The Song Feast No. 1

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d1A song in honor to thy name, our grateful voices
d2Across the sea of time we glide
d3All glory and praise be to Jesus our Lord
d4All things are ready, the feast is now spread
d5Are you living as a servant of the Savior
d6Are you longing, weary sinner
d7Be faithful, earnest and true
d8Can you speak a word for Jesus
d9Christ, our Redeemer, died on the cross
d10Come friends and join this choral band
d11Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, shed in my heart
d12Dear mother's sleeping 'neath the sod
d13For all, who believeth on God's only Son
d14For me, the blessed Savior died
d15Go forth and seek the erring
d16Go, in early morning, into the harvest white
d17Granted is the Savior's prayer
d18He comes knocking at your door
d19Hear the bells so sweetly ringing
d20Hear the voice of Jesus calling, come ye unto us,
d21Here are scenes of pain and dying
d22He's coming, he's coming, sleeper beware
d23How gentle God's commands
d24How I love thee, blessed Savior
d25How precious the thought, while as pilgrims we roam
d26I hear a low faint voice that says
d27I long to reach that sunny clime
d28I want to work for Jesus, I want to do his will
d29If bright shall be my crown above
d30If fortune and honor I here cannot claim
d31If on Jesus I am leaning
d32If you have no friend to cheer you
d33I'm resting in Jesus and find sweet repose
d34I'm thinking of that home
d35I'm traveling to my home above, walking
d36In Jesus I have found a friend
d37In that mansion bright and fair
d38In the garden, sore oppressed
d39In the great harvest the toilers begin
d40In thy love, dear Lord, dismiss us and thy wings
d41I've heard of blind Bartimeus
d42I've heard the gospel story
d43Jesus arose, with glory from the grave
d44Jesus is calling my spirit away
d45Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d46Jesus, merciful and mild, Lead me
d47Jesus will deliver you
d48Led by his word to the fountain of life
d49Let the happy sunshine of God's eternal love
d50Little children, let us sing In the light, in the light
d51Lord, I give myself to thee, all my heart
d52Make each other happy, children, while you may
d53Many though my conflicts be
d54My heart and my hand I would give thee
d55My load of sin he has removed
d56My soul o'erflows with joy and peace, where Jesus
d57Now as we work in this great field
d58O Christian, do not hide your light
d59O hear the voice of Jesus now,
d60O Jesus, my Savior, when looking to thee
d61O spring of all my joys flow on
d62O the Savior's gone to prepare a home
d63Onward, to that cleansing fountain
d64Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
d65She had heard about the heathen
d66She used to wear it here
d67Sinner, listen, hear the call
d68Soul, why be contented, out of Christ to stay
d69Sound the gospel message, over every land
d70Still I am singing, Jesus of thee, blessed Redeemer, precious to me
d71That their hearts with gladness, ever may abound
d72The dead in Christ are only sleeping
d73The King's highway by mortals trod
d74The kiss she placed upon my brow
d75The Savior is calling dear dear sinner to all
d76The song feast, now is ready, awake, ye saints
d77The song of salvation I ever will sing
d78There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d79There is a home, a beautiful mansion
d80There's a beautiful home far over the sea
d81Thou art gone, our heart is lonely
d82Thou art gone, our precious darling
d83Though my life has known ony doubt and sin
d84Through struggles hard, and battles fought
d85'Tis the same old gospel story, that was preached
d86Too late, 'twill be for you to cry
d87Traveling to the better land
d88Try on, try on though worn and weary
d89Unto thee now I pray
d90View the Savior on the cross
d91Wasted opportunities we can ne'er regain
d92We are on the ship of Zion, she will take us safely
d93We are sailing on life's ocean, going to a better
d94We are traveling to our home, in that bright
d95We know there's a bright and a glorious land
d96We may all outride the tempest
d97Welcome, welcome, one and all
d98We're marching home to Canaan's land
d99We're toiling bravely on, to reach that city fair
d100When the Master shall call us from labor to rest

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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