Selah: a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, introits, anthems, chants, motetts, choruses, etc. adapted to the use of classes, private circles, and worship assemblies

Editor: Thomas Hastings
Publisher: A. S. Barnes & Co., New York, 1856
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number. Letters are added to numbers when more than one hymn is on a page.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
220bFarewell! farewell! we meet no morePage Scan
220cO, lay not up on this vain earthPage Scan
221aSing hallelujahs, praise the LordPage Scan
221bOn the mountain's top appearingPage Scan
222aThe Prince of salvation in triumph is ridingPage Scan
222bHead of the church triumphantPage Scan
223aThe Lord is great!Page Scan
223bCome, let us anew Our journey pursuePage Scan
224aWake, wake the voice of songPage Scan
224bLift not thou the wailing voicePage Scan
225aBeyond where Cedron's waters flowPage Scan
225bHark, those happy voices, sayingPage Scan
225cForgive my folly, O Lord most holyPage Scan
226The voice of free grace cries, Escape to the mountainPage Scan
227aThere is an hour of peaceful restPage Scan
227bFriend after friend departsPage Scan
227cToday the Saviour callsPage Scan
228aHail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning!Page Scan
228bI love the Lord, whose gracious earPage Scan
228cThe Lord is our shepherd, our guardian and guidePage Scan
229aBe watchful, 'tis the great commandPage Scan
229bO cease, my wand'ring soulPage Scan
230aWe parted, and have met againPage Scan
230bCome, ye that love the Saviour's namePage Scan
231Ye angels, who stand round the thronePage Scan
232Pilgrim, is thy journey drearPage Scan
233aThe Lord is in his holy temple, in his holy templePage Scan
233bWatchman, watchman, tell us of the nightPage Scan
234Offer the sacrifice of righteousnessPage Scan
235Holiness becometh thy housePage Scan
236aI will arise, and go to my father, and will say unto himPage Scan
236bPeace to thee, O favored onePage Scan
237The Lord is in his holy templeTextPage Scan
238aOpen thou mine eyesPage Scan
238bWhile life prolongs its precious lightPage Scan
239Thou art holy, thou art holy, art holy, art holy!Page Scan
241aMark the perfect man, and behold the uprightPage Scan
241bGive me the wings of faith to risePage Scan
242aO thou, that hearest prayerPage Scan
242bWhat is life? 'tis but a vaporPage Scan
244aGive unto the Lord the glory due unto his namePage Scan
244bThe Lord will comfort ZionPage Scan
245Let thy mercy be upon us, O LordPage Scan
247aO, taste and see, that the Lord is goodPage Scan
247bWould you win a soul to GodPage Scan
248aHoly, Holy, Holy Lord God of SabaothPage Scan
248bSinners, turn! why will ye die?Page Scan
250aHoly, holy, holy Lord God of SabaothPage Scan
250bCast thy burden on the LordPage Scan
251Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy Lord God of SabaothPage Scan
252Praise God, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
253aPraise the Lord, praise the LordPage Scan
253bO, praise the Lord with one consentPage Scan
255Now, therefore, O God, we thank theePage Scan
258aBehold, bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the LordPage Scan
258bWhen I can read my title clearPage Scan
259Lord, make me to know mine endPage Scan
261I will bless the Lord at all timesPage Scan
262aArise, arise, arise, O Lord, into thy restPage Scan
262bWhen gathering clouds around I viewPage Scan
263O for a shout of sacred joyPage Scan
264aO Lord, our Lord! how excellent is thy name in all the earthPage Scan
264bYe angels, who stand round the thronePage Scan
265Teach me the measure of my daysPage Scan
266aHe shall feed his flock like a shepherdPage Scan
266bKnow, my soul, thy full salvationPage Scan
267My Shepherd will supply my needPage Scan
268aJesus said, Suffer little children to come unto mePage Scan
268bWhat soft delight the peaceful bosom wormsPage Scan
269Blessed, blessed, blessed are the deadPage Scan
270Zion, dreary and in anguishPage Scan
271aO Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the worldPage Scan
271bAs, by the light of opening dayPage Scan
272aThere is an hour of peaceful restPage Scan
272bWhy lament the Christian dying?Page Scan
274Sweet is the light of Sabbath evePage Scan
276This life's a dream, an empty showPage Scan
278aBehold what manner, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon usPage Scan
278bO sing unto the Lord a new songPage Scan
281From all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
282aHark! that voice among the nationsPage Scan
282bRise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
284aBlessed are the people that know the joyful soundPage Scan
284bLord of mercy and of mightPage Scan
285Child of sin and sorrowPage Scan
286aBlessed are the poor in spiritPage Scan
286bWhen the calmness of evening lulls nature to restPage Scan
287O ye mourners, cease to languishPage Scan
288Christian, now enjoy thy restPage Scan
290aWhat shall I render unto the LordPage Scan
290bHo! every one that thirstethPage Scan
292Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye landsPage Scan
294aO how great is the goodness which thou hast laid up for them that love theePage Scan
294bEarth's stormy night will soon be o'erPage Scan
297Thou wilt show me the path of lifePage Scan
298Star of peace, to wanderers wearyPage Scan
299Blessed is he whose transgression is forgivenPage Scan
300Almighty Father, gracious LordPage Scan
301aWe will rejoice, will rejoice in his salvationPage Scan
301bThine, Lord, forever, No power can severPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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