Psalms and Hymns: adapted to social, private and public worship in the Cumberland Presbyterian Chruch

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
574Hosanna to our conquering King, The prince of darkness fliesPage Scan
575Jesus, immortal King, arisePage Scan
576Hail, mighty Jesus! how divinePage Scan
577Shout for the great Redeemer reignsPage Scan
578O'er the mountaintops the mount of GodPage Scan
579On the mountain [mountain's] top appearingPage Scan
580Rise, gracious God, and shinePage Scan
581Zion, awake, thy strength renewPage Scan
582O Zion, tune thy voice And raise thy hands on highPage Scan
583Triumphant Zion, lift thy headPage Scan
584Give us room that we may dwellPage Scan
585Assembled at thy great commandPage Scan
586Behold the heathen waits to knowPage Scan
587With my substance I will honor my RedeemerPage Scan
588Roll on, thou mighty ocean, And as thy billowsPage Scan
589Ye messengers of Christ [God]Page Scan
590Men of God, go take your stationsPage Scan
591Ye Christian heroes [heralds], go proclaimPage Scan
592Yes, my native land, I love theePage Scan
593Soon may [shall] the last glad song arisePage Scan
594When shall the voice of singing flowPage Scan
595Great Heir of David's thronePage Scan
596Now living waters flow to cheerPage Scan
597Hark, the song of jubileePage Scan
598Rejoice, the Lord is King, Your God [Lord] and King adorePage Scan
599Watchman, tell us of the nightPage Scan
600Prayer is the soul's [heart's] [saint's] sincere desirePage Scan
601And shall not Jesus hearPage Scan
602What various hindrances we meetPage Scan
603Where is my [our] God, does he retirePage Scan
604Prayer is [was] appointed to conveyPage Scan
605Our heavenly Father, hearPage Scan
606Our Father, who in heaven art, All hallowed bePage Scan
607Jesus, who knows full wellPage Scan
608O thou to whose all searching sightPage Scan
609Lord, through the dubious [devious] path [paths] of lifePage Scan
610Thou, Lord, through every changing scenePage Scan
611God of our fathers, by whose handPage Scan
612Great Savior, who didst condescendPage Scan
613From earliest dawn of lifePage Scan
614When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streamingPage Scan
615My God, I bow before thy feetPage Scan
616Eternal Sun of righteousnessPage Scan
617Shine on our souls, eternal GodPage Scan
618I cannot bear thine absence, LordPage Scan
619O happy they who know the Lord, with whomPage Scan
620Our heavenly Father calls, And Christ invitesPage Scan
621Far from the world, O Lord, I [I'd] [we] fleePage Scan
622My God, permit me [us] not to be a strangerPage Scan
623While thee I [we] seek, protecting powerPage Scan
624Our heavenly Father's eyePage Scan
625O that I knew the secret placePage Scan
626O could I find from day to dayPage Scan
627What cheering words are thesePage Scan
628When gloomy thoughts and fearsPage Scan
629Almighty father of mankindPage Scan
630Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fearsPage Scan
631Dear refuge of my [the] weary soul, On thee, when sorows risePage Scan
632Praise, everlasting praise, be paidPage Scan
633Dear Father, to Thy mercy seat, My soul for shelter fliesPage Scan
634Rise, O my [our] soul [souls], pursue the path[way]Page Scan
635Give me the wings of faith to risePage Scan
636Ye sons of Adam, vain and youngPage Scan
637Children, to your Creator, GodPage Scan
638Now in the heat [flush] of youthful bloodPage Scan
639While in the tender years of youthPage Scan
640Blest work, the youthful mind to winPage Scan
641My soul forsakes her [each] vain delightPage Scan
642I send the joys of earth awayPage Scan
643How vain are all things here belowPage Scan
644How vain is all beneath the skies [sky]Page Scan
645'Twas told me in my early dayPage Scan
646Time is winging us awayPage Scan
647How short and hasty is our lifePage Scan
648The time is short sinners bewarePage Scan
649Thee we adore, eternal name, And humblyPage Scan
650Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
651Tomorrow, Lord, is thinePage Scan
652How swiftly the torrent rollsPage Scan
653The swift declining dayPage Scan
654Awake, awake, each sluggish soulPage Scan
655My days, my [and] weeks, my [and] months, my [and] yearsPage Scan
656Stoop down, my thoughts, that [which] used [use] to risePage Scan
657Heaven has confirmed the great [dread] decreePage Scan
658Why should we start and fear to diePage Scan
659Beneath our feet and o'er our headPage Scan
660How still and peaceful is [Lord] the gravePage Scan
661How blest the righteous when he diesPage Scan
662Sweet is the scene when [where] Christians diePage Scan
663Hark, from the tomb [tombs] a doleful [warning] [mournful] soundPage Scan
664Unvail [Unveil] thy bosom, faithful tombPage Scan
665Cease, ye [you] mourners, cease to languishPage Scan
666Hear what the voice from heaven proclaimsPage Scan
667Why do we [ye] [you] mourn departing [departed] [for dying] friendsPage Scan
668Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleepPage Scan
669Think, O ye, who fondly languish, O'er the gravePage Scan
670There is a calm for those who [that] weepPage Scan
671Now let our mourning hearts revivePage Scan
672Alas how changed that lovely flowerPage Scan
673When blooming youth is [are] snatched [called] awayPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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