Pilgrim's Songster

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d1A soldier, Lord, Thou hast me made
d2All ye that's seeking Jesus' face
d3Almighty love inspire My heart [soul] with sacred fire [pure desire]
d4Arise, O Zion, rise and shine
d5At the close of the day when the hamlet is still
d6Awaked by Sinai's awful sound
d7Behold, before the eternal throne
d8Behold that great and awful day
d9Behold, the warlike trumpets blow
d10Beside the gospel pool Appointed for the poor
d11Bright scenes of glory strike my sense
d12Come all my brethren in the Lord
d13Come, all my dear brethren, draw near, And hearken to
d14Come, all my partners in distress
d15Come, all ye [you] wandering [mourning] [Christian], pilgrims dear
d16Come all you longing pilgrims
d17Come all you mourning pilgrims, that [who] feel
d18Come and taste along with me, the weary pilgrims consolation
d19Come friends and relations let us [come] join heart and hand
d20Come, O thou traveller unknown
d21Come, saints and sinners, hear me tell
d22Come, ye [you] that [who] know the Lord indeed
d23Dear Jesus, here comes, And knocks at Thy door
d24Enlisted into the cause of sin
d25Farewell, farewell, fare you well
d26Forbear, my friends, forbear, and ask no more
d27From the regions of love, lo, an angel descended
d28From whence doth [does] this [the] union arise
d29Hail, God the Father, glorious light
d30Hark, listen to the trumpeters They sound for volunteers
d31Hark, the jubilee is sounding
d32Holy God, and hast thou sent
d33Hosanna to Jesus, I am filled with his praise
d34How firm a foundation, ye [you] saints of the Lord
d35How happy every child of grace, The soul that's filled
d36How long shall I weep in this prison of clay
d37How lost was [is] my [our] condition
d38I am monarch of all I survey
d39I am on my way to heaven, My sins
d40I long to see the season [seasons] come when sinners
d41I love my blessed Savior, I feel I'm in his favor
d42I love thee, I love thee, I love thee my Love [Lord]
d43I walked forth one morning fair
d44In evil long I took delight
d45In vain my [the] fancy strives to paint The moment after death
d46Jesus, at thy command
d47Let sinners toil with ceaseless pain
d48Lift up your hearts, Immanuel's friends
d49Lord, my ransomed soul adores thee
d50Mercy, O thou Son of David
d51My brethren all, on you I call
d52My days, my [and] weeks, my [and] months, my [and] years
d53My God, my heart with love inflame
d54My harp untuned, and laid aside
d55My loving fellow travelers
d56My soul, come, meditate the day, When Zion's
d57My soul's full of glory, inspiring [which fires] [it fires] my tongue
d58Now have I found the ground wherein
d59O come, my heart, and let us take
d60O give me, Lord, my sins to mourn
d61O happy souls, how fast you go, and leave me here behind
d62O how I have longed for the coming [presence] of God [the Lord]
d63O Jesus, my Friend, my adorable Savior
d64O Jesus, my Savior, I know thou art mine
d65O Jesus, my Savior, to Thee I submit
d66O may I worthy prove to see The saints in full prosperity
d67O thou in whose presence my soul takes delight
d68O when shall I [we] see Jesus and dwell [reign] with Him above
d69Our souls by [in] love together knit [drawn] [joined]
d70Poor Zion lies in sore distress
d71Precious soul while Jesus calls thee
d72Rejoice, my friends, the Lord is King
d73Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings
d74Salvation in sweet purling streams
d75Salvation to Jesus, he's Zion's bright king
d76Savior, visit Thy [our] plantation, grant us Lord, a gracious rain
d77See how the scriptures are fulfilling
d78Sinner, art thou [are you] still secure [sincere]
d79Sometimes a light surprises
d80Stop, poor sinner [sinners], stop and think
d81Sweet rivers of redeeming love
d82Sweet solitude, thou blessed placid queen
d83That glorious day is drawing nigh
d84The gospel sun is mounted high
d85The Lord has to his garden come
d86The Son of Man they did betray
d87The voice of free grace cries escape
d88The winter is past and the rain now is o'er
d89There is a calm for those who [that] weep
d90There is a holy city, A happy world above
d91There is a land of pleasure, Where streams of joy forever roll
d92This day my soul has [hath] caught on [new] fire
d93Through all the world below
d94Throughout the Savior's life we [I'll] trace
d95United in affection dear
d96What sound is this salutes mine [my] ear
d97When Christ, the Lord, was here below About the work
d98When shall I be delivered from sorrow and from sin
d99When the fierce north wind with his airy forces
d100While angels strike their tuneful strings

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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