENOXPage Scan
108Welcome, delightful mornLISCHERPage Scan
109On wings of living lightLISCHERPage Scan
110Now to Thy sacred houseLISCHERPage Scan
111Come, Thou almighty KingITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
112Glory to God on high!ITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
113My faith looks up to TheeOLIVETPage Scan
114Saviour, I look to TheeOLIVETPage Scan
115From ev'ry stormy wind that blowsRETREATPage Scan
116My God, is any hour so sweetRETREATPage Scan
117I love to steal awhile awayBROWNPage Scan
118Prayer is the soul's sincere desireNAOMIPage Scan
119Father! whate'er of earthly blissNAOMIPage Scan
120This is the day of lightMORNINGTONPage Scan
121Welcome, sweet day of restMORNINGTONPage Scan
122Sweet is the work, O LordMORNINGTONPage Scan
123Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!RESTPage Scan
124Far from these scenes of nightGERARPage Scan
125Abide with me: Fast falls the eventideEVENTIDEPage Scan
126Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raiseELLERTONPage Scan
127While shepherds watch'd their flocks by nightCHRISTMASPage Scan
128Angels rejoiced and sweetly sungCHRISTMASPage Scan
129Majestic sweetness sits enthronedORTONVILLEPage Scan
130Amazing grace! how sweet the soundORTONVILLEPage Scan
131O bless the Lord, my soul!STATE STREETPage Scan
132My hope is built on nothing lessSOLID ROCKPage Scan
133Give to the winds thy fearsTHATCHERPage Scan
134Depth of mercy!—can there beALETTAPage Scan
135Did Christ o'er sinners weepBOYLSTONPage Scan
136I was a wand'ring sheepLEBANONPage Scan
137And can I yet delayBOYLSTONPage Scan
138We would see Jesus—for the shadows lengthenRAYNOLDSPage Scan
139Come, Thou Fount of every blessingNETTLETONPage Scan
140Grace! 'tis a charming sound!OLMUTZPage Scan
141Behold! what wondrous graceOLMUTZPage Scan
142Awake, my soul, stretch every nerveCHRISTMASPage Scan
143I'm not ashamed to own my LordCHRISTMASPage Scan
144Go, labor on; spend and be spentMISSIONARY CHANTPage Scan
145Laborers of Christ ariseAHIRAPage Scan
146Arise, ye saints, arise!AHIRAPage Scan
147Make haste, O man, to liveAHIRAPage Scan
148All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
149Praise God, from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
150Now blessed be the mighty OneWAREPage Scan
151Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimLYONSPage Scan
152Lord, Thee I'll praise with all my heartWAREPage Scan
153Jesus, Saviour! hear my call!ABIDINGPage Scan
154Jesus invites His saintsSTATE STREETPage Scan
155Jesus, we thus obeySTATE STREETPage Scan
156A mighty Fortress is our GodA MIGHTY FORTRESSPage Scan
157aO little town of Bethlehem!ST. LOUISPage Scan
157bO little town of Bethlehem![O little town of Bethlehem!]Page Scan
158How gentle God's commands!LISBONPage Scan
159From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
160On the mountain-top appearingZIONPage Scan
161The morning light is breakingWEBBPage Scan
162Now be the gospel bannerWEBBPage Scan
163O Jesus, Thou art standingST. HILDAPage Scan
164O sacred Head, now woundedST. CHRISTOPHERPage Scan
165I need Thee, precious Jesus!ST. CHRISTOPHERPage Scan
166O day of rest and gladnessMENDEBRASPage Scan
167The dawn of God's new SabbathMENDEBRASPage Scan
168Stand up!—stand up for Jesus!WEBBPage Scan
169My soul, be on thy guardLABANPage Scan
170Lo, He comes, with clouds descendingZIONPage Scan
171O'er the distant mountains breakingZIONPage Scan
172Love divine, all love excellingBEECHERPage Scan
173God is love; His mercy brightensBEECHERPage Scan
174Look, ye saints, the sight is gloriousAUTUMNPage Scan
175Hark! the voice of love and mercyAUTUMNPage Scan
176Guide me, O Thou great JehovahDISMISSALPage Scan
177Our blest Redeemer, ere He breath'dST. CUTHBERTPage Scan
178Jesus, I my cross have takenDISCIPLEPage Scan
179Must Jesus bear the cross aloneMAITLANDPage Scan
180He that goeth forth with weepingSTOCKWELLPage Scan
181Father, hear the prayer we offer!STOCKWELLPage Scan
182Cast thy bread upon the watersSTOCKWELLPage Scan
183All unseen the Master walkethSTOCKWELLPage Scan
184Saviour, breathe an evening blessingEVENING PRAYERPage Scan
185Now the day is overNOW THE DAY IS OVERPage Scan
186In the cross of Christ I gloryRATHBUNPage Scan
187Alas! and did my Saviour bleedAVONPage Scan
188Silently the shades of eveningSTOCKWELLPage Scan
189Tarry with me, O my SaviourSTOCKWELLPage Scan
190Yes, for me, for me He carethSTOCKWELLPage Scan
191Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly DoveST. AGNESPage Scan
192Days and moments quickly flyingST. SYLVESTERPage Scan
193My days are gliding swiftly bySHINING SHOREPage Scan
194There is a land of pure delightVARINAPage Scan
195I hear the words of loveST. MICHAELPage Scan
196There's a wideness in God's mercyWELLESLEYPage Scan
197Oh, happy day that fixed my choiceHAPPY DAYPage Scan

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