The Soldier's Hymn Book. 2nd ed.

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d201Sing of Jesus, sing forever
d202Sleep not, soldier of the cross
d203Snatched, Lord, from danger
d204Soldiers, by our Lord's command
d205Soldiers of the cross, arise, lo, your Captain
d206Sovereign of all the worlds above
d207Stand up, my soul [our souls], shake off thy [your] fears
d208Sun of my soul [our souls], thou [my] [O] Savior [Father] dear
d209Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
d210The billows swell, the winds are high
d211The Christian warrior, see him stand
d212The Lord appears my helper now
d213The Lord's my banner, forth I go
d214The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want
d215The man is ever blest [blessed] who shuns the sinner's ways
d216The Spirit breathes upon the Word
d217The voice of free grace cries escape
d218There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d219There is a happy land, Far, [not] far away
d220There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign
d221There is an hour of peaceful rest
d222Thine earthly Sabbath [Sabbaths], Lord we love
d223Thou dear Redeemer, dying Lamb
d224Though hard the winds are blowing
d225Though trouble assail us, and dangers affright
d226Thy mighty arm, O God, was nigh
d227'Tis by the faith of joys to come
d228'Tis faith supports my feeble soul
d229To God I cried with mournful voice
d230To praise our Shepherd's care
d231To the hills I lift mine [my] eyes, [to] the everlasting hills
d232To thee our fathers, Lord, repaired
d233To thine almighty arm we owe
d234Tossed upon life's raging billow
d235We lift our hearts to thee, O [Our] [Thou] Day-Star
d236We'll sing of Christ, no matter who
d237We're traveling home to heaven above
d238What various hindrances we meet
d239When Abraham, full of sacred awe
d240When along life's thorny road
d241When I can trust my all with God
d242When in this world of grief
d243When languor and disease invade
d244When many a tempest blew
d245When marshalled on the nightly [mighty] plain
d246When o'er the mighty deep we rode
d247When rising from the bed of death
d248When shall we meet again, Meet ne'er [more] to sever
d249When sins and fears prevailing rise
d250When struggling on the bed of pain
d251When the shaded pilgrim land
d252When the spark of life is waning [fading]
d253When this passing world is done
d254When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming
d255When waves of trouble [sorrow] round me swell
d256When we pass through yonder river
d257Whence do our mournful thoughts arise
d258Where high the heavenly temple stands The house
d259While life prolongs its precious light
d260While, Lord, our souls thy grace adore
d261While wandering to and fro
d262Why do we [ye] [you] mourn departing [departed] [for dying] friends
d263Why should we start and fear to die
d264Will that not joyful be
d265With grateful hearts, with joyful tongues

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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