Revival Songs. 4th ed.

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d101How beautiful the sight Of brethren who agree
d102How blest the sacred tie that binds
d103How Christians are gathering
d104How happy are they, Who the [their] Savior [Jesus] obey
d105How happy is the Christian's state [mind]
d106How lost was [is] my [our] condition
d107How lovely the place where the Savior appears
d108How precious is the book divine
d109How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
d110How sweet to reflect on the [those] joys that await me [us]
d111How tedious and tasteless [restless and tiresome] the hours
d112I have fought the good fight, I have finished
d113I love thee, I love thee, I love thee my Love [Lord]
d114I love to steal awhile away
d115I want to be an angel, and with the angels stand
d116I would not live alway [always], I ask not to stay
d117I'll try to prove faithful
d118I'm a pilgrim, and a soldier
d119I'm a pilgrim and I'm a stranger, I can tarry
d120I'm glad I've ever seen the day
d121I'm glad salvation's free
d122I'm glad that I am [was] born to die, From grief and woe
d123I'm not ashamed to own my [the] Lord
d124In all my Lord's appointed ways
d125In Jordan's tide [waves] the Baptist [prophet] stands
d126In mercy, Lord, remember me
d127In the Christian's home in [of] glory
d128In the cross of Christ I [we] glory, towering
d129In the rosy light of the morning bright
d130In thy name, O Lord, assembling We, thy people, now draw near
d131Inquire, ye pilgrims, for the way
d132Inscribed upon the cross we see
d133Jerusalem, my happy home
d134Jesus, and shall it ever be
d135Jesus, dear name, how sweet it [the] sound(s)
d136Jesus, delightful, charming name
d137Jesus, I love thy charming name
d138Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave
d139Jesus invites his saints
d140Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d141Jesus, my [mine] [our] all, to heaven is [has] gone
d142Jesus, the name high over all
d143Jesus, thou art the sinner's friend
d144Jesus, thy love shall [can] we forget
d145Jesus, truth, my truth, my way
d146Jesus, where'er thy people meet
d147Join all the glorious names
d148Join all who love the Savior's name
d149Joyfully, joyfully, onward I [we] move
d150Know, my soul, thy full salvation
d151Let thy Kingdom, blessed Savior
d152Let Zion's watchman all awake
d153Lift up your hearts, Immanuel's friends
d154Lo on a narrow neck of land
d155Lo the land that is fairer than day
d156Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
d157Lord, in the morning I will send
d158Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high
d159Love divine, all loves [love] excelling
d160Man may trouble and distress me
d161Mary to her [the] Savior's tomb
d162Meekly in Jordan's holy stream
d163Mercy, O thou Son of David
d164Met, O God, to ask thy presence
d165Mid [midst] scenes of confusion and creature complaints
d166Morning breaks upon the tomb
d167Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
d168My Bible leads to glory
d169My brother I wish you well
d170My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d171My days are gliding swiftly by
d172My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
d173My heavenly home is bright and fair nor pain nor death
d174My pilgrimage will shortly end
d175My soul's full of glory, inspiring [which fires] [it fires] my tongue
d176Nay, I cannot let thee go
d177Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d178Nothing either great or small, nothing sinner
d179Now begin the heavenly theme
d180Now is the accepted time
d181Now the Savior stands [standeth] [standing] a-pleading [and pleading]
d182O come, my loving neighbors
d183O, come to the Savior, believe in His name
d184O for a breeze of heavenly love
d185O for a closer walk with God
d186O for a thousand tongues to sing my great [dear] Redeemer's praise
d187O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
d188O happy land, O happy land, Where saints and angels
d189O Lord, thy work revive, In Zion's gloomy hour
d190O sing to me of heaven When I am called to die
d191O [Sweet] land for [of] rest for thee I sigh
d192O that my load of sin were [was] gone
d193O there will be mourning, mourning, mourning
d194O Thou from whom all goodness flows
d195O thou in whose presence my soul takes delight
d196O turn ye [you], O turn ye [you], for why will ye [you] die
d197O watch, and fight, and pray
d198O what shall I do be saved will you tell me
d199O when shall I [we] see Jesus and dwell [reign] with Him above
d200O [When] thou my righteous Judge shall [shalt] come

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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