The Oxford American Hymnal for Schools and Colleges

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1A gladsome hymn of praise we singDEGANWY
2All praise to him who wakes the mornST. GREGORY
3aAs a bird at dawning singethAINSI QUE LA BICHE RÉE
3bAs a bird at dawning singethAINSI QUE LA BICHE RÉE
3cAs a bird at dawning singethWERDE MUNTER, MEIN GEMÜTHE
4aAs the sun doth daily riseINNOCENTS
5At thy feet, O Christ, we layHOUGHTON
6Awake, my soul, and with the sun
7Christ, whose glory fills the skies
8aCome, my soul, thou must be wakingHAYDN
8bCome, my soul, thou must be wakingMATINS
9Evening and morning, sunset and dawning
10God, who madest earth and heaven,—Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
11Dayspring of Eternity
12Every morning mercies new
13Forth in thy name [strength], O Lord, I [we] go
14aGod of the morning, at whose voiceLLEDROD
14bGod of the morning, at whose voicePARK STREET
15Heaven and earth, and [the] sea, and air, all their maker
16Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Early
17In the morning I will raise
18Lord God of morning and of night
19My soul, awake, and render
20O everlasting Light, Giver of dawn and day
21O Jesu, Lord of heavenly grace
22aWhen all Thy mercies, O my God
22bWhen all Thy mercies, O my God
22cWhen all Thy mercies, O my God
23aWhen morning gilds the skies
23bWhen morning gilds the skies
23cWhen morning gilds the skies
24aYe that have spent the silent night
24bYe that have spent the silent night
25Up to the throne of God is borne
26aAbide with me, fast falls the eventideEVENTIDE
26bAbide with me, fast falls the eventideTOULON (OLD 124TH)
27aAgain, as evening's shadow fallsDER TAG BRICHT AN
27bAgain, as evening's shadow fallsACH BLEIB BEI UNS, HERR JESU CHRIST
28All praise to thee, my God, this night
29And now the wants are told, that brought
30At even ere the sun was set
31aBefore the day draws near its endingRENDEZ À DIEU
31bBefore the day draws near its endingWO HÄLTST DU DICH, O HELD, SO LANGE?
32Behold the sun, that seemed but now
33Light of gladness, beam divine
34Darkening night the land doth cover
35aNow all the woods are sleepingO WELT, ICH MUSS DICH LASSEN (INNSBRUCK)
35bNow all the woods are sleepingO WELT, ICH MUSS DICH LASSEN (INNSBRUCK)
37God, that madest earth and heaven, Darkness and light
d2A safe stronghold our God is still, A trusty shield
d4Abide with us, Lord Jesus
d5Abroad the regal banners fly
d7Ah holy [dearest] Jesus how hast thou [have you] offended
d8All creatures of our God and King
d9All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d10All my heart this night [day] rejoices
d11All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice
d12All praise to God who reigns above
d15All that's good and great and
d17Angels from the realms of glory
d18Angels holy, high and lowly
d19Another year is dawning
d20Arise, O Lord of hosts
d21Arm, soldiers of the Lord
d23As pants the hart for cooling flood [springs] [streams]
d24As pants the hart for cooling flood [springs] [streams]
d26As with gladness men of old
d28At the cross her station keeping
d31Awake, thou Spirit, who didst fire
d32Be known to us in breaking bread
d33Be not disheartened, gently slumber
d34Beautiful Savior, King of creation
d35Before Jehovah's awful throne
d37Before the ending of the day, Creator of the world, we pray
d38Begin my tongue some heavenly theme
d39Behold a branch is growing
d41Beloved, let us love; love is of God
d42Beneath the shadow of the cross
d43Bless us, Savior, thine we are
d44Blessed city, heavenly Salem, Vision dear
d45Blessed Jesus, at thy word
d46Blow, winds of God, awake and blow the mists
d47Breathe on me breath of God
d48Brief life is here our portion
d49Brightest and best of the sons [stars] of the morning
d50Calm on the listening ear of night
d52Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands
d53Christ, the Lord is risen again
d54Christ the [our] Lord is [has] risen today, [Alleluia] [Sons of men]
d55Come, and Christ the Lord be praising
d56Come dearest Lord, descend and dwell
d57Come hither, ye faithful, triumphantly sing
d58Come Holy Ghost, in love, shed on us
d59Come Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
d61Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life
d62Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to sing
d63Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come And from Thine eternal home
d64Come, ye [you] faithful, raise the strain
d65Come, ye [you] thankful people, come
d66Comfort, comfort ye my people

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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