A Selection of Hymns: from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watt's psalms and hymns. (1st Am. ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
CDILord, shall we part with gold for drossTextPage Scan
CDIIDead be my heart to all belowTextPage Scan
CDIIISay, who is she, that looks abroadTextPage Scan
CDIVThe wondering nations have beheldTextPage Scan
CDVEnquire, ye pilgrims, for the wayTextPage Scan
CDVIGreat Father of mankindTextPage Scan
CDVIIFather of mercies, in thy houseTextPage Scan
CDVIIIOur God ascends his lofty throneTextPage Scan
CDIXShepherd of Israel, bend thine earTextPage Scan
CDXLet Sion's watchman all awakeTextPage Scan
CDXIShepherd of Israel, thou dost keepTextPage Scan
CDXIIWe bless the eternal source of lightTextPage Scan
CDXIIIO thou, before whose gracious throneTextPage Scan
CDXIVWhen Paul was parted from his friendsTextPage Scan
CDXVWith heavenly power, O Lord, defendTextPage Scan
CDXVIMy brethren from my heart belov'dTextPage Scan
CDXVIIFair Sion's King, we suppliant bowTextPage Scan
CDXVIIIGlorious things of thee are spokenTextPage Scan
CDXIXFather, is not thy promise pledg'dTextPage Scan
CDXXGreat God, the nations of the earthTextPage Scan
CDXXIHow many years has man been drivenTextPage Scan
CDXXIIFather of faithful Abraham hearTextPage Scan
CDXXIIIThe Lord on mortal worms looks downTextPage Scan
CDXXIVBefore thy throne, eternal KingTextPage Scan
CDXXVDo not I love thee, O my Lord?TextPage Scan
CDXXVIFather of mercies, bow thine earTextPage Scan
CDXXVIISavior visit thy plantationTextPage Scan
CDXXVIIIO'er the gloomy hills of darknessTextPage Scan
CDXXIXShout for the blessed Jesus reignsTextPage Scan
CDXXXAll hail, incarnate God!TextPage Scan
CDXXXISing to the Lord aboveTextPage Scan
CDXXXIIPraise the Savior, all ye nationsTextPage Scan
CDXXXIIIJesus, my Lord, how rich thy graceTextPage Scan
CDXXXIVThe Lord, who rules the world's affairsTextPage Scan
CDXXXVWhen Jesus dwelt in mortal clayTextPage Scan
CDXXXVIYes, there are joys that cannot dieTextPage Scan
CDXXXVIICome, ye that fear the lordTextPage Scan
CDXXXVIIIThere's joy in heaven, and joy on earthTextPage Scan
CDXXXIXWhen any turn from Zion's wayTextPage Scan
CDXLThou only sovereign of my heartTextPage Scan
CDXLIIn thee, thou all-sufficient GodTextPage Scan
CDXLIIIn Jordan's tide the baptist standsTextPage Scan
CDXLIIIThe great Redeemer we adoreTextPage Scan
CDXLIVThus it became the prince of graceTextPage Scan
CDXLVHumble souls, who seek salvationTextPage Scan
CDXLVIDear Lord, and will thy pardoning loveTextPage Scan
CDXLVIIWhen Abram's servant to procureTextPage Scan
CDXLVIIIThus was the great Redeemer plung'dTextPage Scan
CDXLIXJesus, mighty King in SionTextPage Scan
CDLSee how the willing converts traceTextPage Scan
CDLIJesus, and shall it ever beTextPage Scan
CDLIIGreat God, we in thy courts appearTextPage Scan
CDLIIIHow great, how solemn is the workTextPage Scan
CDLIVGo teach the nations and baptizeTextPage Scan
CDLVWhate'er to thee our Lord belongsTextPage Scan
CDLVIHosanna to the church's headTextPage Scan
CDLVIIBehold the grave where Jesus layTextPage Scan
CDLVIIICome, ye redeemed of the LordTextPage Scan
CDLIXWe to this place are come, to showTextPage Scan
CDLXEternal Spirit, heavenly doveTextPage Scan
CDLXIAll ye that love Immanuel's nameTextPage Scan
CDLXIIYe, who your native vileness mournTextPage Scan
CDLXIIIJesus, my Savior, and my allTextPage Scan
CDLXIVAmazing grace! and shall I stillTextPage Scan
CDLXVApostles trod this holy groundTextPage Scan
CDLXVIWith lowly minds and lofty songsTextPage Scan
CDLXVIITo Father Son, and Holy GhostTextPage Scan
CDLXVIIIDescend celestial DoveTextPage Scan
CDLXIXProclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous graceTextPage Scan
CDLXXAttend, ye children of your GodTextPage Scan
CDLXXIThe holy eunuch, when baptiz'dTextPage Scan
CDLXXIIWhat heavenly Man, or lovely GodTextPage Scan
CDLXXIIIYe wretched, hungry, starving poorTextPage Scan
CDLXXIVHe dies! the friend of sinners dies!TextPage Scan
CDLXXVJesus! O word divinely sweet!TextPage Scan
CDLXXVIThus we commemorate the dayTextPage Scan
CDLXXVIIJesus when faith with fixed eyesTextPage Scan
CDLXXVIIICome, see on bloody CalvaryTextPage Scan
CDLXXIXNow far above these starry skiesTextPage Scan
CDLXXXNow let our faith grow strong, and riseTextPage Scan
CDLXXXINo more, dear Savior, will I boastTextPage Scan
CDLXXXIILord, at thy table I beholdTextPage Scan
CDLXXXIIIHere at thy table, Lord, we meet to feedTextPage Scan
CDLXXXIVSo fair a face bedew'd with tears!TextPage Scan
CDLXXXVAnd did the holy and the justTextPage Scan
CDLXXXVIThe king of heaven his table spreadsTextPage Scan
CDLXXXVIITo Jesus our exalted LordTextPage Scan
CDLXXXVIIITo our redeemer's glorious nameTextPage Scan
CDLXXXIXCome every pious heartTextPage Scan
CDXCLord, I am thine, entirely thine?TextPage Scan
CDXCITo thee, let my first offering riseTextPage Scan
CDXCIIWith thee, great God, the stores of lightTextPage Scan
CDXCIIILord, I am vile!— what shall I say?TextPage Scan
CDXCIVSee how the mounting sunTextPage Scan
CDXCVGreat God, to thee my evening songTextPage Scan
CDXCVIGlory to thee, my God, this nightTextPage Scan
CDXCVIINow from the altar of our heartsTextPage Scan
CDXCVIIIThe icy chains that bound the earthTextPage Scan
CDXCIXFrom winter's barren clodsTextPage Scan
DBehold! long-wish'd for spring is comeTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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