Praise for the Lord (Expanded Edition)

The original edition of Praise for the Lord with 900 hymns was first published in 1992.
Editor: John P. Wiegand
Music Editor: Michael R. Greene
Typographer: Richard E. VanDyke
Publisher: Praise Press, Nashville, TN, 1997
Denomination: Churches of Christ
Language: English
Notes: Data sourced from 25th Printing (January 2011)
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Thou my everlasting portion[Thou my everlasting portion]TextPage Scan
102Closer to Thee, near to Thy sideTAYLORTextPage Scan
103Come to Jesus! He will save you[Come to Jesus! He will save you]TextPage Scan
104Tho' dark and dreary be life's way[Tho' dark and dreary be life's way]TextPage Scan
105Come, let us join our cheerful songsRICHMONDTextPage Scan
106Come, come, ye saints, no toil nor labor fearALL IS WELLPage Scan
107O heart bowed down with sorrow![O heart bowed down with sorrow!]Text
108Come, Thou long expected JesusHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
109Comfort, comfort ye my peoplePSALM 42TextPage Scan
110Come, ye disconsolate, wheree'er ye languishCONSOLATORTextPage Scan
111Come, we that love the Lord[Come, we that love the Lord]TextPage Scan
112Come, ye sinners, poor and needyGREENVILLETextPage Scan
113Come, ye sinners, poor and needy[Come, ye sinners, poor and needy]TextPage Scan
114Come, ye thankful people, comeST. GEORGE'S WINDSORTextPage Scan
115Crown Him with many crownsDIADEMATATextPage Scan
116Consider the lilies of the field[Consider the lilies of the field]TextPage Scan
117Sunset and evening star[Sunset and evening star]Text
118When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed[When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed]TextPage Scan
119Day is dying in the west[Day is dying in the west]TextPage Scan
120Day by day and with each passing momentBLOTT EN DAGTextPage Scan
121Whate'er you do in word or deed[Whate'er you do in word or deed]TextPage Scan
122Dear Lord and Father of mankindELTONTextPage Scan
123Early, my God, without delayLANESBOROTextPage Scan
124Ere you left your room this morning[Ere you left your room this morning]TextPage Scan
125Have you a heart that's weary[Have you a heart that's weary]
126Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine[Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine]TextPage Scan
127Are you dwelling in the sunlight?[Are you dwelling in the sunlight?]TextPage Scan
128Eternal Father, strong to saveMELITATextPage Scan
129Each step I take my Savior goes before me[Each step I take my Savior goes before me]
130I walk with the Savior each step of the way[I walk with the Savior each step of the way]
131Face to face with Christ my Savior[Face to face with Christ my Savior]TextPage Scan
132Does Jesus care when my heart is pained[Does Jesus care when my heart is pained]TextPage Scan
133Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessing[Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessing]TextPage Scan
134Encamped along the hills of light[Encamped along the hills of light]TextPage Scan
135Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight[Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight]TextPage Scan
136Faith of our fathers! Living stillST. CATHERINETextPage Scan
137Fairest Lord Jesus!CRUSADERS' HYMNTextPage Scan
138Tempted and tried we're oft made to wonder[Tempted and tried we're oft made to wonder]Text
139Far and near the fields are teeming[Far and near the fields are teeming]TextPage Scan
140Father and Friend, Thy light, Thy loveHESPERUSTextPage Scan
141Father of mercies, day by dayELEOSTextPage Scan
142Father of MercySEMELETextPage Scan
143Father, we praise Thee, now the night is overCHRISTE SANCTORUMPage Scan
144Father, hear the prayer we offerST. SYLVESTERPage Scan
145Father, forgive us when in our weaknessSMART
146Father, we thank Thee for the nightWESTON
147Father, hear Thy children's callGOWER'S LITANYPage Scan
148Father, whate'er of earthly blissNAOMIPage Scan
149Fear not, little flock, says the Savior divine[Fear not, little flock, says the Savior divine]Page Scan
150I traveled down a lonely road[I traveled down a lonely road]
151Flee as a bird to your mountainIN DOMINO CONFIDO
152Fight the good fight with all thy mightPENTECOSTPage Scan
153Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling[Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling]Page Scan
154Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming[Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming]Page Scan
155For all the saints who from their labors restSINE NOMINEPage Scan
156"For Christ and the church" let our voices ring["For Christ and the church" let our voices ring]Page Scan
157For the beauty of the earthDIXPage Scan
158From ev'ry stormy wind that blowsRETREATPage Scan
159Free from the law, O happy condition[Free from the law, O happy condition]Page Scan
160Down at the cross where my Savior died[Down at the cross where my Savior died]Page Scan
161From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
162Give of your best to the Master[Give of your best to the Master]Page Scan
163"Give me thy heart," says the Father above["Give me thy heart," says the Father above]Page Scan
164Blessed Savior, we adore Thee[Blessed Savior, we adore Thee]
165Glorious things of thee are spokenAUSTRIAN HYMNPage Scan
166Glory be to the Father[Glory be to the Father]Page Scan
167Glory be to the Father[Glory be to the Father]Page Scan
168Go to dark GethsemaneREDHEAD 76Page Scan
169When all my labors and trials are o'er[When all my labors and trials are o'er]Page Scan
170God be with you till we meet again[God be with you till we meet again]Page Scan
171This is my daily prayer, God bless you, go with God[This is my daily prayer, God bless you, go with God]
172Hail, gladdening Light, of His pure glory pouredSARUMPage Scan
173God of our fathers, by whose almighty handNATIONAL HYMNPage Scan
174Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morningWESLEYPage Scan
175God be in my headLYTLINGTONPage Scan
176Go labor on: spend and be spentERNANPage Scan
177God Himself is with usARNSBERGPage Scan
178Dread not the things that are ahead[Dread not the things that are ahead]Page Scan
179God is calling the prodigal: come without delay[God is calling the prodigal: come without delay]Page Scan
180Come, let us all unite to sing[Come, let us all unite to sing]Page Scan
181God is love: His mercy brightensSTUTTGARTPage Scan
182God is love: His mercy brightensWELLESLEYPage Scan
183God in His mercy and His love[God in His mercy and His love]
184God is the fountain whenceGERAR
185When we reach that home and lay our burdens down[When we reach that home and lay our burdens down]
186God, give us Christian homes!MCKINNEY
187God of grace and God of gloryCWM RHONDDAPage Scan
188God the omnipotent! King who ordainestRUSSIAN HYMNPage Scan
189Marvelous grace of our loving Lord[Marvelous grace of our loving Lord]Page Scan
190Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father[Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father]Page Scan
191Be not dismayed whate'er betide[Be not dismayed whate'er betide]Page Scan
192God moves in a mysterious wayDUNDEEPage Scan
193Guide me, O Thou great JehovahZIONPage Scan
194Guide me, O Thou great JehovahCWM RHONDDAPage Scan
195Gracious Spirit, dwell with meREDHEAD 76Page Scan
196Hail, morning known among the blest!WAREHAMPage Scan
197Have Thine own way, Lord!ADELAIDEPage Scan
198God has spoken by His prophetsEBENEZER
199Grace! 'Tis a charming soundCRANBROOKPage Scan
200Hallelujah, praise Jehovah![Hallelujah, praise Jehovah!]Page Scan

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