A Prayer Meeting and Revival Hymn Book. 5th ed.

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d101Guide us, O thou great Jehovah
d102Hail, mighty Jesus, how divine
d103Hail, my ever blessed Jesus
d104Happy is he, whose early years [days]
d105Hark, from the tomb [tombs] a doleful [warning] [mournful] sound
d106Hark, the glad sound, the Savior comes
d107Hark, the jubilee is sounding
d108He dies, the friend of sinners dies
d109Hearts of stone, relent, relent
d110Hell, 'tis a word of dreadful sound
d111Here in the presence of our God
d112He's come, let every knee be bent
d113Holy God, and hast thou sent
d114How bright appears our morning star
d115How can I vent my grief
d116How firm a foundation, ye [you] saints of the Lord
d117How happy are they, Who the [their] Savior [Jesus] obey
d118How happy [happy's] every child of grace, who [that] feels [knows] his sins forgiven
d119How lost was [is] my [our] condition
d120How much the hearts of those revive
d121How precious is the name, brethren sing
d122How sad our state [fate] by nature is
d123How sweet, how [and] heavenly is the sight
d124How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
d125How tedious and tasteless [restless and tiresome] the hours
d126I ask the gift of righteousness, The sin subduing power
d127I know that my Redeemer lives, and ever prays for me
d128I languish for a sight of him who reigns on high
d129I long to see the season [seasons] come when sinners
d130I'll go attempting prayer
d131I'm glad that I am [was] born to die, From grief and woe
d132In all my Lord's appointed ways
d133In evil long I took delight
d134In Jesus' name we come to thee
d135In thy great name, O Lord, we come
d136Indulgent God, to thee we pray
d137Indulgent Sovereign of the skies And wilt thou bow thy gracious ear
d138It shall be well, let sinners know, With those who love the Lord
d139I've found the pearl of greatest price, My heart
d140Jerusalem, my happy home, O how I long for thee
d141Jesus, and shall it ever be
d142Jesus, dear name, how sweet it [the] sound(s)
d143Jesus grant us all a blessing
d144Jesus great Healer of mankind
d145Jesus, great Shepherd of the [thy] sheep
d146Jesus, I love thy charming name
d147Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d148Jesus, my life, thyself apply
d149Jesus, my Lord, to glory's gone
d150Jesus, my [mine] [our] all, to heaven is [has] gone
d151Jesus, my Savior and my Lord, To thee I lift
d152Jesus, Redeemer of mankind
d153Jesus, the Savior of my soul
d154Jesus, united by thy grace
d155Join all who love the Savior's name
d156Kindred in Christ, for his dear [name's] sake
d157Know, sinner, every one is free
d158Let every mortal ear attend
d159Let hypocrites attend
d160Let party names no more
d161Let thoughtless thousands [sinners] choose the road
d162Lift up your hearts, Immanuel's friends
d163Like Abraham, to a land unknown
d164Lo he comes with clouds descending
d165Lo on a narrow neck of land
d166Lo we see the sign appearing
d167Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye
d168Lord, at thy feet a [we] sinner [sinners] lie [lies]
d169Lord, at thy feet I prostrate fall
d170Lord, dismiss us with Thy [your] blessing, Fill our
d171Lord, I am thine, entirely thine, Purchased and saved by blood divine
d172Lord, in the morning I will send My prayer to reach thine ear;
d173Lord, in thy courts we now appear
d174Lord of the harvest, hear thy needy servants' cry
d175Lord, our ransomed souls adore thee
d176Lord, send thy servants forth, To call the Hebrews home
d177Lord, send thy word, and let it fly [run]
d178Lord, we adore thy matchless ways
d179Lord, we come before thee now
d180Lord, what a wretched land is this
d181Lord, when together here we meet
d182Lord, when we cast our eyes abroad
d183Lovers of pleasure more than God
d184Mercy, O thou Son of David
d185Mid [midst] scenes of confusion and creature complaints
d186Millions there are on heathen ground
d187Mistaken souls, that [who] dream of heaven
d188My days, my [and] weeks, my [and] months, my [and] years
d189My drowsy powers, why sleep ye [you] so
d190My God, I know, I feel thee mine
d191My God, my life, my love, to thee, to thee I call
d192My God, permit my tongue this joy, to call thee mine
d193My God, the spring of all my joys
d194My life declines, my strength is gone
d195My lovely Jesus while on earth
d196My sorrows, like a flood
d197My soul be on thy [your] guard
d198My soul, thy minutes haste away
d199Not the best deeds that we have done
d200Now, ah, now I yield, I yield

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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