A Prayer Meeting and Revival Hymn Book . 27th ed.

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d401Salvation, O the joyful sound
d402Savior at feet we bow
d403Savior, canst Thou love a traitor?
d404Savior, visit Thy [our] plantation, grant us Lord, a gracious rain
d405Saw ye [you] my Savior, saw ye [you] my Savior
d406Say, sinner, hath a voice within
d407Says faith, look yonder, see the crown
d408See how the morning [mounting] [rising] sun
d409See, the eternal Judge descending
d410Shall we sing in heaven forever
d411Shed not a tear, o'er your friend's early bier
d412Shepherd divine our wants relieve
d413Show pity Lord, O Lord, forgive
d414Since Jesus freely [purely] did appear
d415Since, Lord, thy mighty grace did call
d416Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name
d417Sinner, art thou [are you] still secure [sincere]
d418Sinner, awake, to think
d419Sinner, how oft has [hath] God reproved
d420Sinner [sinners] go [come], will you go
d421Sinner [sinners], O why so thoughtless grown
d422Sinner [sinners], the voice of God regard
d423Sinner [sinners] turn, why will ye [you] die
d424Sinner [sinners], will you [ye] scorn [slight] the message
d425Sinners, hear, for God hath spoken
d426Sinners, this solemn truth regard
d427Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put [gird] your armor
d428Soon will this mortal life be o'er
d429Sovereign of worlds, display thy power
d430Sovereign Ruler, Lord of all
d431Spirit of God, thine influence shed
d432Stop, poor sinner [sinners], stop and think
d433Stretched on the cross the Savior dies [died]
d434Suffering Savior, Lamb of God
d435Sweet was the time when first I felt
d436Sweetly sing, sweetly sing praises
d437Teach us, O Lord, aright to plead
d438Teach us, O Lord, to sing and pray
d439Tell me no more of earthly toys
d440That awful day will surely come
d441The best of wisdom is to know
d442The Bible is a blessed book
d443The Christian knows his God aright
d444The Christians are gathering from near and from far
d445The cross of Jesus purifies
d446The day is past and gone, the evening shades appear
d447The faithless world's promiscuous flow
d448The gloomy night of sadness
d449The glorious light of Zion is spreading
d450The last lovely morning, all blooming and fair
d451The Lord our help has been
d452The Lord, who truly knows the heart
d453The Lord will happiness divine on contrite hearts bestow
d454The love of God how great to men
d455The people called Christians
d456The pure testimony put [poured] forth in the spirit
d457The road that many travel is not the road for me
d458The sacred page proclaims abroad
d459The Savior calls, let every ear attend
d460The Savior, O what endless [boundless] charms
d461The Son of Man they did betray
d462The time has come and we must part
d463The time is short the season near
d464The voice of free grace cries escape
d465The worth of truth no tongue can tell
d466Thee we adore, eternal name, And humbly
d467There is a beautiful world Where saints and angels sing
d468There is a dwelling house above
d469There is a fold where none can stray
d470There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d471There is a happy land, Far, [not] far away
d472There is a land of light and gladness
d473There is a land of pleasure, Where streams of joy forever roll
d474There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign
d475There is a path that leads to God, All others go astray
d476There is a school on earth begun, Supported [Instructed] by the Holy One
d477There is a stream of water free
d478There is an hour of peaceful rest
d479There is no name so sweet on earth, No name so sweet in heaven
d480There's joy in heaven, and joy on earth
d481This is my body, broke for sin
d482This is the field, the world below, In which the sower
d483This new built Bethel now is done
d484This trembling house of clay
d485This world is all a fleeting show
d486Thou Bridegroom of the soul, behold
d487Thou Judge of quick and dead
d488Thou Shepherd of Isr'l, and mine [divine]
d489Thou, who for sinners once was [wast] slain
d490Though parents may in covenant be
d491Though trouble assail us, and dangers affright
d492Through Christ when we together came
d493Through sorrow's night and danger's path [way] [road]
d494Through tribulation [tribulations] deep
d495Throughout the Savior's life we [I'll] trace
d496Thus saith the Lord, My Son shall reign
d497Thy people, Lord, who trust thy word
d498Thy presence, gracious God, afford
d499Time, like an ever rolling stream
d500'Tis a point I long to know

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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