Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs: a manual of worship for the church of Christ

Editor: Charles S. Robinson
Publisher: A. S. Barnes & Co., New York, 1875
Denomination: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
Language: English
Notes: Doxologies (D) and Chants and Occasional Pieces (C) are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
597Holy Spirit, Lord of lightPage Scan
598Holy Ghost, with light divinePage Scan
599Holy Spirit, gently comeMERCYPage Scan
600Holy Ghost, thou Source of lightPage Scan
601Come, divine and peaceful guestPage Scan
602Holy Spirit from on highPage Scan
603Broad is the road that leads to deathWELLSPage Scan
604Jesus, engrave it on my heartPage Scan
605Shall the vile race of flesh and bloodPage Scan
606Lo on a narrow neck of landGANGESPage Scan
607Awaked by Sinai's awful soundPage Scan
608Not all the outward forms on earthHUMMELPage Scan
609Vain are the hopes the sons of menPage Scan
610Strait is the way, the door is straitPage Scan
611How sad our state by nature isPage Scan
612How helpless guilty nature liesMONSONPage Scan
613In vain we seek for peace with GodPage Scan
614Lord, how secure my conscience wasPage Scan
615A charge to keep I have, A God to glorifyIOSA (KENTUCKY)Page Scan
616Not what these hands have done can savePage Scan
617Can sinners hope for heavenPage Scan
618Like sheep we went astrayPage Scan
619O where shall rest be foundSHAWMUTPage Scan
620How heavy is the nightPage Scan
621Not all the blood of beastsPage Scan
622aThere is a fountain filled with bloodCOWPERPage Scan
622bThere is a fountain filled with bloodFOUNTAINPage Scan
623Amazing grace, how sweet the soundARLINGTONPage Scan
624Come, let us lift our joyful eyesPage Scan
625Plunged in a gulf of dark despairPage Scan
626Awake my heart, arise my tongueATHENSPage Scan
627Mortals, awake, with angels joinPage Scan
628Great God, when I approach thy throneGLASGOWPage Scan
629Salvation, O the joyful soundPage Scan
630O how divine how sweet the joyPage Scan
631Jesus,— and didst thou leave the skyPage Scan
632Arise, my soul, arise, shake offLENOXPage Scan
633Blow ye the trumpet, blowPage Scan
634The atoning work is donePage Scan
635The voice of free grace cries escapeSCOTLANDPage Scan
636Awake, my soul, to joyful laysLOVING-KINDNESSPage Scan
637Nothing either great or small,Page Scan
638Hail, sovereign love, that formed the planHIDING PLACEPage Scan
639I hear the Saviour sayALL TO CHRIST I OWEPage Scan
640I hear thy welcome voiceI AM COMINGPage Scan
641From the cross uplifted highSPANISH HYMNPage Scan
642Tell me the old, old storyOLD, OLD STORYPage Scan
643I love to tell the storyTELL THE STORYPage Scan
644I saw the cross of Jesus when burdenedPage Scan
645Why will ye waste on trifling caresBERAPage Scan
646While life prolongs its precious lightPage Scan
647Say, sinner, hath a voice withinPage Scan
648Come weary soul with sin distressedDESIREPage Scan
649God calling yet, shall I not hearPage Scan
650Behold a Stranger at the doorPage Scan
651Come, trembling sinner, in whose breastBALERMAPage Scan
652The Saviour calls, let every ear attendPage Scan
653Let every mortal ear attendPage Scan
654Return, O wanderer, to thy homeRETURNPage Scan
655O sinner, bring not tears alonePage Scan
656Return, O wanderer, returnPage Scan
657O what amazing words of gracePage Scan
658Did Christ o'er sinner's weepDETROITPage Scan
659The Spirit in our hearts is whispering sinner comePage Scan
660Now is the accepted timePage Scan
661And canst thou, sinner, slightPage Scan
662Weeping will not save meNONE BUT JESUSPage Scan
663Today the Saviour calls, ye wanderers comeTO-DAYPage Scan
664Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishCOME, YE DISCONSOLATEPage Scan
665Child of sin and sorrow, Filled with dismayAVAPage Scan
666Oh, turn ye, Oh, turn ye, for why will ye dieEXPOSTULATIONPage Scan
667Delay not, delay not: O sinner draw nearPage Scan
668Acquaint thyself quickly, O sinner, with GodPage Scan
669Sinner turn, why will ye dieMARTYNPage Scan
670Come, saith Jesus' sacred voicePage Scan
671Hasten, sinner! to be wisePage Scan
672The mistakes of my life are manyAN OPEN DOORPage Scan
673Surely Christ thy grief hath bornePage Scan
674Come to Calvary's holy mountainLIFEPage Scan
675Come ye sinners, poor and wretchedGRACEPage Scan
676O Jesus, thou art standingAURELIAPage Scan
677We stand in deep repentancePage Scan
678Just as I am, without one pleaWOODWORTHPage Scan
679With tearful eyes I look aroundPage Scan
680God of my life, thy boundless gracePage Scan
681With broken heart and contrite sighWARNERPage Scan
682From deep distress and troubled thoughtsPage Scan
683Wherewith O God, shall I draw nearPage Scan
684Thou only Sovereign of my heartBLAKEPage Scan
685I send the joys of earth awayPage Scan
686Jesus, the sinner's friend, to theePage Scan
687No more, my God, I boast no moreERNANPage Scan
688Trembling before thine awful thronePage Scan
689See a poor sinner, dearest LordPage Scan
690O thou, whose tender mercy hearsAVONPage Scan
691Approach, my soul, the mercy seatPage Scan
692Lord, at thy feet we sinners liePage Scan
693O that I knew the secret placeCHESTERFIELDPage Scan
694Prostrate dear Jesus at thy feetPage Scan
695O for that tenderness of heartPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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