Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (7th ed.)

Editor: A. Campbell, W. Scott, B. W. Stone, J. T. Johnson
Publisher: A. Campbell, Bethany, Va., 1865
Denomination: Disciples of Christ
Language: English
Notes: Psalms, Hymns, Spiritual Songs, and Baptismal Selections numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
47O render thanks to God above, The fountain of eternal lovePage Scan
48O Lord, Thy mercy, my sure hopePage Scan
49With glory clad, with strength arrayedPage Scan
50Praise you the Lord, our God to praisePage Scan
51O praise the Lord, and thou my soulPage Scan
52The Savior, O what endless [boundless] charmsPage Scan
S1The book of nature open liesPage Scan
S2The spacious firmament on highPage Scan
S3You boundless realms of joyPage Scan
S4There's not a star whose twinkling light shines [illumes]Page Scan
S5Eternal Wisdom thee we praisePage Scan
S6Through endless years thou art the samePage Scan
S7'Twas God who fix'd the rolling spheresPage Scan
S8Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bringPage Scan
S9Jehovah reigns he dwells in lightPage Scan
S10Thy goodness, Lord, our souls confessPage Scan
S11There is a God, all nature speaksPage Scan
S12What glory gilds the sacred pagePage Scan
S13How precious is the book divinePage Scan
S14Father of mercies, in thy [your] wordPage Scan
S15When Isr'l through the desert passedPage Scan
S16Let avarice from [borne] shore to shorePage Scan
S17O how I love thy holy lawPage Scan
S18God moves in a mysterious wayPage Scan
S19O God of Bethel, by whose handPage Scan
S20What though no buds [flowers] the fig tree bear [clothe]Page Scan
S21O God! our help in ages pastPage Scan
S22Though trouble assail us, and dangers affrightPage Scan
S23How are thy servants blest, O Lord!Page Scan
S24How are thy servants blest, O Lord [God]Page Scan
S25Father of all, thy care we blessPage Scan
S26Thy way, O God [Lord] is in the seaPage Scan
S27When all thy [your] mercies, O my [our] God [gracious Lord]Page Scan
S28The Lord who rules the world's affairsPage Scan
S29To thee, let my [our] first offering [offerings] risePage Scan
S30The icy chains that bound the earthPage Scan
S31To praise the [thee] ever bounteous [beauteous] LordPage Scan
S32Eternal source of every joyPage Scan
S33Remark my soul [with awe] the narrow boundsPage Scan
S34My helper God I bless his [thy] namePage Scan
S35Thy presence, everlasting [ever living] God [Lord]Page Scan
S36Happy the city, where their sonsPage Scan
S37How various and how newPage Scan
S38Glory to God, who reigns abovePage Scan
S39Lord, we adore thy vast designsPage Scan
S40Jehovah reigns his throne is highPage Scan
S41Thy kingdom, Lord, for ever standsPage Scan
S42God is the fountain whence Ten thousand blessings flowPage Scan
S43Since all the changing [coming] [downward] varying [various] scenes of timePage Scan
S44A friend there is, your voices joinPage Scan
S45It is the Lord, enthron'd in lightPage Scan
S46Consider all my sorrows, Lord, And thy deliverance sendPage Scan
S47My times of sorrow and of joy Great God, are inPage Scan
S48How tender is thy handPage Scan
S49How happy they who know the LordPage Scan
S50The Lord of glory is my Light, And myPage Scan
S51With earnest longings of the mindPage Scan
S52When overwhelmed with griefPage Scan
S53When languor and disease invadePage Scan
S54In every trouble, sharp and strongPage Scan
S55How firm a foundation, ye [you] saints of the LordPage Scan
S56From every stormy wind [sense] that blowsPage Scan
S57Teach us, in time of deep distressPage Scan
S58Father, I know thy ways are justPage Scan
S59Father, whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
S60Lord, what a wretched land is thisPage Scan
S61My spirit looks to God alone My rock and refugePage Scan
S62Before Jehovah's awful thronePage Scan
S63With one consent let all the earthPage Scan
S64To Christ, the Lord, let every tongue its noblest tribute bringPage Scan
S65Safely through another weekPage Scan
S66In thy name, O Lord, assembling We, thy people, now draw nearPage Scan
S67Hungry, and faint and poorPage Scan
S68How charming is the placePage Scan
S69Lord, when together here we meetPage Scan
S70I love thy kingdom, LordPage Scan
S71Thou art our Shepherd, gracious [glorious] Lord [God]Page Scan
S72Happy the saints whose lot is castPage Scan
S73Come Christian brethren ere we partPage Scan
S74Lord, now we part in thy blest namePage Scan
S75How honored is the placePage Scan
S76Come, ye [you] [we] that [who] love the Lord [Christ], And let your [our] joysPage Scan
S77Ye that obey th' immortal KingPage Scan
S78Lord, in the morning thou shalt hearPage Scan
S79What shall I render to my GodPage Scan
S80To spend one sacred day where God and saints abidePage Scan
S81Behold the sure foundation stonePage Scan
S82See what a living stonePage Scan
S83Not to the terrors of the Lord the tempest fire and smokePage Scan
S84Happy the souls to Jesus join'dPage Scan
S85O'er the [those] gloomy hills of darknessPage Scan
S86Glorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
S87Behold the mountain of the LordPage Scan
S88That glorious day is drawing nighPage Scan
S89The Prince of salvation is comingPage Scan
S90Shout the glad tidings, exultingly singPage Scan
S91Zion [Sion] stands by [with] hills surroundedPage Scan
S92A host of spirits round the thronePage Scan
S93Great is the Lord our GodPage Scan
S94With willing hearts we treadPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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