The Psalmody: a collection of hymns for public and social worship

Publisher: Freewill Baptist Printing Establishment, Dover, N.H., 1853
Denomination: Free Will Baptists
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
501Gracious Savior, we adore theePage Scan
502Descend, celestial DovePage Scan
503Meekly in Jordan's holy streamPage Scan
504Come, saints, adore your Savior, GodPage Scan
505Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divinePage Scan
506O Lord, we in thy footsteps treadPage Scan
507Savior, thy law we lovePage Scan
508While, in this sacred rite of thinePage Scan
509"Proclaim," saith Christ, my wondrous gracePage Scan
510'Twas on that dark, that doleful nightPage Scan
511If human kindness meets returnPage Scan
512Jesus invites his saintsPage Scan
513The king of heaven his table spreadsPage Scan
514Jesus is gone above the skiesPage Scan
515Jesus, the Friend of manPage Scan
516When I survey the wondrous crossPage Scan
517Let vain pursuits and vain desiresPage Scan
518O for a prophet's firePage Scan
519Lord, at thy table we beholdPage Scan
520Do this, and remember the blood that was shedPage Scan
521Remember thee, redeeming Lord?Page Scan
522According to Thy gracious wordPage Scan
523O thou, my soul, forget no morePage Scan
524How sweet and awful is the placePage Scan
525How condescending and how kindPage Scan
526Ye followers of the Prince of PeacePage Scan
527From the table now retiringPage Scan
528How beautiful the sightPage Scan
529Lo, what an entertaining sightPage Scan
530All praise to our redeeming LordPage Scan
531Let party names no morePage Scan
532Blest are the sons of peacePage Scan
533How sweet, how heavenly is the sightPage Scan
534How blest the sacred tie that bindsPage Scan
535Kindred in Christ, for his dear sakePage Scan
536O, here, if ever, God of lovePage Scan
537In one fraternal bond of lovePage Scan
538How pleasant 'tis to seePage Scan
539Great the joy when Christians meetPage Scan
540Jesus, Lord, we look to theePage Scan
541Come, let us join our friends abovePage Scan
542Buried in shadows of the nightPage Scan
543Awaked by Sinai's awful soundPage Scan
544I waited patient for the LordPage Scan
545I love the Lord; he heard my criesPage Scan
546Amazing grace, how sweet the soundPage Scan
547Grace, 'tis a charming soundPage Scan
548Come, thou fount of every blessingPage Scan
549When strangers stand, and hear me tellPage Scan
550Now let our voices joinPage Scan
551"Joy to those that serve the Lord!"Page Scan
552Lord, what a heaven of saving gracePage Scan
553From thee, my God, my joys shall risePage Scan
554My God, permit me not to bePage Scan
555Far from the world, O Lord, I fleePage Scan
556Lord, how secure and blest are theyPage Scan
557Behold, what wondrous gracePage Scan
558O happy soul, that lives on highPage Scan
559Come, we that love the LordPage Scan
560My soul forsakes her vain delightPage Scan
561How peaceful is the Christian's breast!Page Scan
562Guide me, O thou great JehovahPage Scan
563Shall I, to gain the world's applausePage Scan
564I'm not ashamed to own my LordPage Scan
565Jesus, and shall it ever bePage Scan
566Didst thou, dear Savior, suffer shamePage Scan
567Blest are the undefiled in heartPage Scan
568The man is ever blestPage Scan
569Blest is the man, forever blestPage Scan
570The mind was formed to mount sublimePage Scan
571O, lay not up upon this earthPage Scan
572Supreme in wisdom, as in powerPage Scan
573O that thy statutes every hourPage Scan
574May I resolve, with all my heartPage Scan
575So let our lips and lives expressPage Scan
576Let sinners take their coursePage Scan
577To thee, before the dawning lightPage Scan
578I lift my soul to GodPage Scan
579O that I knew the secret placePage Scan
580Up to the fields where angels liePage Scan
581Father, whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
582Behold thy waiting servant, LordPage Scan
583And is this life prolonged to me?Page Scan
584God is a spirit, just and wisePage Scan
585Religion's form is vainPage Scan
586Is it a thing of good reportPage Scan
587Strait is the way, the door is straitPage Scan
588O, how can praise my tongue employPage Scan
589Long have we heard the joyful soundPage Scan
590The wandering star and fleeting windPage Scan
591O Lord, thy heavenly grace impartPage Scan
592Return, my roving heart, returnPage Scan
593When, overwhelmed with griefPage Scan
594With earnest longings of the mindPage Scan
595When, O my Savior, shall this heartPage Scan
596Through this wide wilderness I roamPage Scan
597Light of those whose dreary dwellingPage Scan
598My spirit sinks within me, LordPage Scan
599Hear, gracious God, my humble moanPage Scan
600O my soul, what means this sadness?Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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