Song Hits

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101Sometimes I'm weary, burdened
d102Soul, by sin deluded, wretched, poor
d103Sweet is the thought when a storm is sweeping
d104The blessed Savior's voice is calling
d105There are many faithful workers
d106There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d107There is a place of joy and w
d108There is sadness here below
d109There was once a time when in my heart I was condemned
d110There will be a great and glad reunion over on the other shore
d111There'll come a day, how sweet 'twill be
d112There's a blessed Friend
d113There's a little mountain shack
d114There's a mighty Friend beside you
d115There's a million things I'd like to do to serve
d116There's no guarantee that's given down here
d117These are days that try the souls
d118They tell me there's a long white robe for all
d119Though we are placed in the tomb
d120Through a world of sorrow we are passing
d121'Tis a beautiful thought
d122To those who search the world for joy
d123Troubles I fear while traveling
d124Upon the sea of life I'm sailing every day
d125We, as a people, just follow
d126We can always depend on Jesus
d127We go through life and never try
d128We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love
d129Weary pilgrim on the road
d130Weary pilgrim, sad, when the road
d131We're bearing goodly fruits
d132What can wash away my sin [sins] [stain]
d133What could I do without Jesus
d134When all the world, enslaved by sin
d135When dawns a new morning
d136When earthly friends forsake me
d137When God dips his pen of love in my heart
d138When has come the judgement day
d139When in the dark night of sorrow
d140When Isr'l came from bondage
d141When Jesus saved me and made me whole
d142When Jesus speaks to me
d143When my work is over I willl sing
d144When the hills are hard to climb
d145When we all get to heaven by and by
d146When we get yonder love will grow fonder
d147When wicked men were bound deep
d148When you are lonely, clouds hide the blue
d149While a pilgrim in a land
d150Why must the world be torn
d151Wonderful love was shown for me
d152You may live in mansions and ride in limousines

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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