The Sacred Harp: the best collection of sacred songs, hymns, odes, and anthems ever offered the singing public for general use (1991 rev.)

Committee Chair: Hugh McGraw
Publisher: Sacred Harp Publishing Company, Inc., 1991
Language: English
Notes: Four-shape notation. Hymn numbers refer to page numbers; when two hymns begin on the same page, they are distinguished with letters a and b. Page scans & robotic sound files are at
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
184Before the rosy dawn of dayENFIELD
185Farewell, farewell, farewell, my friends, I must be gonePILGRIM'S FAREWELL
186While shepherds watch'd their flocks by nightSHERBURNE
187God, my supporter, and my hopePROTECTION
188The scattered clouds are fled at lastSPRING
189Early, my God, without delayMONTGOMERY
191Thy words the raging winds controlVIRGINIA
192From all that dwell below the skiesSCHENECTADY
193Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was IHUNTINGTON
195How beauteous are their feetWORCESTER
196Angels in shining order standALABAMA
197The cross of Christ inspires my heartGEORGIA
198All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!GREEN STREET
200With songs and honors sounding loudEDOMText
201Come, all ye mourning pilgrims dearPILGRIMText
202Great God, the heav’n’s well-ordered frameNEW LEBANONText
203Let sinners take their courseFLORIDAText
204Young people, all attention giveMISSIONText
205Religion is the chief concernPLEASANT HILLText
206We have our troubles here belowCHRISTIAN'S HOPEText
207Come, little children, now we mayLOUISIANAText
208Farewell, my loving friends, farewellTRAVELING ON
209The day is past and goneEVENING SHADE
210See the Lord of glory dying!LENAText
211Where nothing dwelt but beasts of preyWHITESTOWN
212How pleasant 'tis to seeSHARON
213aLift up your heads, Immanuel's friendsTHE GOOD OLD WAY
213bToday the Savior callsWARNING
214Oh, if my soul was formed for woeREPENTANCE
215Young people all, attention giveNEW TOPIA
216No burning heats by dayDELIGHT
217Great God, attend, while Zion singsBALLSTOWN
218There is a house not made with handsMOUNT PLEASANT
220The hill of Zion yieldsMOUNT ZION
222Thy works of glory, mighty LordOCEAN
223Hither, ye faithful, haste with songs of triumphPORTUGUESE HYMN
224When thro' the torn sail the wild tempest is streamingSAVE, LORD, OR WE PERISH
225aForever blessed be the LordREYNOLDS
225bOh, how charming, Oh, how charmingCHRISTMAS ANTHEM
227I began life's journey when youngODE ON LIFE'S JOURNEYText
228O for a shout of sacred joyMARLBOROUGH
229What poor, despised companyIRWINTON
230As pants the hart for cooling streamsCONVERTING GRACE
231Thou art passing away, thou art passing awayTHOU ART PASSING AWAY
232In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of JudeaBAPTISMAL ANTHEM
234Give unto the Lord REVERENTIAL ANTHEM
235Jerusalem! my happy home!LONG SOUGHT HOME
236The Lord is ris'n indeed! Hallelujah!EASTER ANTHEM
240Mine eyes are now closing to restCHRISTIAN SONG
242The morning sun shines from the eastODE ON SCIENCE
245Vital spark of heav'nly flameCLAREMONT
250I beheld, and lo a great multitudeHEAVENLY VISION
254I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleyROSE OF SHARON
260My friends, I am going a long and tedious journeyFAREWELL ANTHEM
263Why, O sinner, me profaningDODDRIDGE
266My days, my weeks, my months, my yearsKINGWOOD
267Farewell, my friends, I'm bound for CanaanPARTING FRIENDSText
268David, the king was grieved and movedDAVID'S LAMENTATION
269Lord, when Thou didst ascend on highBEAR CREEK
270Away, my unbelieving fearCONFIDENCE
271aFarewell, farewell to all belowARKANSAS
271bHow many years has man been driv'nRESTORATION
272Now, in the heat of youthful bloodEXHORTATION
273If angels sung a Savior's birthMILFORD
274aFarewell, vain world, I'm going homeTHE GOLDEN HARP
274bHe comes! He comes! the Judge severeROLL JORDAN
275aAwake, my soul, to joyful laysLOVING-KINDNESS
275bWhy should we start and fear to die?ROLL ON
276From all that dwell below the skiesBRIDGEWATER
277I know that my Redeemer livesANTIOCH
278aLong have I sat beneath the soundLOVE SHALL NEVER DIE
278bFarewell, vain world, I'm going homeTRAVELING PILGRIM
279Ye little flock whom Jesus feedsTHE SHEPHERD'S FLOCK
280Far from my thoughts, vain world, be goneWESTFORD
282Farewell, vain world! I'm going home!I'M GOING HOME
283Come, let us join with one accordSABBATH MORNING
284The Lord into His garden comesGARDEN HYMN
285aCome, let us join our friends aboveARNOLD
285bO land of rest, for thee I sighLAND OF REST
286While trav'ling thru the world belowHEAVENLY HOMEText
287The Lord will happiness divineCAMBRIDGE
288Ye fleeting charms of earth, farewellWHITE
289There is a land of pure delightGREENSBOROUGH
290Alas! and did my Savior bleed?VICTORIA
291The Lord descended from aboveMAJESTY
292Behold the Savior of mankindBEHOLD THE SAVIOR
293When I can read my title clearAKERS
294I'm enlisted on the roadROCKY ROAD
295Let ev'ry mortal ear attendODEM
296Behold the love, the gen'rous loveSARDINIA
297When God revealed His gracious nameCONVERSION
298What shall I render to my GodPROVIDENCE
299Lo, what a glorious sight appearsNEW JERUSALEM
300My thoughts that often mount the skiesCALVARY
301With songs and honors sounding loudGREENLAND
302The day is past and goneLOGAN
303There is a land of pure delightHEAVENLY LAND
304With songs and honors sounding loudMORGAN
306Shepherds, rejoice! Lift up your eyesOXFORD
308What is there here to court my stayPARTING FRIENDS

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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