Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs ... for the Use of the United Church of Christ, Commonly Called Free Will Baptist

Editor: John Buzzell
Publisher: James Remich for J. Buzzell & E. Libby, Kennebunk, Me., 1823
Denomination: Free Will Baptists
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d201Now by the bowels [mercies] of my [our] God [Lord]
d202Now in a song of grateful praise [love]
d203Now in the heat [flush] of youthful blood
d204Now in the [thy] galleries of his grace
d205Now, pilgrims, let us go in peace
d206Now shall my inward joys arise, and burst
d207Now to the Lord a noble [joyful] song
d208Now we are met in holy fear to hear the happy
d209Now we are met in holy fear to hear the happy
d210O could I soar to worlds above
d211O, could my soul this morning rise
d212O for a closer walk with God
d213O for a glance of heavenly day
d214O for a taste of life divine
d215O God of mercy, hear me call
d216O God, our Father, and our king
d217O happy Church, celestial bride
d218O how charming, O how charming is the radiant band
d219O Jesus, my Savior, to Thee I submit
d220O Lord, this wedded pair inspire
d221O sinners, fly to Jesus' arms
d222O sinners, make the Savior room
d223O thou, before whose gracious throne
d224O thou in whose presence my soul takes delight
d225O thou, my soul, forget no more
d226O 'tis a lovely sight, to see
d227O when shall I [we] see Jesus and dwell [reign] with Him above
d228O ye blood washed, ransomed sinners
d229O'er mountain tops the mount of God
d230Often I seek my Lord by night
d231Once more, my soul, the rising day salutes thy waking eyes
d232Once more the rolling sun
d233Our little bark, on boisterous seas
d234Our souls by [in] love together knit [drawn] [joined]
d235Physician of my [the] sin sick soul
d236Pilgrims, with pleasure let us part
d237Plunged in a [the] gulf of dark [deep] despair
d238Prayer is [was] appointed to convey
d239Proclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous grace
d240Raise your triumphant songs
d241Remark my soul [with awe] the narrow bounds
d242Remember, Lord, our mortal state
d243Rise, rise, my soul, and leave the ground
d244Salem's bright King Jesus by name
d245Salvation is forever nigh
d246Salvation O melodious sound
d247Salvation, O the joyful sound
d248Savior, shine and sheet my soul
d249Savior, visit Thy [our] plantation, grant us Lord, a gracious rain
d250See how the willing converts trace
d251See the Lord of glory dying
d252Shepherd of Isr'l, bend thine ear
d253Shepherds, rejoice, lift up your eyes
d254Show pity Lord, O Lord, forgive
d255Sing to the Lord, ye [you] distant lands
d256Sinner [sinners], the voice of God regard
d257Sinner [sinners], will you [ye] scorn [slight] the message
d258Sinners, behold the Savior stands
d259Sinners, exposed to endless [dreadful] death
d260Sinners, obey the gospel word
d261Sinners, this day the Savior stands
d262Sitting around our Father's [the Savior's] board
d263So let our lips and lives express
d264Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put [gird] your armor
d265Soon I must [shall] hear the solemn call
d266Stand up, my soul [our souls], shake off thy [your] fears
d267Stoop down, my thoughts, that [which] used [use] to rise
d268Sweet is the work, my [O] [our] God, [and] [my] [our] King
d269Sweet was the time when first I felt
d270Teach me the measure of my days
d271That God, who once to Isr'l spoke
d272That name to me sounds ever sweet
d273The day is past and gone, the evening shades appear
d274The fields are all white and the harvest is near
d275The king of heaven his table spreads
d276The Lord into his garden comes
d277The man of charity extends
d278The Prince of peace is come
d279The Son of Man they did betray
d280The spacious firmament on high
d281The Spirit breathes upon the Word
d282Thee we adore, eternal name, And humbly
d283There is a glorious world on high
d284There is a house not made with [by] hands, Eternal
d285There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign
d286These honored saints, redeemed by blood
d287This do in memory of your Friend
d288This is the day the Lord hath [has] made, He calls
d289This is the word of truth and love
d290Thou whom my soul admires above
d291Though trouble assail us, and dangers affright
d292Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble
d293Through every age, eternal God
d294Through thee we now together came
d295Through tribulation [tribulations] deep
d296Throughout our Savior's life we trace
d297Thus far the Lord hath [has] led me on
d298Thus saith [speaks] the high and lofty One
d299Thus saith the first, the [and] great command
d300Thus spake the Savior, when he sent

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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