New Union Hymns

Publisher: American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia, 1850
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
401Hark, the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn KingPage Scan
402Mortals, awake, with angels joinPage Scan
403While shepherds watch [watched] their flocks by nightPage Scan
404Brightest and best of the sons [stars] of the morningPage Scan
405Hark, the glad sound, the Savior comesPage Scan
406Great God, at thy commandPage Scan
407Behold, my soul, the narrow bound [bounds]Page Scan
408'Tis by thy strength the mountains standPage Scan
409Spared to another springPage Scan
410While verdant hill and blooming valePage Scan
411Once more the Lord's indulgent hand has rolled the seasons roundPage Scan
412To praise the [thee] ever bounteous [beauteous] LordPage Scan
413See the leaves around us [you] fallingPage Scan
414Stern winter throws his [her] [its] icy chainsPage Scan
415Time is winging us awayPage Scan
416While through another rolling yearPage Scan
417And now, my soul another yearPage Scan
418While with ceaseless [careless] course the sunPage Scan
419Time hastens on, ye longing saintsPage Scan
420With songs and honors sounding loudPage Scan
421Eternal God, before thy throne we now with joy appearPage Scan
422Eternal God, incline thine earPage Scan
423Thou Guardian of our youthful daysPage Scan
424Thrice happy is the youthPage Scan
425Light of the world, shine on our soulsPage Scan
426Eternal Spirit, God of truthPage Scan
427While each wretched heathen nationPage Scan
428Westward, in the desert cryingPage Scan
429I lay my sins on JesusPage Scan
430O 'tis good, when, all combiningPage Scan
431Father of mercies, hear, On us look kindly downPage Scan
432Glory to God, our Maker's namePage Scan
433Great God, to Thee our thanks we bringPage Scan
434Almighty God, to thee we raisePage Scan
435O Lord, our Lord, whose wondrous namePage Scan
436The Sabbath is the day of restPage Scan
437When to the house of prayer I goPage Scan
438Sole Sovereign of the earth and skiesPage Scan
439By whom was David taughtPage Scan
440Hark, the song of jubileePage Scan
441Watchman, tell us of the nightPage Scan
442Our heavenly Father bids us askPage Scan
443How shall a young man cleanse his wayPage Scan
444All that is good from God proceedsPage Scan
445Why did Jesus come from heavenPage Scan
446O thou whose condescending earPage Scan
447Lord, while holy angels praise theePage Scan
448Great God, thy word to us is givenPage Scan
449Lord, thou hast heard my humble voicePage Scan
450God of union, God of lovePage Scan
451O Lord, thy perfect word Directs our steps arightPage Scan
452O what a lovely sightPage Scan
453Be ours the bliss in wisdom's way To guide untutored youthPage Scan
454Great God, our feeble efforts ownPage Scan
455On what has now been sownPage Scan
456The prodigal with streaming eyesPage Scan
457While wicked men pretendPage Scan
458My son, know thou the LordPage Scan
459If this life should last for everPage Scan
460How pleasant is the dawnPage Scan
461The sun that lights yon broad blue skyPage Scan
462Young children were to Jesus broughtPage Scan
463Here we suffer grief and pain; Here we meet to part againPage Scan
464We come, we come, with loud acclaimPage Scan
465Come Spirit of the LordPage Scan
466Great God, now condescendPage Scan
467Thou God of love and mercy, hearPage Scan
468Creator! Savior! God! We raise our hearts to theePage Scan
469I bless my Maker's namePage Scan
470Lord of my life, whose word of powerPage Scan
471Savior, while my heart is tender, I would yield that heart to TheePage Scan
472How great, and good, and wisePage Scan
473God is a spirit, great in mightPage Scan
474When parents love the LordPage Scan
475None is like God, who reigns abovePage Scan
476And is the gospel peace and lovePage Scan
477Our Father God who art in heaven, all hallowedPage Scan
478Almighty Father, heavenly KingPage Scan
479Lord, teach a little child to prayPage Scan
480Almighty God, while earth and heavenPage Scan
481Great God, to Thee my voice I raisePage Scan
482The Lord attends when children prayPage Scan
483The morning bright, with rosy lightPage Scan
484I think, when I read that [the] sweet story of oldPage Scan
485Happy the children who betimesPage Scan
486My father, hear the humble prayerPage Scan
487Loving Jesus, gentle LambPage Scan
488Jesus, tender shepherd, hear usPage Scan
489Almighty God, I'm very illPage Scan
490I thank the Lord, who lives on highPage Scan
491Humble praises, holy Jesus, Infant voices raisePage Scan
492Jesus, Savior, Son of God, who for me life's pathway trodPage Scan
493Jesus, see a little childPage Scan
494Can I, a little childPage Scan
495Glory to God on high!Page Scan
496Lord, dismiss us with Thy [your] blessing, Fill ourPage Scan
497Gentle Jesus [Jesu], meek and mild, Look uponPage Scan
498Like mist on the mountainPage Scan
499Come, come, come, come to the Sunday schoolPage Scan
500Have you read the wondrous storyPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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