The Praise Hymnary: a collection of sacred song

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101O render thanks to God abovePage Scan
102Let children hear the mighty deedsPage Scan
103Let songs of praises fill the skyPage Scan
104Come, let us join our cheerful songsWARWICKPage Scan
105Again the Lord of life and lightPage Scan
106O sing amid the storm, when high life'sPELTONPage Scan
107To God the only wisePage Scan
108O Zion, tune thy voiceLISCHERPage Scan
109Father, thine elect who lovestAUSTRIAN HYMNPage Scan
110Blest be thou, O God of Israel!Page Scan
111Come, O my soul, in sacred laysPARK STREETPage Scan
112Be thou exalted, O my GodPage Scan
113Zion, awake, thy strength renewPage Scan
114To God the Father, God the Son,Page Scan
115There's nothing bright above, belowPage Scan
116To our Redeemer's glorious namePage Scan
117Sing, all ye ransomed of the LordPage Scan
118Why should the children of a KingBOARDMANPage Scan
119Lift up to God the voice of praisePage Scan
120How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordPORTUGUESE HYMNPage Scan
121O Jesus, the giver of all we enjoyKIMMELPage Scan
122aRock of Ages, cleft for meHOMEWARDPage Scan
122bRock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADYPage Scan
123Jesus, the very thought of theeBRADFORDPage Scan
124Jesus, I love thy charming namePage Scan
125My hope is built on nothing lessSNELLINGPage Scan
126Now have I found the ground whereinPage Scan
127Jerusalem, the golden, with milk and honey blestEWINGPage Scan
128The heavens declare his glory, their Maker's skillPage Scan
129To Thee be praise foreverPage Scan
130With joyful praise, and homage sweetONSETPage Scan
131Eternal Source of life and lightPage Scan
132Am I a soldier of the crossCHRISTMASPage Scan
133Eternal Spirit, we confessPage Scan
134To us the light of truth displayPage Scan
135Now to the Lord a noble songDUKE STREETPage Scan
136As when in silence, vernal showersPage Scan
137Praise ye the Lord, who is King of all powerBALERMAPage Scan
138To Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
139I worship thee, sweet will of GodPage Scan
140Praise ye the Lord, who is king of all power and gloryPRAISE YE THE LORDPage Scan
141Great peace have they who love thy lawPEACEPage Scan
142Love divine, all love excellingBEECHERPage Scan
143Hallelujah! sing to Jesus!Page Scan
144As flows the river, calm and deepTHE LOVE OF GOD TO MEPage Scan
145Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishCOME, YE DISCONSOLATEPage Scan
146We praise thee, O God, for the Son of Thy loveWE PRAISE THEE AGAINPage Scan
147Rejoice and be glad, the Redeemer has comePage Scan
148Awake, my soul, in [to] joyful [joyous] laysLOVING-KINDNESSPage Scan
149Of him who did salvation bring I could for ever think and singPage Scan
150There is a name I love to hearHOW I LOVE JESUSPage Scan
151How sweet the name of Jesus soundsPage Scan
152Hail, thou once despised JesusAUTUMNPage Scan
153Take, my soul, thy full salvationPage Scan
154Heavenly Shepherd, guide us, feed usPage Scan
155Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing,Page Scan
156My Jesus, as thou wiltJEWETTPage Scan
157There is a blessed homePage Scan
158Come thou fount of every blessingHALLADALEPage Scan
159Crown his head with endless blessingNETTLETONPage Scan
160Praise the God of all creationPage Scan
161Sweetly sing, sweetly singSWEETLY SINGPage Scan
162Father of mercies, God of loveARLINGTONPage Scan
163Glory to God, who deigns to blessPage Scan
164Thou very present AidTHATCHERPage Scan
165What cheering words are thesePage Scan
166Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian loveKENTUCKYPage Scan
167On Jordan's rugged banks I standPage Scan
168There is a land of pure delightVARINAPage Scan
169I heard the voice of Jesus sayPage Scan
170I am dwelling on the mountainLAND OF BEULAHPage Scan
171Lord of all being, throned afarLOUVANPage Scan
172How sweet the praise, how high the themePage Scan
173My gracious Redeemer I loveDE FLEURYPage Scan
174Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloomLUX BENIGNAPage Scan
175Wait, my soul, upon the LordHORTONPage Scan
176Prince of peace control my willPage Scan
177Sweet the moments, rich in blessingELLESDIEPage Scan
178Glory to the almighty FatherPage Scan
179Always with us, always with us, Words of cheerPage Scan
180There's a wideness in God's mercyARMSTRONGPage Scan
181Yes, for me, for me He carethPage Scan
182What a friend we have in JesusPage Scan
183aJesus, Lover of my soulREFUGEPage Scan
183bJesus, Lover of my soulMARTYNPage Scan
184Raise your triumphant songsFERGUSONPage Scan
185God is the fountain whencePage Scan
186Must Jesus bear the cross aloneMAITLANDPage Scan
187Thou dear Redeemer, dying LambPage Scan
188The Lord is my Shepherd, He makes me reposeSTILL WATERPage Scan
189O tell me, thou life and delight of my soulPage Scan
190Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to warMARCHING AS TO WARPage Scan
191Jesus, Saviour, pilot mePILOTPage Scan
192Saviour, blessed Saviour, listen while we singPRAISES TO OUR KINGPage Scan
193Worship, honor, glory, blessing be to him who reigns aboveBOWRINGPage Scan
194Come, let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
195May the grace of Christ, the SaviourPage Scan
196Amazing grace, how sweet the soundAMAZING GRACEPage Scan
197Let saints below in concert singPage Scan
198How gentle God's commandsDENNISPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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