The Psaltery

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d101Hear, O sinner, mercy hails [calls] you
d102Heavenly Father, sovereign [might] Lord
d103Ho, everyone that thirsts, draw nigh
d104Holy Ghost, with light [love] [power] divine
d105How beauteous are their [his] feet
d106How charming is the place
d107How did my heart rejoice to hear
d108How gentle God's commands
d109How long, O Lord, shall I [we] complain
d110How long wilt thou conceal thy face, My God
d111How oft, alas, this [our] wretched [sinful] [wicked] heart
d112How pleasant 'tis to see
d113How pleased and blest was I
d114How precious is the book divine
d115How shall the young secure their hearts
d116How vain is all beneath the skies [sky]
d117I hear thy word with love
d118I lift my eyes up to the hills
d119I love the Lord, he heard my cries
d120I love the volume [volumes] of thy word
d121I love thy kingdom, Lord
d122If, on a [the] quiet sea Toward [Towards] heaven
d123I'll praise my Maker with my [while I've] [whilst I've] breath
d124In mercy, not in wrath rebuke
d125In vain I search creation o'er
d126Is this the kind return
d127Jesus, immortal King, arise
d128Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d129Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
d130Joy to the world, the Lord is [has] come
d131Just are thy ways, and true thy word
d132Lauded be thy name forever
d133Let all the [on] earth their voices raise, to sing
d134Let every creature join To praise the eternal God
d135Let every heart rejoice and sing, Let choral anthems
d136Let every mortal ear attend
d137Let every tongue thy goodness speak
d138Let not despair nor fell revenge
d139Let songs of endless praise
d140Let songs of praises fill the sky
d141Let us with a joyful mind
d142Lift not thou the wailing voice
d143Light of those whose dreary dwelling
d144Lo God is here let us adore
d145Lo the Lord Jehovah liveth
d146Lo the mighty God appearing
d147Lo what a glorious corner stone [cornerstone]
d148Lo what an entertaining sight
d149Lord, hear the voice of my complaint
d150Lord, how shall wretched sinners dare
d151Lord, I am not proud in heart
d152Lord, I am thine, but thou wilt [will] prove
d153Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high
d154Lord, my God, how long by thee
d155Lord of hosts, how lovely fair
d156Lord, thou hast searched, and seen me [us] through
d157Lord, thou hast won, at length I yield
d158Lord, what a feeble piece
d159Love divine, all loves [love] excelling
d160Lowly and solemn be they children's cry
d161Majestic sweetness sits enthroned upon the Savior's brow
d162Mark the virtuous man and see
d163Men of God, go take your stations
d164My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
d165My God, accept my early vows
d166My God, my heavenly King
d167My God, my life, my love, to thee, to thee I call
d168My God, my [mine] everlasting hope, I live upon thy truth
d169My God, my prayer attend, O bow thine ear to me
d170My God, permit me [us] not to be a stranger
d171My God, thine ear indulgent bend
d172My heart is fixed on Thee, my God
d173My hiding place my refuge tower
d174My opening eyes with rapture see
d175My righteous Judge, my gracious God
d176My Savior and my King, Thy beauties [honors] are divine
d177My Shepherd will supply my need
d178My soul, how lovely is the place to which thy God
d179My soul, repeat His praise Whose mercies are so
d180My soul, with humble fervor raise To God the
d181No change of times shall ever shock my trust, O Lord, in thee
d182Now be my heart [our hearts] inspired to sing
d183Now let me make the Lord my trust
d184Now let the angels sound on high
d185O all ye lands, in God rejoice
d186O all ye people, shout and sing
d187O come, let us sing to the Lord, In God our salvation
d188O could our thoughts and wishes fly
d189O, for a [an] heart to praise [love] my God
d190O for a closer walk with God
d191O God, my refuge, hear my cries
d192O God of hosts, the [and] mighty Lord
d193O God of sovereign grace
d194O God, to earth incline
d195O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
d196O how blest the man whose ear
d197O let me [us] gracious [heavenly] Lord, extend
d198O Lord, how infinite thy love
d199O Lord, my heart cries out for thee
d200O Lord, our God, arise, The cause of truth maintain

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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