Radiant Songs: for use in meetings for Christian worship or work

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
103Do you feel your load of sin?[Do you feel your load of sin?]Page Scan
104Fill this temple with thy glory[Fill this temple with thy glory]Page Scan
105Soldiers of th'Sunday-school army[Soldiers of th'Sunday-school army]TextPage Scan
106We are going home to glory, we are on the shining way[We are going home to glory, we are on the shining way]Page Scan
107We want to live for Jesus[We want to live for Jesus]Page Scan
108Who'll enroll his name in the army of the King?[Who'll enroll his name in the army of the King?]Page Scan
109O stay not, O stay not thy coming to Christ[O stay not, O stay not thy coming to Christ]Page Scan
110There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless wave[There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless wave]Page Scan
111On the desert mountain straying[On the desert mountain straying]Page Scan
112Oft when tossed on ocean's foam[Oft when tossed on ocean's foam]Page Scan
113Every one may have a Friend[Every one may have a Friend]Page Scan
114There's a promise for the contrite[There's a promise for the contrite]Page Scan
115I found the love that long I sought[I found the love that long I sought]Page Scan
116It needs but a touch, a touch of the heart[It needs but a touch, a touch of the heart]Page Scan
117Not one thing hath failed us[Not one thing hath failed us]Page Scan
118You've read what our Lord in his pilgrimage here[You've read what our Lord in his pilgrimage here]Page Scan
119Falter not nor look behind thee[Falter not nor look behind thee]Page Scan
120We are singing on the way[We are singing on the way]Page Scan
121I am walking with my Saviour in companionship so sweet[I am walking with my Saviour in companionship so sweet]Page Scan
122Have you heard the invitation to the gospel feast[Have you heard the invitation to the gospel feast]Page Scan
123Oh, wondrous love! how can it be[Oh, wondrous love! how can it be]Page Scan
124Have you carried cups of water[Have you carried cups of water]Page Scan
125We have walked with Christ today[We have walked with Christ today]Page Scan
126Come to the cross, thy Redeemer is there[Come to the cross, thy Redeemer is there]Page Scan
127Hear the voice of the Saviour, oh, ye who are weary[Hear the voice of the Saviour, oh, ye who are weary]Page Scan
128Lo, I am with you alway[Lo, I am with you alway]Page Scan
129Sighing amidst the shadows[Sighing amidst the shadows]Page Scan
130The sands of time are sinking[The sands of time are sinking]Page Scan
131There's a hand held out in pity[There's a hand held out in pity]Page Scan
132Praise to thee, Mighty One[Praise to thee, Mighty One]Page Scan
133Speak to me, Jesus, I'm far from thy fold[Speak to me, Jesus, I'm far from thy fold]Page Scan
134I know not the hour of his coming[I know not the hour of his coming]Page Scan
135How can I honor him? what shall I bring?[How can I honor him? what shall I bring?]Page Scan
136Trust the Lord, for he never can fail us[Trust the Lord, for he never can fail us]Page Scan
137Christian, to the rescue![Christian, to the rescue!]Page Scan
138O, work for the Master; the field is so wide[O, work for the Master; the field is so wide]Page Scan
139When shall we all meet again?[When shall we all meet again?]Page Scan
140"Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King"["Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King"]Page Scan
141Precious Jesus, I am thine[Precious Jesus, I am thine]Page Scan
142One thing I know; oh, bless his name[One thing I know; oh, bless his name]Page Scan
143Use me, O my gracious Saviour[Use me, O my gracious Saviour]Page Scan
144Thou art, O Lord, the Truth, the Life[Thou art, O Lord, the Truth, the Life]Page Scan
145Our friends on earth we meet with pleasure[Our friends on earth we meet with pleasure]Page Scan
146Ringing, ringing, sweetly ringing[Ringing, ringing, sweetly ringing]Page Scan
147Lead me, ever lead me[Lead me, ever lead me]Page Scan
148While these favored hours are passing[While these favored hours are passing]Page Scan
149Jesus is calling thee![Jesus is calling thee!]Page Scan
150Whither do you journey, sailor[Whither do you journey, sailor]TextPage Scan
151All glory to my Saviour's name[All glory to my Saviour's name]Page Scan
152When out in sin and darkness lost[When out in sin and darkness lost]Page Scan
153Delay not to come to Christ![Delay not to come to Christ!]Page Scan
154You ask what keeps me happy, my heart so free from care[You ask what keeps me happy, my heart so free from care]Page Scan
155I am praying, blessed Saviour[I am praying, blessed Saviour]Page Scan
156We shall walk with him in white[We shall walk with him in white]Page Scan
157Prayer is the key[Prayer is the key]Page Scan
158My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea[My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea]Page Scan
159There's sunshine in my soul to-day[There's sunshine in my soul to-day]Page Scan
160Sweet the moments, rich in blessing[Sweet the moments, rich in blessing]Page Scan
161I'm helpless, Lord, to thee I fly[I'm helpless, Lord, to thee I fly]Page Scan
162Trying to walk in the steps of the Saviour[Trying to walk in the steps of the Saviour]Page Scan
163Hark! hark! loud, long, melodious[Hark! hark! loud, long, melodious]Page Scan
164On the cold, barren hills I had wandered afar[On the cold, barren hills I had wandered afar]Page Scan
165Saviour, lead me, lest I stray[Saviour, lead me, lest I stray]Page Scan
166On the happy, golden shore[On the happy, golden shore]Page Scan
167Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine![Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!]Page Scan
168We have heard of a land on whose blue, ether skies[We have heard of a land on whose blue, ether skies]Page Scan
170All praise to Him to reigns above[All praise to Him to reigns above]Page Scan
171Glory to Jesus who died on the tree[Glory to Jesus who died on the tree]Page Scan
172Standing on the promises of Christ my King[Standing on the promises of Christ my King]Page Scan
173We have heard a joyful sound[We have heard a joyful sound]Page Scan
174When we walk with the Lord[When we walk with the Lord]Page Scan
175Have ye heard the song from the golden land?[Have ye heard the song from the golden land?]Page Scan
176Are you happy in the Lord[Are you happy in the Lord]Page Scan
177There is work for one and all[There is work for one and all]Page Scan
178Jesus saves me and keeps me from sin[Jesus saves me and keeps me from sin]Page Scan
179Saved to the uttermost: I am the Lord's[Saved to the uttermost: I am the Lord's]Page Scan
180More about Jesus would I know[More about Jesus would I know]Page Scan
181Who stands outside the closed door?[Who stands outside the closed door?]Page Scan
182Brother for Christ's kingdom sighing[Brother for Christ's kingdom sighing]Page Scan
183My life, my love I give to thee[My life, my love I give to thee]Page Scan
184There's a wideness in God's mercy[There's a wideness in God's mercy]Page Scan
185Come, sinners, to the gospel feast[Come, sinners, to the gospel feast]Page Scan
186There is a fountain fill'd with bloodPage Scan
187Oh, my heart is full of laughterBARTIMEUSPage Scan
188God is love; his mercy brightensPage Scan
189O Jesus, Lord, thy dying love[O Jesus, Lord, thy dying love]Page Scan
190Oh, now I see the cleansing wave![Oh, now I see the cleansing wave!]Page Scan
191Jesus, I come to thee[Jesus, I come to thee]Page Scan
192Nearer, my God! to theePage Scan
193Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit[Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit]Page Scan
194Glory be to the Father[Glory be to the Father]Page Scan
195Praise God from whom all blessings flowSESSIONSPage Scan
196Praise God from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
197Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost[Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost]Page Scan

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