One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: an African American ecumenical hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
301As the winter days grow longerSUO GANPage Scan
302Surely, You alone can save usINDIGOPage Scan
303From ashes to the living fontST. FLAVIANPage Scan
304Jesus, tempted in the desertEBENEZERPage Scan
305We are people on a journeyDEEPER JOURNEYPage Scan
306We join, O Christ, Your journeyST. THEODULPHPage Scan
307When we are tested and wrestle aloneANGELS OF HEALINGTextPage Scan
308Lord, who throughout these forty daysST. FLAVIANTextPage Scan
309I want Jesus to walk with meSOJOURNERTextPage Scan
310Hosanna. Hosanna[Hosanna. Hosanna]Page Scan
311Rejoice, O Zion's daughter ST. THEODULPHPage Scan
312Ride on, King Jesus[Ride on, King Jesus]TextPage Scan
313All glory, laud, and honorST. THEODULPHTextPage Scan
314When they heard that Jesus was coming[When they heard that Jesus was coming]Page Scan
315We, like Peter, Christ, protestIN BABILONEPage Scan
316Oh, how He loves you and mePATRICIA
317When I survey the wondrous crossHAMBURGTextPage Scan
318Just for me, just for me[Just of me, just for me]Page Scan
319Ev'ry time I think about JesusCALVARYTextPage Scan
320When on the cross of Calv'ryHE WILL REMEMBER METext
321On a hill far away stood an old rugged crossOLD RUGGED CROSSTextPage Scan
322Years I spent in vanity and prideAT CALVARYTextPage Scan
323Down at the cross where my Savior diedGLORY TO HIS NAMETextPage Scan
324King of my life I crown thee nowDUNCANNONTextPage Scan
325Alas! And did my Savior bleedMARTYRDOMTextPage Scan
326Were you there when they crucified my Lord?WERE YOU THERETextPage Scan
327The blood that Jesus shed for meTHE BLOODPage Scan
328Alas! And did my Savior bleedHUDSONTextPage Scan
329Oh, the blood of Jesus[Oh, the blood of Jesus]TextPage Scan
330I know it was the bloodIT WAS THE BLOODTextPage Scan
331Rest, O Christ, from all Your laborBEACH SPRINGPage Scan
332This is Your coronationPASSION CHORALEPage Scan
333We read the cross so many waysKINGSFOLDPage Scan
334O sacred Head, now woundedPASSION CHORALETextPage Scan
335O sacred Head, now woundedREDDINGTextPage Scan
336I know that my Redeemer livesDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
337I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world todayACKLEYPage Scan
338The strife is o'er, the battle doneVICTORYTextPage Scan
339Christ is alive! Let Christians singTRUROTextPage Scan
340Christ the Lord is ris'n today, Alleluia!EASTER HYMNTextPage Scan
341Low in the grave He layCHRIST AROSETextPage Scan
342God sent His Son, they called Him JesusRESURRECTION
343Rise to sing! The light is breakingPETHELPage Scan
344Risen Lord, we gather round YouNETTLETONPage Scan
345Sing a song of celebrationHYMN TO JOYPage Scan
346The risen Christ, who walks on wounded feetWOODLANDSPage Scan
347God's not dead! He's yet alive![God's not dead! He's yet alive]TextPage Scan
348Lift up your hearts, believers!ST. THEODULPHPage Scan
349Preachers and teachers would make their appealSOMETHING WITHINTextPage Scan
350The wind that stirs the sea to singMCKEEPage Scan
351On the mountain when my Lord spokeFEEL THE SPIRITTextPage Scan
352Breath of God, Breath of peacePATTERNSPage Scan
353God of tempest, God of whirlwindCWM RHONDDAPage Scan
354O Spirit all-embracing and counselor all wiseTHAXTEDPage Scan
355The bones were scattered, dry and deadKINGSFOLDPage Scan
356Father, I adore YouMARANATHA
357Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!NICAEAPage Scan
358Praise ye the Father for His lovingkindnessMIGHTY SAVIORTextPage Scan
359God, Your power, still creatingREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
360How wonderful the Three-in-OneROCKINGHAMTextPage Scan
361Crown Him with many crownsDIADEMATATextPage Scan
362Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
363Rejoice, the Lord is King!DARWALL'S 148THTextPage Scan
364O Christ, what can it mean for usKINGSFOLDPage Scan
365At the Name of JesusKING'S WESTONText
366God is a wonder to my soulWONDERPage Scan
367Come, Christians, follow where the Master trodCRUCIFERTextPage Scan
368We are marching in the light of God (Siyahamb' ekukhanyen' kwenkhos')[Siyahamb' ekukhanyen' kwenkhos']Page Scan
369I'm so glad Jesus lifted me[I'm so glad Jesus lifted me]TextPage Scan
370The cross upon which Jesus diedSTANPHILL
371Jesus, keep me near the crossNEAR THE CROSSTextPage Scan
372Victory is mineVICTORY
373There is a fountain filled with bloodCLEANSING FOUNTAINTextPage Scan
374Oh, it is Jesus. Yes, it is Jesus[Oh, it is Jesus. Yes, it is Jesus]
375Would you be free from the burden of sin?POWER IN THE BLOODTextPage Scan
376I heard an old, old story, how a Savior came from gloryHARTFORD
377What can wash away my sin?PLAINFIELDTextPage Scan
378There is a name I love to hearHOW I LOVE JESUSTextPage Scan
379On Calv'ry's hill of sorrowCRIMSON STREAMTextPage Scan
380Touch, touch me, Lord JesusTOUCH METextPage Scan
381Spirit of God, descend upon my heartMORECAMBETextPage Scan
382Come, Holy Spirit, Heav'nly DoveST. MARTIN'STextPage Scan
383Oh, let the Son of God enfold you[Oh, let the Son of God enfold you]
384Just as I am, without one pleasJUST AS I AMTextPage Scan
385Just as I am, without one pleasWOODWORTHTextPage Scan
386Come today, don't delayGIVE YOUR LIFE Page Scan
387Softly and tenderly Jesus is callingTHOMPSONTextPage Scan
388Somebody's knockin' at your doorSOMEBODY'S KNOCKIN' TextPage Scan
389'Tis the ol' ship of ZionOL' SHIP OF ZIONTextPage Scan
390Jesus is tenderly calling thee homeCALLING TODAYTextPage Scan
391We offer Christ to you[We offer Christ to you]
392I love the Lord; He heard my cryI LOVE THE LORD
393Tell me, how did you feel when you come out the wilderness[Tell me, how did you feel when you come out the wilderness]TextPage Scan
394Come unto Jesus while you have time[Come unto Jesus while you have time]Page Scan
395Let the words of my mouth[Let the words of my mouth]Page Scan
396I will trust in the LordTRUST IN THE LORDTextPage Scan
397Nothing between my soul and the SaviorNOTHING BETWEENTextPage Scan
398I have decided to follow JesusASSAM
399He has done great things for meGREAT THINGSPage Scan
400My way gets brighterKING'S HIGHWAYPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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