The Psalms and Hymns, with the Doctrinal Standards and Liturgy of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in North America

Publisher: Board of Publication of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, New York, 1860
Denomination: Reformed Protestant Dutch Church (U.S.)
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
P139.IIWhen I with pleasing wonder standPage Scan
P139.IIILord, when I count thy mercies o'erPage Scan
P139.IVMy God, what inward grief I feelPage Scan
P140My God, while impious menPage Scan
P141My God, accept my early vowsPage Scan
P142To God I made my sorrows knownPage Scan
P143My righteous Judge, my gracious God!Page Scan
P144.IFor ever blessed be the LordPage Scan
P144.IILord, what is man, poor feeble manPage Scan
P144.IIIHappy the city, where their sonsPage Scan
P145.IMy God, my King, thy various praisePage Scan
P145.IISweet is the memory of Thy gracePage Scan
P145.IIILet every tongue Thy mercy speakPage Scan
P146.IPraise ye the Lord: my heart shall joinPage Scan
P146.III'll praise my Maker with my breathPage Scan
P147.IPraise ye the Lord: 't is good to raisePage Scan
P147.IILet Zion praise the mighty GodPage Scan
P147.IIIWith songs and honours sounding loudPage Scan
P148.IYe tribes of Adam, joinPage Scan
P148.IILoud hallelujahs to the LordPage Scan
P149All ye that love the Lord, rejoicePage Scan
P150.IIn Zion's sacred gatesPage Scan
P150.IIPraise ye the Lord; all nature joinPage Scan
H1O Zion, tune thy voice And raise thy hands on highPage Scan
H2Go, tune thy voice to sacred songPage Scan
H3Begin, my soul, the exalted layPage Scan
H4Come, O my [our] soul [souls], in sacred [joyous] laysPage Scan
H5Yes, I will bless thee, O my GodPage Scan
H6The spacious firmament on highPage Scan
H7In thy name, O Lord, assembling We, thy people, now draw nearPage Scan
H8Lord, we come before thee nowPage Scan
H9Lord, behold thy people herePage Scan
H10Where two or three together meetPage Scan
H11In thy great name, O Lord, we comePage Scan
H12Lord, when we bend before thy [the] thronePage Scan
H13Again our earthly cares we leavePage Scan
H14Come, O thou all victorious LordPage Scan
H15Source of light and power divinePage Scan
H16How tedious and tasteless [restless and tiresome] the hoursPage Scan
H17Thy presence, gracious God, affordPage Scan
H18Father of mercies, in thy [your] wordPage Scan
H19This is the field, where hidden lies The pearl of pricePage Scan
H20How precious is the book divinePage Scan
H21More joy than earth can e'er affordPage Scan
H22Thy word, O Lord, is light and foodPage Scan
H23Let worldly men, from shore to shorePage Scan
H24Now let my soul, eternal KingPage Scan
H25Eternal Power, whose high abodePage Scan
H26The Lord Jehovah reigns, His throne is built on highPage Scan
H27Almighty God we praise and ownPage Scan
H28Can creatures to perfection findPage Scan
H29Thy greatness Lord, what thought can reachPage Scan
H30In all my [our] vast concerns with theePage Scan
H31The Lord, our God, is full of might; The winds obeyPage Scan
H32With deepest reverence at thy thronePage Scan
H33The Lord Jehovah lives, And blessed be my rockPage Scan
H34I sing the almighty power of GodPage Scan
H35There seems a voice in every galePage Scan
H36My God, thy boundless love I [we] praisePage Scan
H37Come, ye that [who] know and fear the LordPage Scan
H38Thy goodness, Lord, our souls confessPage Scan
H39Eternal King, the greatest, bestPage Scan
H40Infinite grace, and can it bePage Scan
H41Awake, my soul, in [to] joyful [joyous] laysPage Scan
H42This God is the God we adorePage Scan
H43Unite my roving [rising] thoughts unitePage Scan
H44There is one God, and only onePage Scan
H45Long ere the sun began his daysPage Scan
H46Let them neglect thy [their] glory, LordPage Scan
H47Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to singPage Scan
H48Yes, I adore thee, O my GodPage Scan
H49Our Father, who dost leadPage Scan
H50We give immortal praisePage Scan
H51Glory to God on high, Let heaven and earth replyPage Scan
H52Come every pious heartPage Scan
H53Let us love and sing and wonderPage Scan
H54Come, ye that love the Savior's namePage Scan
H55Awake, and sing the song of Moses and the LambPage Scan
H56I'm not ashamed to own my [the] LordPage Scan
H57The wondering world enquires [inquires] to knowPage Scan
H58How sweet the name of Jesus soundsPage Scan
H59In Christ I've all my soul's desirePage Scan
H60Compared with Christ, in all beside No comeliness I seePage Scan
H61Dearest of all the names above, My Jesus and my GodPage Scan
H62Jesus, we sing thy matchless gracePage Scan
H63Thou lovely Source of true delightPage Scan
H64O what treasure all divinePage Scan
H65Jesus, I love thy charming namePage Scan
H66O for a thousand tongues to sing my great [dear] Redeemer's praisePage Scan
H67Blest Jesus, when my [our] soaring thoughtsPage Scan
H68Oh! could I speka the matchless worthPage Scan
H69Jesus Christ, methinks I love theePage Scan
H70Join all the glorious namesPage Scan
H71Soft be the gently breathing notesPage Scan
H72God with us, O glorious name, Let it shinePage Scan
H73Ere the blue heavens were stretched abroadPage Scan
H74O Christ, Thou glorious King, we ownPage Scan
H75Bright King of glory, dreadful [mighty] [sovereign] [wondrous] GodPage Scan
H76Majestic sweetness sits enthronedPage Scan
H77What a changing world is thisPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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