New Standard Singer, Pt. 1-7

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d201Soldier [Soldiers] of Christ, why thus cast down
d202Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put [gird] your armor
d203Songs of praise the angels sang
d204Soon may [shall] the last glad song arise
d205Souls in heathen darkness lying
d206Sow in the morn thy [the] seed, At eve
d207Sun of my soul [our souls], thou [my] [O] Savior [Father] dear
d208Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer
d209Swiftly pass the seasons round
d210Tell me the old, old story of unseen things above
d211Tell us now, the joys of heaven
d212That awful day will surely come
d213The Bible tells us, God is Light
d214The day is past and gone, the evening shades appear
d215The leaves around decay
d216The light of Sabbath eve is fading
d217The Lord himself, the mighty Lord
d218The Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well supplied
d219The morning light is breaking; the darkness disappears
d220The race that long in darkness pined
d221There is a better world, they say
d222There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d223There is a glorious world above, Where sorrow is unknown
d224There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign
d225There is a little, lonely fold
d226There is a path that leads to God, All others go astray
d227There is a stream whose gentle flow
d228There's not a tint that paints the rose
d229They took my Savior's name in vain
d230This is a precious book indeed
d231Thou great Creator, sovereign Lord
d232Thus far the Lord hath [has] led me on
d233Time is earnest, passing by
d234To thee, O blessed Savior
d235To thy father and thy mother
d236Tossed upon life's raging billow
d237We are on the deep
d238We know there's a bright and glorious home
d239We plough the fertile meadows
d240We plough the fertile meadows
d241We sing of the realms of the blest
d242Weep for the fallen, hang your heads in sorrow
d243Weeping will not save me [you], though my face
d244We're looking unto Jesus
d245We've listed in a [the] holy war
d246What led the Son of God
d247What various hindrances we meet
d248When I can read my title clear
d249When shall the voice of singing flow
d250When this passing world is done
d251When thy mortal life is fled
d252When, where, and how shall I die
d253Where the faded flower shall freshen
d254While life prolongs its precious light
d255While with ceaseless [careless] course the sun
d256Who hath sorrows, who hath woes, Who hath babblings?
d257Why did Jesus come from heaven
d258Why should we covet the joy of a day
d259Work, for the night is coming, work through the morning hours
d260Yes, let our congregations sing
d261Yes, my native land, I love thee
d262Yes, there are little ones in heaven
d263Yes, we trust the day is breaking
d264Young men and maidens, raise
d265Zion [Sion] stands by [with] hills surrounded

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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