Social Hymn Book: Being the Hymns of the Social Hymn and Tune Book for the Lecture Room, Prayer Meeting, Family, and Congregation (2nd ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101I was a traitor doomed to diePage Scan
102Jesus, my all, to heaven is gonePage Scan
103My dear Redeemer, and my Lord!Page Scan
104Rock of ages, cleft for me!Page Scan
105My faith looks up to theePage Scan
106I lay my sins on JesusPage Scan
107To thee my God and Saviour!Page Scan
108To whom, my Saviour, shall I goPage Scan
109O Jesus! King most wonderful!Page Scan
110I heard the voice of Jesus sayPage Scan
111Come! said Jesus' sacred voicePage Scan
112Deep are the wounds which sin has madePage Scan
113Jesus! and shall it ever bePage Scan
114All hail the power of Jesus' name!Page Scan
115Awake and sing the songPage Scan
116Not with our mortal eyesPage Scan
117Love divine, all love excellingPage Scan
118One there is, above all othersPage Scan
119The voice of free grace cries, "Escape to the mountain!"Page Scan
120Majestic sweetness sits enthronedPage Scan
121With joy we meditate the gracePage Scan
122There is no name so sweet on earthPage Scan
123Come, let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
124To our Redeemer's glorious namePage Scan
125Must Jesus bear the cross alonePage Scan
126From thee, my God! my joys shall risePage Scan
127Ye angels! who stand round the thronePage Scan
128Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove!Page Scan
129How helpless guilty nature liesPage Scan
130Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove!Page Scan
131Descend from heaven, immortal Dove!Page Scan
132Enthroned on high, almighty Lord!Page Scan
133Great Father of each perfect gift!Page Scan
134O thou that hearest pray'r!Page Scan
135Blest Comforter divine!Page Scan
136Eternal Spirit! we confessPage Scan
137Come, Holy Spirit! calm my mindPage Scan
138Holy Ghost! dispel our sadnessPage Scan
139Holy Ghost, with light divinePage Scan
140Gracious Spirit, Love divine!Page Scan
141Not all the outward forms on earthPage Scan
142Why should the children of a kingPage Scan
143Sure, the blest Comforter is nighPage Scan
144Stay, thou insulted Spirit! stayPage Scan
145Saviour, I thy word believePage Scan
146Oh! that in me the sacred firePage Scan
147Oh! turn ye, oh! turn ye, for why will ye diePage Scan
148Delay not, delay not, O sinner--draw nearPage Scan
149Acquaint thee, O sinner acquaint thee, with GodPage Scan
150Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
151While life prolongs its precious lightPage Scan
152To-morrow, Lord! is thinePage Scan
153Ah! how shall fallen manPage Scan
154Say, sinner! hath a vioce withinPage Scan
155Broad is the road that leads to deathPage Scan
156Lo! on a narrow neck of landPage Scan
157No room for mirth or trifling herePage Scan
158Haste, O sinner! to be wisePage Scan
159Sinner! art thou still secure?Page Scan
160The Saviour calls; let ev'ry earPage Scan
161Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor!Page Scan
162Come hither, all ye weary souls!Page Scan
163Come, weary souls! with sin distressedPage Scan
164Let every mortal ear attendPage Scan
165Oh! what amazing words of gracePage Scan
166The Spirit in our heartsPage Scan
167Return and come to GodPage Scan
168Come, ye sinners! heavy-ladenPage Scan
169Sinners! will you scorn the messagePage Scan
170Now is the accepted timePage Scan
171Children! hear the melting storyPage Scan
172Sinners! the voice of God regardPage Scan
173How sad our state by nature is!Page Scan
174Sinners! turn; why will ye die?Page Scan
175Ye hearts with youthful vigor warm!Page Scan
176Behold a stranger at the door!Page Scan
177Return, O wanderer! now returnPage Scan
178Ye! who in his courts are foundPage Scan
179Weary souls, that wander widePage Scan
180From the cross uplifted highPage Scan
181Now the Saviour standeth pleadingPage Scan
182Tell us, wanderer! wildly rovingPage Scan
183Child of sin and sorrowPage Scan
184With tearful eyes I look aroundPage Scan
185Like mist on the mountainPage Scan
186Come, ye disconsolate! where'er ye languishPage Scan
187Come to Jesus, Come to JesusPage Scan
188Alas! and did my Saviour bleed?Page Scan
189O thou! whose tender mercy hearsPage Scan
190Shew pity, Lord! O Lord! forgivePage Scan
191O thou who hearest when sinners cry!Page Scan
192Hearts of stone! relent, relentPage Scan
193Weeping soul, no longer mournPage Scan
194Approach, my soul! the mercy-seatPage Scan
195Jesus! thou art the sinner's FriendPage Scan
196Sovereign Ruler, Lord of all!Page Scan
197Depth of mercy! can there bePage Scan
198Father of mercies, God of love!Page Scan
199Weary of wandering from my GodPage Scan
200Ah! whither should I goPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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