A Selection of Hymns & Psalms: from the most approved authors: principally from Watts & Rippon: together with originals

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201And can my heart aspire so highPage Scan
202Saints, at your heav'nly Father's wordPage Scan
203Naked as from the earth we camePage Scan
204Asham'd of Christ, my soul disdainPage Scan
205Behold how sinners disagreePage Scan
206So let our lips and lives expressPage Scan
207Let those who bear the christian namePage Scan
208Religion is the chief concernPage Scan
209Thou art my portion, O my GodPage Scan
210Lord, I am thine; but thou wilt provePage Scan
211Away, my unbelieving fear!Page Scan
212My spirit looks to God alonePage Scan
213Ye trembling souls dismiss your fearsPage Scan
214Beside the gospel poolPage Scan
215Begone unbelief, My Saviour is nearPage Scan
216Happy the man who finds the gracePage Scan
217While carnal men with all their mightPage Scan
218Awake our souls (away our fearsPage Scan
219With melting heart and weeping eyesPage Scan
220Gracious Lord, incline thine earPage Scan
221Who shall ascend thy heavenly placePage Scan
222Broad is the road that leads to deathPage Scan
223Strait is the way, the door is straitPage Scan
224O Jesus my Saviour, to thee I'll submitPage Scan
225There is a heaven in yonder skiesPage Scan
226Come all you longing PilgrimsPage Scan
227Our souls by love together knitPage Scan
228Christ's own soft hands shall wipe the tearsPage Scan
229Come all you mourning pilgrimsPage Scan
230When converts first begin to singPage Scan
231How tedious and tasteless the hoursPage Scan
232My soul, arise in joyful laysPage Scan
233Attend, my soul, the sacred pagePage Scan
234Oh! happy soul, how fast you goPage Scan
235Jesus, before thee I appearPage Scan
236Rise my soul and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
237Jesus, at thy commandPage Scan
238Alas, what hourly dangers rise!Page Scan
239Now let our souls, on wings sublimePage Scan
240Hark! 'tis our heavenly Leader's voicePage Scan
241My God, permit me not to bePage Scan
242Great God, oppress'd with grief and fearPage Scan
243What strange perplexities arise?Page Scan
244Great God, where'er we pitch our tentPage Scan
245God is a spirit, just and wisePage Scan
246The day is past and gonePage Scan
247Lord, thou wilt hear me when I prayPage Scan
248Now the shades of night are gonePage Scan
249Peace be unto this housePage Scan
250Great God, now condescendPage Scan
251In sweet exalted strainsPage Scan
252How did my heart rejoice to hearPage Scan
253How charming is the placePage Scan
254Lord of hosts, how lovely fairPage Scan
255Far as thy name is knownPage Scan
256How pleasant, how divinely fairPage Scan
257Far from my thoughts, vain world begonePage Scan
258Almighty maker God!Page Scan
259Lord, in the morning thou shalt hearPage Scan
260Early, my God, without delayPage Scan
261This is the day the Lord hath madePage Scan
262See what a living StonePage Scan
263Welcome, sweet day of restPage Scan
264Be with me, Lord todayPage Scan
265Hail glorious day, when from the deadPage Scan
266Awake, our drowsy soulsPage Scan
267Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we lovePage Scan
268Sweet is the work, my God, my KingPage Scan
269Well met, dear friends, in Jesus' namePage Scan
270My God, permit my tonguePage Scan
271Soon as I heard my Father sayPage Scan
272O Thou whose justice reigns on highPage Scan
273What various hindrances we meetPage Scan
274Lord, I cannot let thee goPage Scan
275Come, humble sinner, in whose breastPage Scan
276Sprinkled with reconciling bloodPage Scan
277Sing to the Lord Jehovah's namePage Scan
278Come, sound his praise his abroadPage Scan
279Where two or three with sweet accordPage Scan
280Lord we come before thee nowPage Scan
281Now while the gospel-net is castPage Scan
282Did Christ o'er sinners weep?Page Scan
283Ascend thy throne, almighty KingPage Scan
284Great was the day, the joy was greatPage Scan
285Come let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
286Now, Lord, the heavenly seed is sownPage Scan
287To distant lands thy gospel sendPage Scan
288Come guilty souls and flee awayPage Scan
289How shall the sons of men appearPage Scan
290See Felix cloth'd with pomp and powerPage Scan
291Thou dear Redeemer, dying LambPage Scan
292Dismiss us with thy blessing, LordPage Scan
293Lord dismiss us with thy blessingPage Scan
294Jesus grant us all a blessingPage Scan
295In vain the giddy world enquiresPage Scan
296Why should this earth delight us so?Page Scan
297Lord, shall we part with gold for drossPage Scan
298Man has a soul of vast desiresPage Scan
299Dear people all attention givePage Scan
300Stop, poor sinner, stop and thinkPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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